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国内外研究《格萨尔》状况概述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
《格萨尔》史诗虽然产生于青藏高原,但是它以独特的魅力,不仅冲出族属的省界,流传于大半个中国,而且早已跨越国境,在许多国家的文苑中竞相开放,为世界人民所喜爱。《格萨尔》研究究竟是从什么时候开始的,经历了怎样的过程?有人说国外对《格萨尔》的研究比国内早,而且成果颇丰,正如敦煌学在中国,而敦煌研究在国外一样。同样,《格萨尔》史诗在中国,而《格萨尔》研究在国外。其实不然,事实上,这部史诗以其“非凡的普及性”引起国外学者注意之前,早就受到了本族学者的热切关注。在国内,研究史诗的历史比国外早近200年,研究成果令人瞩目。  相似文献   
汉藏佛教文化交流自唐朝开始,经宋、元、明、清历朝不断,进入民国达到高潮。大勇法师曾在北京组建留藏学法团,其中的部分成员进藏求法,将大量的藏文佛教典籍翻译成汉文,推动并加强了藏传佛教研究,增进了汉藏僧人的相互了解和汉藏民族文化的交流。  相似文献   
扫盲教育是一项非长期性而又具有实用性、基础性、工具性的系统工程。推进贫困地区、少数民族地区和农村妇女的扫盲将是未来扫盲工作的重中之重;因此,抓准扫盲工作的重中之重,加大妇女扫盲力度是扫盲工作抓出成效的关键。  相似文献   
地名是人们对不同方位、范围的个体地理实体赋予的专有名称,它与人类的生产、生活息息相关.在地名形成过程中各种情感因素的融入,使地名附着或隐含着各种情感色彩.通过分析西藏地名中的情感色彩,可以展现地名文化的多样性,同时地名情感色彩的研究对西藏地名的进一步挖掘整理,以及今后新地名的命名或更名工作也具有重要的现实借鉴意义.  相似文献   
藏传佛教各宗派为了树立本派的正统和权威,对佛教经典从形式到内容给予安排和估价,用来确定本宗为佛的最完满说教.格鲁派基于"缘起自性空"的思想理论,对显密经典和教法进行分别,形成了不同于其他宗派的判教思想.  相似文献   
There are no known instruments to aid law enforcement officers in the assessment of elder abuse (EA), despite officers’ contact with older adults. This study aimed to identify: 1) officers’ perceptions and knowledge of EA, 2) barriers in detecting EA in the field, 3) characteristics officers value in a detection tool, and to explore 4) the potential for officers to use the Elder Abuse Suspicion Index (EASI)©. Data was collected from 69 Connecticut officers who confirmed that barriers to effectively detecting EA included a lack of EA detection instruments, as well as a lack of training on warning signs and risk factors. Officers indicated that the important elements of a desirable tool for helping to detect EA included ease of use, clear instructions, and information on follow-up resources. Approximately 80% of respondents could see themselves using the EASI© in the field, and a modified version has been developed for this purpose.  相似文献   
农村剩余劳动力转移是实现农民增收,促进产业结构调整,建设社会主义新农村的重要途径,但其中也存在着劳动力转移组织化偏低、劳动力素质偏低、盲目转移、工作环境差且权益得不到保障等问题。对此,政府必须了解当地农牧民群众的实际转移情况,紧密结合他们的实际需求并采取相应的对策与措施,才可能使农村剩余劳动力转移取得实实在在的成效。  相似文献   
索朗 《西藏研究》2008,(4):80-85
藏族传统数学是藏族传统文化中兼具深奥理论和实际应用价值的重要部分,其发展历史在中国数学史乃至世界数学史上都颇有特点.文章初步探讨了藏族传统数学的产生、发展、内容及其特点,揭示了藏族传统数学在藏族传统文化和经济发展过程中的重要作用.  相似文献   
We examine the impact of culture on the work behaviour of second‐generation immigrant women in Canada. We contribute to the literature by analysing the role of intermarriage in intergenerational transmission of culture and its effect on labour market outcomes. Using female labour force participation and total fertility rates in the country of ancestry as cultural proxies, we find that culture affects the female labour supply. Cultural proxies are significant in explaining number of hours worked by second‐generation women with immigrant parents. The impact of culture is significantly larger for women with immigrant parents who share the same ethnic background than for those with intermarried parents. The weaker effect of culture for women raised in intermarried families stresses the importance of intermarriage in assimilation process. Our findings imply that government policies targeting women's labour supply may have differential effects on the labour market behaviour of immigrant women of different ancestries.

Policy Implications

  • The result that culture has statistically significant impact on second‐generation immigrant women's labour supply has policy implications in terms of the government programmes and benefits that target the labour supply of women and immigration policies in general.
  • Our findings imply that government policies targeting women's labour supply may have differential influence on the labour market behaviour of second‐generation immigrant women of different ancestries.
This study explores the potential influence of parental attitudes towards education on their children's daily life and their development in Korea. Qualitative methodologies were used; semi-structured in-depth interviews with 34 participants. The findings suggest that the desire of the parents for the educational success of their children is profound and it has a huge impact on their actual behavior towards their children. Although there was a contrast between what parents should want and the underlying preoccupying concern, all of the parents placed great importance on their children's academic achievement as a means to acquire personal advancement, higher social status, and wealth. The children's developmental needs for leisure, pleasure, and sleeping are overlooked. Their psychological and emotional well-being tends to be ignored. Focusing on the best interests of children is going too far for some in Korean society. This study concludes that behind the idea of well-being of children and fulfilling each child's potential must lie fundamental values concerning the needs, interests and welfare of children. This must be put at the heart of our policies and practices.  相似文献   
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