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Weak ties, particularly those to potential employers, play a more important role than strong ties in the immigration of professionals to the United States. I operationalize network strength through the class of admission variable in the Immigration and Naturalization Service's public use data files,Immigrants Admitted to the United States, 1972–1992. I also examine the differential impact of legislative measures on the availability of strong versus weak ties for four groups of professionals: physicians, nurses, engineers and scientists. Not only do weak ties figure heavily on the immigration experiences of professionals, but those impacts affect women differently than men. Professional women rely more heavily on strong ties than on weak ties when compared with males in their respective professions, with the exception of nursing. These findings suggests a need for further study into the migration experiences of professionals as well as more research into how gendered networks develop among immigrant professionals and how those networks influence (either positively or negatively) immigrant adaptation to United States' society.  相似文献   
A rank-based inference is developed for repeated measures balanced incomplete block and randomized complete block designs using a suitable dispersion function. Asymptotic distributions of rank estimators are developed after establishing approximate linearity of the gradient vector of the dispersion function. Unlike available nonparametric procedures for those designs, estimation and testing are tied together. Three different test statistics are developed for testing the linear hypotheses. Friedman's (1937) statistic and Durbin's (1951) statistic are particular cases of one of the three proposed statistics. An estimate of a scale parameter which appears in the ARE expression as well as as in the variences and covariances of the rank estimators is discussed.  相似文献   
Here we consider an m way heterogeneity settingin the presence of two factor interactions among the heterogeneity directions . The set of experimental units considered do not exhaust all possible level combinations of the heterogeneity directions ; but the set is such that all heterogeneity effects assumed i n the model are orthogonally estmable.In such a setting , calleda doubly balanced m-way setting , the C-matrix of the reduced normal equations for the treatment effects is derived . Universally optimal designs are obtained in the cases where the settingis (i) Completely regular or (ii) partly regular of a special type . An interesting observation is that there are situations where the universally optimal designsin the present setting are totally different from the designs known t o be universally optimal when there is no interaction effect among the heterogeneity directions. This indicates that the usual optimality criteria are sensitive to validity or otherwise of the usual assumptions of lack of interactions among heterogeneity directions.  相似文献   

Utopian and dystopian fiction are classifiable under the umbrella term speculative fiction, which speculates with or takes risks with the reality it creates in the fiction. My paper investigates speculative writing which is also utopian by South Asian feminist and activist women, comparing creative texts by Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain, from the first half of the 20th century, and Vandana Singh, from contemporary times. A selection of their published short fiction are focused on, in particular Hossain’s ‘Sultana’s Dream’ (1905) and Padmarag and the short story ‘Delhi’ by Singh. The article pulls together analysis of different kinds of mobility to argue that both writers, in their imagination of mobile utopia, also further creative speculations round human rights, with special reference to gender and the city. The article analyses how South Asian metropolises, notably Calcutta and Delhi, get reimagined in their writing. Both Hossain and Singh were/are educators in real life. How do their educative and speculative voices come together (or not) in their mobile utopia reimagining human rights? My answer is that the speculative reality-bending mode offers an articulation of the educative in a very different key to the conventionally pedagogic.  相似文献   
We extend recent work on Laplace approximations (Tierney and Kadane 1986; Tierney, Kass, and Kadane 1989) from parameter spaces that are subspaces of Rk to those that are on circles, spheres, and cylinders. While such distributions can be mapped onto the real line (for example, a distribution on the circle can be thought of as a function of an angle θ, 0 ? 0 ? 2π), that the end points coincide is not a feature of the real line, and requires special treatment. Laplace approximations on the real line make essential use of the normal integral in both the numerator and the denominator. Here that role is played by the von Mises integral on the circle, by the Bingham integrals on the spheres and hyperspheres, and by the normal-von Mises and normal-Bingham integrals on the cylinders and hypercylinders, respectively. We begin with a brief introduction to Laplace approximations and to previous Bayesian work on circles, spheres, and cylinders. We then develop the theory for parameter spaces that are hypercylinders, since all other shapes considered here are special cases. We compute some examples, which show reasonable accuracy even for small samples.  相似文献   
Many statistical procedures are based on the models which specify the conditions under which the data are generated. Many applications of linear regression, for example, assume that:(i) the observations are independent; (ii) the errors in the observations are identically distributed; (iii) each error has a normal distribution with mean zero and unknown variance σ2> 0. Previous works have examined individual departures from these assumptions. Here we examine composite departures. It is assumed that the error distribution in a linear model is power-exponential and that the observations are generated via a first order autoregressive model with the possibility of spurious observations. The consequences are illustrated via an example.  相似文献   
Gaussian proposal density using moment matching in SMC methods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article we introduce a new Gaussian proposal distribution to be used in conjunction with the sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) method for solving non-linear filtering problems. The proposal, in line with the recent trend, incorporates the current observation. The introduced proposal is characterized by the exact moments obtained from the dynamical system. This is in contrast with recent works where the moments are approximated either numerically or by linearizing the observation model. We show further that the newly introduced proposal performs better than other similar proposal functions which also incorporate both state and observations. This work was supported by a research grant from THALES Nederland BV.  相似文献   
This paper discusses inference regarding the mean direction and the concentration parameters based on data from the von Mises distribution from a Bayesian point of view, when k(k < n/2) of the n observations are spurious, that is, are from a von Mises population with a shifted mean direction. The Bayesian analysis for this spuriosity case provides both detection, identification, and estimation for the mean direction and the concentration parameter when indeed spurious observations are present, possibly giving rise to outliers.  相似文献   
Consider the problem of pointwise estimation of f in a multivariate isotonic regression model Z=f(X1,…,Xd)+ϵ, where Z is the response variable, f is an unknown nonparametric regression function, which is isotonic with respect to each component, and ϵ is the error term. In this article, we investigate the behavior of the least squares estimator of f. We generalize the greatest convex minorant characterization of isotonic regression estimator for the multivariate case and use it to establish the asymptotic distribution of properly normalized version of the estimator. Moreover, we test whether the multivariate isotonic regression function at a fixed point is larger (or smaller) than a specified value or not based on this estimator, and the consistency of the test is established. The practicability of the estimator and the test are shown on simulated and real data as well.  相似文献   
In the present paper, under the assumption of a mixed effects model with random block effects, the type 1 optimality of the most balanced group divisible designs of type 1 has been established within the general class of all proper and connected block designs with k<v.  相似文献   
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