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En raison d'un accord instituant un marché commun nordique du travail, les Finlandais constituent, depuis des décennies, le plus grand groupe d'immigrés en Suède. Pourtant, rares sont les études qui ont spécifiquement tenté de déterminer dans quelle mesure ils sont intégrés au marché du travail. Cet article vise à combler en partie cette lacune en examinant comment les Finlandais ont réussi avant et après la crise économique des années 90. Les niveaux d'emploi et les salaires des immigrés finlandais dans la force de l'âge sont comparés à ceux des Suédois de souche à l'aide d'échantillons représentatifs de la population totale de 1990 et 2001. Nous cherchons à déterminer dans quelle mesure tout écart peut être attribuéà de simples facteurs de base tels que l'âge, le sexe, le niveau d'éducation et la région de résidence. D'après nos constatations, les salaires et niveaux d'emploi des Finlandais de sexe masculin sont environ 10% moins élevés que ceux des Suédois de souche et cet écart tend à devenir plus marqué au fil du temps. Il existe toutefois des variations considérables entre les cohortes d'immigrés, et les différences de niveaux d'éducation ne jouent un rôle significatif qu'en ce qui concerne les écarts de salaire. Les Finlandaises semblent en revanche mieux intégrées, leurs résultats sur le marché du travail étant très semblables à ceux des Suédoises de souche.  相似文献   
We present longitudinal survey data suggesting that the terrorist attacks in the USA on September 11, 2001, changed attitudes toward certain minorities in Sweden. This finding is consistent with results in previous studies. To investigate whether this change in attitudes also affected the labor market situation of these minorities, we study unemployment exit around 9-11 using detailed data on the entire Swedish working-age population. Contrary to what may be expected from many theories of labor market discrimination, the time pattern of exits and entries for different ethnic groups, as well as difference-in-differences analyses, shows no sign of increased discrimination toward these minorities. A possible explanation for this result is that employers act rationally in their hiring decisions and do not respond to changes in attitudes toward immigrants as a group.
Dan-Olof Rooth (Corresponding author)Email:
In Sweden, all parents of children aged 0–18 years are entitled to attend free parenting courses as part of a national strategy presented by the Government in 2009. This broad parental support welfare strategy is expected to fulfil the intentions of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. In this study, two parenting training manuals were analysed: the Canadian Connect program, based on attachment theory, and the Swedish ABC program, based on social learning theory. The results indicate that the manuals use strategies that can both hinder and support children's rights, regardless of rhetoric of children's best interests.  相似文献   
À l'aide de données uniques provenant du programme Marché du travail pour les immigrants, Compétences linguistiques et Réseau social, fondées sur des entretiens avec quatre groupes d'immigrants réfugiés (Éthiopiens /Érythréens, Chiliens, Iraniens et Roumains / Hongrois), l'auteur analyse la mobilité professionnelle en comparant la profession dans le pays d'origine, la première profession en Suède et la mobilité professionnelle au cours des quinze premières années en Suède. D'après cette étude, la mobilité professionnelle suit une courbe en U: pour beaucoup de gens, le premier métier exercé en Suède a un statut inférieur à celui exercé dans le pays d'origine. Cette situation peut s'expliquer par l'absence de transférabilité internationale du capital humain et/ou par la discrimination. Par la suite, le statut professionnel connaît une mobilité ascendante. La courbe en U est plus marquée pour les réfugiés qui jouissaient d'un statut professionnel élevé dans leur pays d'origine. La mobilité ascendante est également plus forte chez les réfugiés qui ont suivi un enseignement supérieur en Suède et chez ceux qui ont appris à parler couramment le suédois.  相似文献   
We provide new evidence on the long-run labor market penalty of teenage overweight and obesity using unique and large-scale data on 150,000 male siblings from the Swedish military enlistment. Our empirical analysis provides four important results. First, we provide the first evidence of a large adult male labor market penalty for being overweight or obese as a teenager. Second, we replicate this result using data from the United States and the United Kingdom. Third, we note a strikingly strong within-family relationship between body size and cognitive skills/noncognitive skills. Fourth, a large part of the estimated body-size penalty reflects lower skill acquisition among overweight and obese teenagers. Taken together, these results reinforce the importance of policy combating early-life obesity in order to reduce healthcare expenditures as well as poverty and inequalities later in life.  相似文献   
We provide new evidence on some of the mechanisms reflected in the intergenerational transmission of human capital. Applying both an adoption and a twin design to rich data from the Swedish military enlistment, we show that greater parental education increases sons’ cognitive and non-cognitive skills, as well as their health. The estimates are in many cases similar across research designs and suggest that a substantial part of the effect of parental education on their young adult children’s human capital works through improving their skills and health.  相似文献   
For modeling complete female fertility we propose a zero-and-two-inflated count data model, which accounts for a relative excess of both zero and two children. As the underlying distribution of counts we use the standard Poisson distribution and the more general Gamma count distribution. We compare our proposed model with standard count data models by using data on complete fertilities for a sample of Swedish women. The preferred specification for Swedish fertility data is the zero-and-two inflated Gamma count data model. The estimated “extra” probabilities of zero and two children, when modelled as individual specific probabilities, vary substantially across individuals, with mean of 0.05 and 0.16, respectively. These extra probabilities show that women who formed a family later in life have a higher probability of being childless, and women of our youngest cohort have a higher probability of forming a two-child family. Received: 7 January 1999/Accepted: 19 May 1999  相似文献   
Health and education are known to be highly correlated, but the mechanisms behind the relationship are not well understood. In particular, there is sparse evidence on whether adolescent health may influence educational attainment. Using a large registry dataset of twins, including comprehensive information on health status at the age of 18 and later educational attainment, we investigate whether health predicts final education within monozygotic (identical) twin pairs. We find no evidence of this and conclude that health in adolescence may not have an influence on the level of schooling. Instead, raw correlations between adolescent health and schooling appear to be driven by genes and twin-pair-specific environmental factors.  相似文献   
Detecting ethnic discrimination in the labour market using individual data is aggravated by individual ethnic‐specific characteristics that are unobserved by the researcher. In an attempt to estimate the effect of skin colour on the probability of being employed (vs, unemployed), the labour market success of foreign‐born adopted individuals is compared with that of natives. Specifically, the unexplained differences in the probability of being employed between natives and adoptees is investigated using Oaxaca‐Blinder decomposition methodology. It is found that adoptees with dissimilar looks to natives fare worse in the labour market, measured as a lower probability of being employed, than natives, and that these differences can be attributed to an unexplained difference rather than a difference in characteristics observed by the researcher. Also, such large differences are not found for adoptees with a similar appearance to natives. Hence, we cannot exclude the possibility that skin colour discrimination exists in the labour market.  相似文献   
This study sheds light on the labour market outcomes of children born to immigrants in the destination country, i.e. second generation immigrants. The study has the advantage of being able to (i) identify several different ethnic backgrounds and (ii) identify the parent composition, i.e. whether one or both parents of the individual are foreign born. The labour market outcomes of second generation immigrants mirror those of first generation immigrants in that we find heterogeneity in labour market outcomes to be associated with ethnic background. Moreover, these outcomes, especially for Southern and non-European backgrounds, are much worse than those for native-born with a Swedish background. Finally, the outcome is more favourable if one parent is born in Sweden compared to having both parents foreign born, especially if the mother is native born.All Correspondence to Dan-Olof Rooth. We are grateful for several helpful comments and suggestions from two anonymous referees. A research grant from the Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research is gratefully acknowledged. Responsible editor: Christoph M. Schmidt.  相似文献   
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