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《杨思温燕山逢故人》故事内容的空间流转频繁,文中超现实空间与现实空间并存,现实空间则涉及多个不同地域空间和众多空间场景,以及特定的空间类型。空间元素在小说中承担了一定的叙事功能,既配合时间叙事,也引导叙事视角的转移,成为小说诗词叙事的载体。题壁诗的公共空间属性在这篇小说中有所消解。其空间书写具有强烈的寓言性,营造了情绪氛围,特定的空间具有特殊的历史象征意味,产生反讽效应,强化了小说主题。   相似文献   
在市场经济中,市场必须在资源配置中发挥基础性或决定性的作用,但政府在市场失灵的地方又必须积极地发挥作用。本文分别从早期市场经济中政府的作用、现代市场经济中政府的作用等五个方面对这一问题进行论述。  相似文献   
A conformance proportion is an important and useful index to assess industrial quality improvement. Statistical confidence limits for a conformance proportion are usually required not only to perform statistical significance tests, but also to provide useful information for determining practical significance. In this article, we propose approaches for constructing statistical confidence limits for a conformance proportion of multiple quality characteristics. Under the assumption that the variables of interest are distributed with a multivariate normal distribution, we develop an approach based on the concept of a fiducial generalized pivotal quantity (FGPQ). Without any distribution assumption on the variables, we apply some confidence interval construction methods for the conformance proportion by treating it as the probability of a success in a binomial distribution. The performance of the proposed methods is evaluated through detailed simulation studies. The results reveal that the simulated coverage probability (cp) for the FGPQ-based method is generally larger than the claimed value. On the other hand, one of the binomial distribution-based methods, that is, the standard method suggested in classical textbooks, appears to have smaller simulated cps than the nominal level. Two alternatives to the standard method are found to maintain their simulated cps sufficiently close to the claimed level, and hence their performances are judged to be satisfactory. In addition, three examples are given to illustrate the application of the proposed methods.  相似文献   
建立健全领导干部党性修养评价机制,是加强党的执政能力建设,建设高素质执政骨干队伍的客观需要。坚定的政治信念、牢固的党纪意识、严谨的自律能力、优秀的道德品质和勤勉的工作作风是评价领导干部党性修养的主要内容。要明确评价领导干部党性修养的指导思想、评价主体和评价原则,要建立健全领导干部党性修养的评价指标体系,不断探索科学的评价领导干部党性修养的方式方法。  相似文献   
中美贸易摩擦是由于中美双方的贸易差额状况及价值观念等差异所引起的贸易问题。随着两国经贸关系的快速发展,贸易摩擦日益加剧,美国曾多次宣称美中贸易逆差导致美国就业形势恶化。文章将理论与实证分析相结合,分析贸易收支对就业的影响机制,并选取1993—2018年美中两国贸易逆差额、美国失业人数、美国国内生产总值、美国劳动生产率的季度数据进行实证研究。结果表明:从长期来看,中美贸易失衡并不是美国失业人数增加的主要原因,美国劳动生产率及国内生产总值对其影响效应更大;从短期来看,美中贸易逆差甚至在一定程度上增加了美国就业机会。因此,将美国就业问题归结于中国对美长期贸易顺差是不合理、不客观的。  相似文献   
末代帝师陈宝琛是"同光体"著名诗人,一生交游广泛,交游对象集中在政坛和文坛,文坛主要交游对象有谢章铤、陈衍、郑孝胥、何振岱、林纾等人.文坛交游对其文学尤其是诗歌创作产生了深刻影响,谢章铤在诗词方面对其有所启蒙,陈衍诗论指导其诗作日渐成熟,与郑孝胥切磋诗艺促使其诗越发精密,具有了一定影响力,最终在光宣诗坛占有一席之地.  相似文献   
This research focuses upon employment in the new economy, exploring labour protection and social protection in the digital age in China. Through an empirical survey conducted in three Chinese cities, social insurance and the labour rights of employees in the digital economic sector, such as gig employment, e-commerce, and various other forms of online employment, have been examined in-depth. This study reveals new regulatory loopholes in the digital labour market, which have substantially eroded the basis of social policy arrangements in China, “softening” participation in social insurance branches and compliance with labour regulations remarkably. Drawing upon the theoretical concepts of Polanyi on embeddedness and disembeddedness, we argue that the digital employment sector in China has been increasingly disembedded from social institutions and social control. The new configuration in the digital field of social policy requires novel conceptual models and institutional settings to cope with increasing social risks in virtual spaces.  相似文献   
中国古代金石文献极其丰富,《石刻史料新编》三辑即著录了《四川金石志》三卷、《安徽金石略》十卷、《歙县金石志》十四卷等书。另外,今人还编有《巴中石窟内容总录》《天柱山山谷流泉石刻》等书。这些书籍包含了许多宋人诗歌,现利用这些文献辑得宋佚诗39首,补充作者26人,又校正了作者及补充字句题序若干。  相似文献   
设计了乙醇发酵与膜透析耦合系统并进行了试验研究.结果表明,该过程可减少产物乙醇对发酵的抑制作用,膜透析系统的乙醇总量比对照组提高20%~80%,基质转化率提高30%~80%.  相似文献   
本文从培养数学观念的角度,就数学教育如何培养人们的科学思维方式和形成良好的思维习惯作一论述。  相似文献   
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