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The objective of this article was to propose an exposure assessment model to describe the relationship between fish consumption and body methyl mercury (MeHg) levels in the Japanese population. Individual MeHg intake was estimated by the summation of species-specific fish consumption multiplied by species-specific fish MeHg levels. The distribution of fish consumed by individuals and the MeHg level in each fish species were assigned based on published data from Japanese government institutions. The probability of MeHg intake for a population was accomplished through a Monte Carlo simulation by the random sampling of fish consumption and species-specific MeHg levels. Internal body MeHg levels in blood and hair were estimated using a one-compartment model. Overall, the mean value of MeHg intake for the Japanese population was estimated to be 6.76 μg/day or 0.14 μg/kg body weight per day (bw/day), while the mean value for the hair mercury level was 2.02 μg/g. Compared with the survey data that tabulated hair mercury levels in a cross-section of the Japanese population, the simulation results matched the hair mercury survey data very well for women, but somewhat underestimated for men and all of the population. This exposure assessment model is a useful attempt at further risk assessment with respect to a risk-benefit analysis.  相似文献   
Food safety and quality assurance systems have emerged as a key mechanism of food governance in recent years and are also popular among alternative agrofood movements, such as the organic and fair trade movements. Rural sociologists have identified many problems with existing systems, including corporate cooptation, the marginalization of small producers, and the depoliticization of consumer consciousness. Tackling these problems requires an epistemological shift. This article argues that the existing systems are based on positivist epistemology and calls for a feminist intervention. To show a concrete example of a feminist departure from the conventional assurance systems, I look at the case of a Japanese women's food cooperative and analyze its unique system, comparing it to its conventional counterpart, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP). Feminist epistemology can change assurance systems from being closed, nondiscriminatory, and technical to being participatory, differentiated, and normative.  相似文献   
蒙古语多方言语音识别及共享识别模型探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过语音输入方式准确识别蒙古语主要方言 ,并为其建立共享识别模型 ,对实现方言间的信息自动交换及语音识别技术的实用化具有实际意义。针对蒙古语多方言的语音特点 ,可以采取独立的或者共享识别模型进行识别。本文介绍的抽出初步模型和建立共享模型的方法 ,简便易行 ,但识别精度有待提高。文中探索了通过借用数据量和质较完备的语言的语音数据提高识别率的可能性。  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between collective rationality and permissible collective choice rules using a unified approach inspired by Bossert and Suzumura (J Econ Theory 138:311–320, 2008). We consider collective choice rules satisfying four axioms: unrestricted domain, strong Pareto, anonymity, and neutrality. A number of new classes of collective choice rules as well as the Pareto and Pareto extension rules are characterized under various concepts of collective rationality: acyclicity, transitivity, quasi-transitivity, semi-transitivity, and the interval order property. Further, new concepts of collective rationality, K-term acyclicity and K-term consistency, are proposed and the corresponding characterizations are provided.  相似文献   
元祐时代的政治形象,长期以来是在排斥新党、否定新法的研究思路中形成的.就对选举制度的论争看来,并未如其他新法那般明确地存在新法党与旧法党之间的对立.甚至,与其他新法如司马光的主张那样被废止不同,元祐诸臣围绕选举制度的“德行”、“经义”、“诗赋”、“法律”等多个方面提出了各自意见,讨论结果却是朝向与司马光理念并不相容的方向.这反映出宋代士大夫阔论“治国平天下”之姿的同时,其作为嗜好古典诗文的文人、读书人的气度.  相似文献   


Decreased fetal movements are associated with adverse perinatal outcomes, including stillbirth. Delayed maternal visits to a health care provider after perceiving decreased fetal movements are frequently observed in stillbirths. Informing pregnant women of the normal range of fetal movement frequency is essential in their earlier visits in order to prevent stillbirth.


To investigate the fetal movement frequency in late pregnancy and the effects of associated perinatal factors.


This prospective multicenter study was conducted in 20 obstetric facilities in our region of Japan. A total of 2337 pregnant women were asked to record the time it took to perceive 10 fetal movements by the modified ‘count to 10’ method every day from 34 weeks of gestation until delivery.


The 90th percentile of the time for the maternal perception of 10 fetal movements was 18–29 min, with a gradually increasing trend toward the end of pregnancy. The numbers of both pregnant women giving birth after 39 weeks’ gestation and infants with a birth weight exceeding 3000 g were significantly higher in mothers who took ≥30 min to count 10 fetal movements than in those who took <30 min.


The maternal perception time of fetal movements shows a gradually increasing trend within 30 min for 10 fetal movements by the modified ‘count to 10’ method. Informing pregnant women of the normal range of the fetal movement count time will help improve the maternal recognition of decreased fetal movements, which might prevent fetal death in late pregnancy.  相似文献   


Fetal movement is the most common method to evaluate fetal well-being. Furthermore, maternal perception of decreased fetal movements is associated with perinatal demise. Previously, we showed that perception of decreased fetal movements was the most common reason for mothers visiting the outpatient department among those who had stillbirths in our region. Further investigation of stillbirths with decreased fetal movements is essential to find a possible way of preventing stillbirth.


To investigate maternal reaction time after their perceiving decreased fetal movements among stillbirths in our region of Japan.


This is a population-based study of stillbirths in Shiga Prefecture, Japan conducted from 2007 to 2011. We sent a questionnaire to each obstetrician who had submitted the stillbirth certificate. We reviewed and evaluated the questionnaires returned from the obstetricians.


There were 66 cases (35%) with decreased fetal movements among 188 stillbirths in Shiga during the study period. The number of maternal visits to outpatient department after perception of decreased fetal movements within 24 h was only seven (11%) among 64 stillbirths diagnosed at outpatient department.


We conclude that delayed maternal visit after perceiving decreased fetal movements is frequently observed in stillbirths. Promoting more thorough maternal education on fetal movements, including emphasizing earlier visitation after perceiving decreased fetal movements, may prevent stillbirths.  相似文献   
信夫清三郎认为中国在亚洲创建了特殊的国际秩序,以内"华"外"夷"的朝贡制度或宗藩体系构筑了"中国的世界秩序";17世纪后半叶的山鹿素行开始脱离中国中心主义转向日本中心主义,"华夷"观念获得日本中心主义的理论重构,然后18世纪兴起的是"国学"与"兰学".友枝龙太郎认为17世纪的徂徕学派之所以不尊孟子主要是由于孟子的汤武放伐论破坏了君臣关系的伦常秩序,这反映了日本尊君的政治结构及生活传统;在斥孟这一点上徂徕学派与司马光、李觏等近似,而先于徂徕的伊藤仁斋则比较接近於朱子.伊藤仁斋及其子孙的古义堂家学是日本罕有的学问世家,贝塚茂树根据仁斋所读书、所藏书的历史情况,考证认为仁斋年轻时未读到<朱子语类>而只读了节选性质的语录且所读程子书甚於朱子书,故程子兄弟於仁斋的学风影响要大於朱子.18世纪的太宰春台认为贝原损轩由信奉程朱到晚年质疑程朱,这是损轩的巨大进步与转折,但损轩只怀疑程朱学不合圣学但未知程朱学正是通过孟子之变异而发展过来;春台敬佩损轩的学识但他认为他自己排程朱、复孔学的努力是损轩所不可及的.  相似文献   
Voluntary food certification systems have emerged as a prominent mechanism of food governance in recent years. However, critics have exposed certifications’ inability to secure independence, quality, consumer trust, and costs. Recent criticism is even more pointed in that some theorists have critiqued “alternative” systems such as Fair Trade as neoliberal window-dressing. What is curious about this emerging literature is how little has been said about the role of citizens. Although most of the certification literature has assumed that food certification resides in the exclusive realm of “experts” and that technical sophistication is equated with improvement, I argue that democratization is possible and desirable. This paper draws on a case study of a Japanese consumer cooperative which has conducted a laywomen's food certification system for past ten years. By proposing at least two parameters of evaluation of food certification—redistributive effect and the degree of democratization, the paper expands the imaginary of “politics of the possible” in food governance while acknowledging tension of gendered participation.  相似文献   
日本企业的董事会改革   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
董事会是股份公司治理结构的核心部分。本文通过对日本企业董事会现状的分析,揭示出相对于欧美企业,日本的董事会具有人数多、内部董事比例高且同质化、决策职能、执行职能和监督职能没有分开等特点,其结果是董事会在公司治理中事实上已蜕变成仅是应商法要求而存在的机构。为改变这种状况,日本现正从修改商法入手对董事会进行变革。  相似文献   
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