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The CASMIN project and the American dream   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present an explicit characterization of the joint dependency structure of an n×p matrix normal random matrix such that the p-dimensional sample mean vector is independent of all translation invariant statistics.  相似文献   
This article investigates patterns in audience reception of16 news stories that received prominent media coverage in thesummer and fall of 1989. Using a national sample of Americanadults, it compares education, self-reported rates of mediause, interpersonal communication, and prior levels of generalpolitical knowledge as predictors of individual differencesin recall of current news events. Results indicate that respondents'background level of political knowledge is the strongest andmost consistent predictor of current news story recall acrossa wide range of topics, suggesting that there is indeed a generalaudience for news and that this audience is quite sharply stratifiedby preexisting levels of background knowledge. Thus, in surveyresearch applications that require estimates of individual differencesin the reception of potentially influential political communications,a measure of general prior knowledge—not a measure ofnews media use—is likely to be the most effective indicator.The article further concludes that the tendency of individualsto acquire news and information on a domain- or topic-specificbasis fails to undermine the value of political knowledge asa general measure of propensity for news recall.  相似文献   
The paper introduces a methodology for measuring accuratelythe time it takes respondents to answer questions in computer-assistedtelephone surveys. The methodology, which is completely invisibleto respondents, comprises a computer "clock," capable of timingresponses with millisecond accuracy, and a "voice-key" thatconverts sounds emitted by respondents into signals capableof triggering the computer clock. Response times to questionson a range of attitude questions, including stable and unstableattitudes, were measured. The results revealed orderly normsin the latencies associated with various types of survey questions.The latencies associated with the expression of stable and unstableattitudes are discussed in the context of the notion of "nonattitudes"and shed new light on this controversial thesis. Overall, ourresults demonstrate that response latencies can be measuredprecisely and reliably in telephone surveys and that the datafrom such measurement open new windows on the cognitive dynamicsof survey responses.  相似文献   
In 1992 a record 14 women sought statewide office by running"as women" and as representatives of women. In this articlewe examine whether their appeals led to widespread vot ing onthe basis of gender identity. We find evidence that the sexof the voter is significantly related to voting for female candidatesin eight of 13 states, and among partisans of both parties aswell as Independents. Further, we find that these effects areamplified by Democratic female candidates who are rated as mostfeminist, and that this is especially the case for those withno partisan attachments.  相似文献   
The Consequences of Validated and Self-Reported Voting Measures   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper reports on the results of validation of the self-reportedregistration status and voting behavior of respondents in the1976 and 1978 American National Election Studies. The resultsindicate about one in seven of the respondents misreported theirregistration status or voting behavior. Comparative analysesare conducted using simple regression models to see if differencesin their explanatory power arise using validated and self-reporteddependent variables. The results show that there are no majorchanges in the fundamental nature of basic relationships thathave been observed since the first surveys were conducted. Analysisof the effects of overreported participation on estimates ofthe partisan division of the vote in three sets of subnationalcontests reveals a likely "bandwagan" effect. . Portions of the data utilized in this article were made availableby the Inter-university Consortium for Political and SocialResearch. The data for the 1976 and 1978 American National ElectionStudies were originally collected by the Center for PoliticalStudies of the Institute for Social Research. The Universityof Michigan, under a grant from the National Science Foundation.Neither the original collectors of the data nor the Consortiumbear any responsibility for the analyses or interpretationspresented here. The comments of an anonymous reviewer, whichresulted in a fruitful extension of the analysis, are gratefullyacknowledged.  相似文献   
An important issue in planning capacity expansion under uncertain demand is the effect of lead time on the timing of plant construction. Our model helps decide whether (1) plant construction is initiated after a certain deficit is accumulated, or (2) plant construction is initiated ahead of demand when a certain capacity surplus is reached. In addition to our analytical results, we present computational results to show that it is economically attractive to delay plant construction beyond the time when existing excess capacity becomes fully absorbed, with relatively short construction lead time.  相似文献   
This study uses hazard function estimations and time‐series and cross‐sectional growth regressions to examine the impact of exit through merger and acquisition (M&A) or failure, and internally generated growth, on the firm‐size distribution within the U.S. credit union sector. Consolidation through M&A was the principal cause of a reduction in the number of credit unions, but impact on concentration was small. Divergence between the average internally generated growth of smaller and larger credit unions was the principal driver of the rise in concentration. (JEL G21)  相似文献   
This paper investigates the relationship between the technology for evaluating performance and optimal contract choice. Specifically, the paper examines the different compensation packages that arise when occupations differ in evaluation technology, workers are risk averse, work effort is endogenous, and there exists asymmetric information. In occupations in which it is less difficult to measure output, it is shown that compensation is more closely tied to output; the implications for work effort, the sorting of workers by ability, and average compensation are developed. Analysis of a new data set confirms our predictions concerning earning differentials and wage growth.
The powerful 1.6 million-member National Education Association and other teacher organizations have traditionally fought the notion of rewarding better teachers with more money, arguing that there is no objective way to measure a teacher's competence and that it would lead to favoritism, and bad morale [ Time , June 20, 1983].  相似文献   
Correspondence to John Pratt, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zeland. Summary This paper examines and challenges the view that intermediatetreatment for young offenders in England and Wales has alwaysbeen intended as an alternative to custody provision. It arguesthat its origin and subsequent development have to be understoodwithin what was the prevailing welfare discourse at the timeof the 1969 Children and Young Persons Act. It traces some ofthe processes involved in the change that has since taken place,characterized by a move from ‘welfare’ to ‘justice’talk, and suggests that it was only then that the conceptualspace for intermediate treatment to operate as an alternativeto custody was established. Finally, it examines some of thecritical issues raised by these changes in policy and discourse.  相似文献   
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