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解放思想,实事求是是邓小平理论的精髓.坚持解放思想、实事求是,必须端正学风,必须有高度负责精神,必须坚持"三个有利于"标准,必须坚持民主法制建设,必须在求实创新上下功夫.  相似文献   
湖北咨议局是试图推行资产阶级君主立宪政体下的一个省级地方议会的预备机构,却在资产阶级宪政请愿运动中一再受挫,由绝望毅然转向革命,在武昌首义中推波助澜.湖北咨议局立场的转变对于武昌首义成果的巩固与扩大乃至对于辛亥革命在全国的深入发展起到了非常重要的组织和促进作用.  相似文献   
Social status and social capital frameworks are used to derive competing hypotheses about the emergence and structure of advice relations in organizations. Although both approaches build on a social exchange framework, they differ in their behavioral micro-foundations. From a status perspective, advice giving is a means to generate prestige, whereas asking advice decreases one's relative standing. At a structural level these motivations are expected to result in an overrepresentation of non-reciprocal dyads and non-cyclical triadic structures in the advice network, as well as in active advice seekers being unlikely to be approached for advice, especially by active advice givers. From a social capital perspective, advice seeking creates obligations for the advice seeker. At the structural level, this results in an overrepresentation of reciprocal dyads and cyclical triads, and active advice seekers to be unpopular as targets of advice seeking, especially for active advice givers. Analyses of four waves of a longitudinal sociometric study of 57 employees of a Dutch Housing Corporation provide partial support for both approaches. In line with the social capital perspective, we find reciprocal advice relations to be overrepresented at the dyad level. Results at the triad level support the social status arguments, according to which high status individuals will avoid asking advice from low status individuals. The implications for macro-structural properties of intra-organizational advice network are discussed.  相似文献   
The issue of the influence of norms on behavior is as old as sociology itself. This paper explores the effect of normative homophily (i.e. “sharing the same normative choices”) on the evolution of the advice network among lay judges in a courthouse. 0020 and 0025 social exchange theory suggests that members select advisors based on the status of the advisor. Additional research shows that members of an organization use similarities with others in ascribed, achieved or inherited characteristics, as well as other kinds of ties, to mitigate the potentially negative effects of this strong status rule. We elaborate and test these theories using data on advisor choice in the Commercial Court of Paris. We use a jurisprudential case about unfair competition (material and “moral” damages), a case that we submitted to all the judges of this court, to test the effect of normative homophily on the selection of advisors, controlling for status effects. Normative homophily is measured by the extent to which two judges are equally “punitive” in awarding damages to plaintiffs. Statistical analyses combine longitudinal advice network data collected among the judges with their normative dispositions. Contrary to what could be expected from conventional sociological theories, we find no pure effect of normative homophily on the choice of advisors. In this case, therefore, sharing the same norms and values does not have, by itself, a mitigating effect and does not contribute to the evolution of the network. We argue that status effects, conformity and alignments on positions of opinion leaders in controversies still provide the best insights into the relationship between norms, structure and behavior.  相似文献   
浅析高校大学生兼职现象   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
随着我国高等教育的进一步深入,特别是高校扩招政策的实施,大学生就业形势日益严峻。当前各大高校都出现了一个类似的现象,大批刚刚进入校门的学子第一件事就是找一份好的兼职工作,他们以各种不同形式的兼职来磨练自己的意志力和勇气。在锻炼自己的同时,又很好地为家庭分忧解难。  相似文献   
从易心莹的求学经历看,儒学构成了其知识结构非常重要的一部分,故他才会采用<三字经>的形式来宣传道教知识.可以说,<道教三字经>是易心莹援儒人道的具体表现,易心莹虽身为道士,但其内心"笃守儒师与道家学理"却是一个不能忽略的事实.  相似文献   
形式主义是一种形而上学的思想观点和方法,是与我们党的全心全意为人民服务的宗旨和实事求是的思想路线相背离的。形式主义的产生有其思想根源和深刻的历史文化背景,也与我国政治体制不完善有关。反对形式主义需要标本兼治:一靠教育,二靠制度。教育是基础,制度是保证。  相似文献   
曹隽平的《抱朴求真》共四册,内容涉及书法作品、书法理论、艺术批评、收藏考据和采访交游等。其书法艺术作品华美而不乏骨力,流丽而不落甜俗,森严法度中呈现高雅,流畅秀逸中蕴含静气,表现了一种宁静、恬淡、细致、平和的静态之美。其书法理论宏观叙事与微观论证相结合,点面照应处理史料,让读者既能全面把握中国书法发展传承的宏观概貌,又能深入体察不同书家在书法史上的独特贡献。  相似文献   
为了回应哲学中的科学主义思潮,张东荪对"哲学究竟是什么"这一问题进行了追问。从哲学发展的历史来看,哲学是唯真是求的精神;从对哲学是否有独具的方法之追问中可知,与其说哲学有自己的独特方法,不如说哲学是一种态度,即彻底怀疑的态度、批判的态度、求整全求会通的态度;从哲学与文化的关系来说,哲学是文化之核心与本质的部分,它可为人们提供安身立命之本。张东荪对哲学特性的自觉,是为了申辩哲学的生存权利、寻求哲学的发展之路,这不仅在当时,而且在现在仍有其重要意义。  相似文献   
杭斌  修磊 《统计研究》2015,32(12):54-61
本文基于CFPS微观跟踪调查数据,从地位寻求角度分析了住房攀比行为对城镇家庭消费的影响。结果表明:①家庭对自身社会地位等级的主观评价与住房面积、消费水平、户主学历等因素呈显著的正相关关系;②住房面积攀比对城镇家庭消费有明显的抑制作用;③社会地位高的家庭的消费行为对其它家庭的示范效应显著,即中国城镇家庭存在向上攀比的地位寻求动机。  相似文献   
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