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I ask whether the highly confrontational collective bargaining in the airlines is unique to that industry or a sign of a deepening crisis in union–management relations nationally. First, airline labor relations are reviewed in the context of extremely contentious negotiations, intense industry competition, complex and fragmented bargaining structures, frequent bankruptcies, and unpredictable external shocks. Next, concessionary bargaining in the airlines is discussed, and a new and extreme form of concessionary bargaining is identified. The emergence of the new concessionary bargaining in the airlines and its spread to the automobile sector is then interpreted as the early signs of a fundamental transformation of collective bargaining. The implications of the new concessionary bargaining are then described at the workplace, company, union, and societal levels.
Gary ChaisonEmail:
马航MH17航班被击落事件是人间悲剧,震惊世界,深受谴责。航空运输必须大力发展,保障空中航行安全是首要任务。航空器运行必须统一技术标准,空中交通必须统一规则,服从统一的空中交通管制。保障空中航行安全法规已成一定体系,保障空中航行安全技术措施成效显著,但应总结经验教训,进一步完善。国际社会是主权国家组成的社会。在国际航空关系中,主权国家发挥着重要作用。国际关系“法治化”已是大势所趋。应加强国际法治,凡违反强制性法律规范的不法行为,应承担国家责任,以杜绝民航飞机被击落悲剧的再次发生,切实保障空中航行安全。  相似文献   
2014年7月17日,马来西亚航空公司的一架客机在飞越乌克兰东部交战区域时被导弹击中坠毁,机组人员与乘客全部遇难。基于相关事实,认为根据现有国际条约,故意击落他国民航客机属于严重危害民用航空安全的犯罪行为,且违反了1949年《关于战时保护平民之日内瓦公约》的规定,构成了《国际刑事法院规约》中的“战争罪”。限于种种因素,国际刑事法院和国际法院很难对涉事的国家和个人实施管辖,但犯罪发生地国、航空器登记地国、罪犯藏匿地国乃至受害者国籍国等都可依普遍管辖权或其国内法的规定对本案实施管辖并对罪犯定罪量刑。  相似文献   
作为灾难报道的马航失联报道,因现场缺席、多元报道形态、综合性等特征,成为中国政治传播的绝佳案例。本文以“马航事件”为例,分析了政治传播的国内外经验,提出其提升的四个基点:人本主义、有效性原则、新闻机制改革和政治修辞。  相似文献   

From the earliest days women have had active roles in the commercial aviation industry. Yet most airlines' employment practices have led to narrow definitions of what constituted women's work. This study, as a part of a broader study on employment practices and the gendering of organizational culture, mirrors a similar study of British Airways by Mills (1994) and takes a rules approach, within a sensemaking framework (Helms Mills and Mills, 2000), to analyze the data. In this case, the first three 'junctures' in the history of Air Canada/TCA will be explored to show how women's work was understood and how women were represented during each of these periods. The use of corporate documents will support the notion that women were mostly thought of and portrayed as idealised, sexualised objects, which were considered dispensable. This narrow definition of women's roles has not only diminished the opportunities for career advancement but it has also minimized the importance of the work women in the airline industry have done.  相似文献   
与国际航空安保公约和其他国家法律规定相比,我国空中警察制度存在多种航空安保主体权力冲突、法律法规欠缺、法律性质模糊以及权力和职责不清等问题。"马航事件"的发生突显了确立并完善空中警察法律地位的重要性和必要性。为了我国民航事业的健康有序发展,应当充分协调好各航空安保主体间的权力,健全相应的法律法规体系,明确空中警察的法律性质及其权力和职责,从而完善我国空中警察的法律地位。  相似文献   
In today's world economy, which is marked by intensified international trade, air cargo acts as a key facilitator. However, cargo airlines continue to struggle to be profitable because of very high asset costs and substantial demand uncertainty. To improve upon this situation, we propose an options contract. Our model captures the main features of cargo trade between an airline and a freight forwarder and allows us to derive an optimal reservation policy. We then go on to analyze the impact of overbooking on the profit of the cargo capacity provider. The model is subsequently applied to real‐life booking data provided by a major cargo carrier. This enables us to compare current contractual arrangements with the ones proven optimal in the model. A numerical study provides insights about the impact of overbooking on contract parameters and profitability. Managerial insights to be drawn conclude this study.  相似文献   
In recent years the European airline industry has undergone critical restructuring. It has evolved from a highly regulated market predominantly operated by national airlines to a dynamic, liberalized industry where airline firms compete freely on prices, routes, and frequencies. Although several studies have analyzed performance issues for European airlines using a variety of efficiency measurement methods, virtually none of them has considered two-stage alternatives – not only in this particular European context but in the airline industry in general. We extend the aims of previous contributions by considering a network Data Envelopment Analysis (network DEA) approach which comprises two sub-technologies that can share part of the inputs. Results show that, in general, most of the inefficiencies are generated in the first stage of the analysis. However, when considering different types of carriers several differences emerge – most of the low-cost carriers’ inefficiencies are confined to the first stage. Results also show a dynamic component, since performance differed across types of airlines during the decade 2000–2010.  相似文献   
国际民航安全法律--基于马航MH370事件和MH17事件的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马来西亚航空公司MH370事件和MH17事件的发生,暴露出了国际航空安全法律机制存在两大缺陷或漏洞:一是在航空器运行信息的提供和分享上,缺乏强有力的法律保障;二是在武装冲突地区安全风险的防范上,没有建立起安全风险评估制度与预警机制。基于国际条约达成的漫长性、条约内容的原则性、执行上的非强制性等原因,试图通过国际法来弥补或完善这两方面的缺陷,不具有可行性。因此,完善航空适航法律制度,明确航空器制造商、发动机制造商和航空器运营人各自提供航空器运营信息的责任、义务、范围,通过国内法建立起安全风险评估制度与预警机制,将有助于保障国际航空安全,避免类似事故的再次发生。  相似文献   
新型网络时代,信息传递出现了多元化、广泛化、互动化等特点。以网络为代表的新媒体的出现,带给人们极大的表达言论自由。新媒体是公共危机的一把双刃剑,既能消弭公共危机,也能引发公共危机。当下中国公共危机频发,凸显出危机中媒体的深刻影响以及媒体管理中存在的问题。马航失联事件是一起典型并具有国际性的公共事件,招致了全球媒体高度关注,而从马航失联到失踪的媒体信息报导,却模糊了人们的客观判断。马航事件中我国媒体的表现,启示政府对媒体沟通与管理策略的反思。  相似文献   
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