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在西方话语中占优势地位的自然主义知识论的主题乃是在很大程度上独立于理解主体的外部世界(或客观实在)。中国传统知识论可以被称作关系知识论,因为它们关涉的主题是关系。这不但适用于否定实体观念的整体主义知识论,而且还适用于许多倡导在理解主体与理解客体间作出严格区分的现代理论。在这一方面,对中西传统知识理论作一比较分析也许不失为一种解决关于人类理解的性质与对实在的认知的某些基本问题的有益方法。  相似文献   
直觉的辩证法--中国哲学思维的特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
直觉的辩证法是中国传统哲学的一大特征,它不像西洋哲学的逻辑辩证法那样追求严格推理,以证明概念的逻辑关系,而是追求一种精神境界,如儒家的"天人合一"、道家的"独与天地精神往来"、佛学的"般若智",都是要人超越有限的生命以达到无限的精神境界.宋明理学的儒、道、佛三教合一的心性修养和"仁者与天地万物一体"的精神,现代新儒家的直觉为体、理智为用都体现着一种重视宇宙人生的自觉精神.  相似文献   
"澄怀味象"是宗炳在《画山水序》中提出的一个重要的艺术学、美学命题。"澄怀"是对老子"涤除"、庄子"心斋"与"坐忘"的审美心胸理论的继承,其涵义体现了宗炳对艺术直觉特征的确定;"味象"的涵义则体现出宗炳艺术直觉思想的本体论,从而揭示宗炳的艺术直觉思想在中国古代艺术直觉思想史上的地位。  相似文献   
傅有德 《文史哲》2003,11(2):109-114
犹太哲学既不同于西方的理性主义哲学 ,也不同于中国古代的直觉主义哲学。它代表了一种新型的思维方式 ,是一条介于东方哲学与西方哲学之间的“亦东亦西”的思想之路。犹太哲学不仅在形式上利用西方哲学的理性主义思维方式来解释自己的传统 ,而且做到了在内容上与西方哲学的融合与统一。犹太哲学对中国哲学的意义在于 ,它认定了中国现代哲学发展的方向 ,表明中西哲学会通的道路是可行的 ;中国现代哲学没有做到在形式和内容两个方面与西方哲学的真正融合 ,犹太哲学为未来提供了一个可供参考的范例 ;作为一种宗教哲学 ,犹太哲学提醒未来的中国哲学应关注宗教信仰因素。  相似文献   
柏格森,20世纪西方最伟大的哲学家之一。他开创了生命哲学的先河,从此,生命冲动的激流在整个欧洲漫延开来。他独特的智慧和思想以法国浪漫主义的艺术文风表现出来,使人充分领略到法国浪漫主义的情怀。就其实质来看,柏格森生命冲动哲学的最终结论遵循的是自然辩证法的基本发展规律。  相似文献   
J.-C. Spender’s award-winning, knowledge-based theory of the firm is based on four premises: (1) The firm can be sufficiently understood as a system of knowledge, (2) explicit and implicit knowing can be clearly dissociated, (3) organizations are conceived as cognizing entities, and (4) intuition shaped by shared cultural practices is a superior source of managerial knowledge. This line of reasoning represents a social constructionist view of the enactment, transfer, and storage of knowledge according to which managerial knowledge is largely tacitly shaped by industry recipes and the firm’s socio-cultural conventions and other social processes. Although comprehensive in scope, we argue that a knowledge-based theory of the firm needs to integrate a cognitivist approach that includes the synergetic production of tacit and explicit knowledge, the role of reflective thinking in resolving strategic uncertainties, and the interaction between the individual and the social. This socio-cognitive theory of the firm posits that sustained competitive advantage of a firm is founded on the ability to align knowledge internally within the firm as well as externally with its stakeholders through the individual sense-making of feedback from other individuals.  相似文献   
“智性直观”是康德哲学的一个重要概念,却始终无形地贯通于中国传统哲学的精神之中。“智性直观”不应局限于哲学的考察,哲学之外也存在着“智性直观”。文章从人类艺术与心理的视角对“智性直观”概念做出新的解读。  相似文献   
This paper carries out an interdisciplinary literature review to develop an updated framework that integrates all aspects of decision-making. It proposes a framework that combines the evolutionary perspective with the complexity theory to integrate the ontological communalities between the examined disciplines (operational research, psychology and management). Decision-making is regarded as a systemic, multi-tiered information-based process, founded on the interaction of the decision-maker with the environment in a sort of learning path which co-evolves through variation–selection–retention mechanisms nourished by environmental feedback.Such a complex-coevolutionary perspective provides valuable insights concerning some as-yet-unexplored aspects of decision-making, such as inter- and intra-individual differences in decision-making, as well as the interaction of ‘rational’ and ‘intuitive’ processes or some contradictory evidence (regarding ‘fractionated expertise’ and ‘escalation of commitment’).Practical implications on management education are highlighted, as well as methodological limitations and needs for further studies. The journey is not yet over and probably never will be, but, from an evolutionary perspective, it is the journey, not the arrival, that matters.  相似文献   
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