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吴郡陆氏自东汉以后 ,历六朝之世 ,数百年间始终居于江东土著世族社会之显赫地位 ,这与其家族文化有关。陆氏之家风尚忠义、追求事功 ,在文化上以儒学为根本 ,兼容并包 ,尤重文学、才艺 ,从而使其代有才人、兴旺发达。  相似文献   
六朝时期,由于儒学传播及家族延续的需要,家训大量涌现,形成了我国古代家训发展史上的第一个高峰。六朝家训具有和族睦宗、修身砺行、敦诫勉学、传教为官、处世之道等文化内涵。它既是先秦两汉家训的终结,又是隋唐家训的起点,具有承先启后、继往开来的重要意义。在今天,如果我们去其糟粕,取其精华,六朝家训的很多内容对我们今天的教育依然有一定的借鉴价值。  相似文献   
论儒家文化对东北婚俗的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
几千年来,我国东北地区少数民族不断地兴衰更替,在中原占统治地位的儒家文化却不断向东北地区传播与渗透。儒家文化在东北地区却不断地为历代统治者所接纳,从而对东北的民俗不断地产生影响。就婚俗而言,从汉代《仪礼.士昏礼》的“六礼”传入东北,至晚清时期仍然保持着“六礼”形态,这是儒家礼仪文化自汉代以来在东北地区不断传播的结果。我们看到儒家文化生命力的同时,也看到在儒家文化影响下东北婚姻民俗所呈现的多彩的形态。  相似文献   
南宋心学创始人陆九渊对传统经学采取尊重与怀疑的辩证态度,这是由他立学的宗旨和问学的态度决定的。他主张自立、自得、独立思考、大胆疑问,也因此形成了“六经注我,我注六经”的精神,创立了心学一系。象山经学可说是传统经学的心学化。其心学开一代学风,对推动中国学术的向前发展具有重要意义和价值。  相似文献   
最近二十年,中国内地学者对六朝文学的关心主要集中在南朝。这是因为受文学观念和意识形态的影响,很长一段时间里,学界对南朝文学的评价过低,导致对它的研究不足。六朝文学研究的近况,从新近出版的三部新整理的古籍可见一斑,它们是《金楼子校笺》《玉台新咏汇校》《文镜秘府论汇校汇考》。它们都算是南朝文学研究的基本文献,其整理一方面仰赖于相关的研究积累,另一方面也必然会推动相关研究领域的深化,因此有着一定的代表性。  相似文献   
In this article, Six Sigma zone control charts (SSZCCs) are proposed for world class organizations. The transition probabilities are obtained using the Markov chain approach. The Average Run Length (ARL) values are then presented. The ARL performance of the proposed SSZCCs and the standard Six Sigma control chart (SSCC) without zones or run rules is studied. The ARL performance of these charts is then compared with those of the other standard zone control charts (ZCCs), the modified ZCC and the traditional Shewhart control chart (SCC) with common run rules. As expected, it is shown that the proposed SSZCC outperforms the standard SSCC without zones or run rules for process shifts of any magnitude. When compared to the other standard ZCCs and the Shewhart chart with common run rules, it is observed that the proposed SSZCCs have much higher false alarm rates for smaller shifts and hence they prevent unwanted process disturbances. The application of the proposed SSZCC is illustrated using a real time example.  相似文献   
魏晋南北朝史发展要义二题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏晋南北朝约400年,为分裂割据时期,战乱促使人们思维活跃,无论政治、军事、经济、文化皆出现了承上启下的新内涵。而其要义则为政治上的儒法结合和三省六部制,军事上的府兵制,经济上的均田制,文化上的永明新体诗和骈文的出现,所有这些对后世历史发展具有深远影响。  相似文献   
酆都在魏晋南北朝时期的道经中,是济世度人之阴间天宫所在。魏晋南北朝时期道教注重神学理论的创建,道教已初步建构起系统的酆都地狱理论。在道教斋醮科仪法术中,酆都有着济生度死的多重功能,历史上酆都道教的长期传承,致使酆都地府惩罚形成民间信仰习俗。通过史籍道经中酆都文化内涵的解读,道教史上酆都平都山道教历史的重构,可知酆都神学理论是道教文化的重要内容。  相似文献   
This study proposes and follows a specific and systematic framework for implementing Lean Six Sigma (LSS) methodology in a telecom company in order to improve customer satisfaction by minimizing the company’s response time to customer requirements. The goal of this study was achieved by utilizing several LSS tools under five phases of the DMAIC methodology. Unlike previous studies in the telecom sector that used only qualitative method, in this study, both qualitative and quantitative methods were utilized to draw meaningful conclusions. As a result of the implementation of the LSS methodology, the average order fulfilment lead time for sales orders (SO) and value-added service (VAS) orders was reduced from 10.3 to 5.9 days and from 1.5 to 0.5 days, respectively. The reduction in lead time resulted in an increase in the sigma level for SO and VAS orders from 0.44 to 1.26 and from 0.73 to 2.66, respectively. These improvements were expected to lead to a financial benefit in savings of over $600,000 per year in operational costs, enhancements to customer experience and an increase in revenue generating opportunities. Moreover, this article enriches the existing literature on the application of LSS concept in the service industry, and helps the company to speed up the response to customer requirements.  相似文献   
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