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Studies examining the relationship between globalisation and the welfare state tend to focus on the effects of economic dimensions of globalisation, the extent to which a country is part of the world market. Globalisation also has social and political dimensions and the effects of these on welfare states – in terms of social security transfers and generosity – are studied in this article. Data from the KOF Index of Globalisation , the OECD Historical Statistics and the Comparative Welfare Entitlements Dataset are used to analyse the effects of social and political openness on the welfare states of 18 countries of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development between 1970 and 2000. The analyses show that social security transfers and generosity have increased less in countries with the highest increase in social openness and that the welfare state is not affected by political openness.  相似文献   
在由一个生鲜电商和社区零售店组成的生鲜O2O供应链中,生鲜电商可选择批发模式或佣金模式与社区零售店进行合作。本文考虑价格、保鲜投入水平和增值服务水平影响生鲜农产品需求,分别构建批发模式与佣金模式下的供应链博弈模型,分析了不同模式下新鲜度敏感系数对供应链最优决策的影响,探究了生鲜电商的最优合作模式选择问题。针对生鲜电商和零售店可实现合作模式改善的情形,设计了转移支付契约,分析了合作模式改善对定价、服务和保鲜策略的影响。研究表明,当佣金率低于(高于)1/2时,若保鲜效率较低,生鲜电商选择佣金(批发)模式,若保鲜效率较高,生鲜电商选择批发(佣金)模式。当保鲜效率很低且服务效率相对较高时,零售店总是更偏好佣金模式,但其要求的佣金率不宜过高,否则生鲜电商会选择对其次优的批发模式。当保鲜效率和服务效率都较低时,合作模式的改善不仅能实现供应链成员利润改善,还可以使消费者以低价买到优质的生鲜农产品,增加消费者剩余。  相似文献   
当下文学原理文本存在的主要问题是:身份的丢失,体态的臃肿,求新的错位,拓展的误识,话语的拼接,思想的罗列.作为文学原理,应该确立其形而上性、经典性、适用性的学术品格,使文学原理真正成为文艺学学科的学理依托和适合教学的教材文本.  相似文献   
A multiperspective approach is beneficial for obtaining reliable and multifaceted pictures of child behaviour problems. The goal of the present study is to examine interrater agreement on school‐based effort avoidance between children receiving child welfare services, parents, and social workers. Given previous findings, interrater agreement is expected to be low. Self‐reported data on school‐based effort avoidance were gathered for children and adolescents in child welfare services. Additionally, social workers (using the Teacher‐Report Checklist for social and learning behaviour) and parents (using the parallel version of the self‐rating questionnaire on school‐based effort avoidance) were asked to complete an external assessment tool to compare children's perspectives with the ratings of significant adults. The results confirmed significant discrepancies between parents' and children's ratings on effort avoidance tendencies. Furthermore, there were only small to moderate correlations between children's self‐ratings and the adults' assessments; however, the consensus between adults was higher than the interrater agreement between children and social workers. Discrepancies in ratings from multiple informants underline the importance of integrating multiple perspectives, especially children's perspectives, in the diagnostic process in order to plan and adapt appropriate care and treatment.  相似文献   
Sleep problems are common and impair the health and productivity of employees. Work characteristics constitute one possible cause of sleep problems, and sleeping poorly might influence wellbeing and performance at work. This study examines the reciprocal associations between sleep problems and psychosocial work characteristics. The participants were 1744 full-time employed individuals (56% women; mean age 38 years in 2007) from the Young Finns study who responded to questionnaires on work characteristics (conceptualised by the demand–control model and effort–reward imbalance model) and sleep problems (Jenkins Sleep Scale) in 2007 and 2012. Cross-lagged structural equation models are used to examine the associations. The results show that low control and low rewards at baseline predicted sleep problems. Baseline sleep problems predicted higher effort, higher effort–reward imbalance, and lower reward. Sleep problems also predicted lower odds for belonging to the low (rather than high) job strain group and active jobs group. The association between work characteristics and sleep problems appears to be reciprocal, with a stressful work environment increasing sleep problems, and sleep problems influencing future work characteristics. The results emphasise the importance of interventions aimed at both enhancing sleep quality and reducing psychosocial risks at work.  相似文献   
金陵大学农学院举世注目的科研成就,为农业推广提供了丰富的物质材料;完善的农业推广体制,保证了推广工作的顺利进行,从而增加了作物产量,促进了农村改良。建立的一套完善的农业推广体制,成为中国近代建立从中央到地方基层的全国农业推广体制的良好开端;从中摸索出的一套农业推广经验,为中国近代其它农业院校及农业机构在农业推广中所借鉴。对于我国当今的高等农林院校科研成果的推广也有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
《民办教育促进法》出台后的若干思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<中华人民共和国民办教育促进法>出台之后,在"公"与"民"的平等、回报、产权、税收、营利等民办教育发展的焦点、难点问题上,人们尚存疑问与异议;在社会教育权的观念确认、建立完善的法制化环境、根本转变政府的观念和权力运行方式、建立社会中介组织以及民办学校自身建设上,人们还有许多的思考和建议.  相似文献   
汤燕君 《浙江社会科学》2012,(7):133-138,159,160
谈到"诗唐",人们常意指"诗歌的"唐朝,实际上,"诗唐"更指"诗性的"唐朝。从表层看,以诗取士促进了唐人学习、创作诗歌风气的普及,使诗歌从宫廷走向民间,促进了"诗歌的"唐朝的到来。从深层次看,以诗取士促进了唐人诗化人格、诗性思维的发展,使其普遍地表现出思想上的轻视礼教,行为上的不拘小节,气质上的桀傲难驯,人生设计充满理想色彩,但处理问题常带书生意气,促进了"诗性的"唐朝的形成。  相似文献   
当前文艺批评存在的问题颇为突出,而且涉及多个层面。但归结起来,其根本性的顽症就是文艺批评力匮乏的问题。文艺批评力匮乏主要之因是赞美式批评泛滥成灾、恶炒式批评频频上演、搔痒式批评肆意横行。提升文艺批评力势在必行、实在必要。要提升文艺批评力,首先要提高文艺批评者的素质,其次要发挥批评文章所特有的审美与审丑功能,再次要创造良好的社会文化氛围。  相似文献   
尽管顾客反馈会在一定程度上影响一线服务员工的行为和态度,但有关这种逆向于传统营销研究视角的研究成果却很少。实际上,顾客的积极评价行为会增强一线服务员工的成就感,而顾客对服务员工的关系建设行为会增进一线员工感知的人际关系亲近程度,而员工的成就感和人际关系亲近程度的提高能进一步促进服务员工努力意向的提高。  相似文献   
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