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BPR是组织在适应快速变化环境中最常用且最具革命性的方法,它能很好地促进组织进行创新性学习。本文旨在聚焦于BPR活动中的项目组和指导委员会来研究BPR在项目初始、分析和再设计阶段中通过流程定位和确定顾客偏好来促进组织学习问题,从而提出并建立一种组织学习的BPR方法促进论。  相似文献   
基于业务流程重组的信息系统开发   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
业务流程重组是从企业整体运作的层次上对管理及流程进行变革 ,来分析和优化原有业务环节 ;信息系统在合理的业务流程基础上实现对企业资源的有效利用与管理 ,从而辅助企业成功实施战略 ,保持竞争优势。本文系统地分析了开发基于企业再造的信息系统的意义与思路 ,详细阐述了信息系统开发各阶段的特点 ,并提出了今后的努力方向  相似文献   
Milestone or deadline driven production management is predominant in most manufacturing companies. Problems and other disturbing occurrences tend to see their first daylight during phases where plans are implemented into reality, for example, when production commences, prototypes enter manufacturing and deliveries are expected. Conventional control routines fail to depict the true progress and procedures of the company on an on-line basis, which means that instead of being proactive they serve as means to react to already existing problems. This paper studies the application of advanced visualization techniques to the already existing information embedded in a comany's information infrastructure, and how it can help management to anticipate probable near future pitfalls. By studying those daily operations of a company which share a document relationship with the true manufacturing process, that is, the meta-manufacturing processes, a completely new perspective on the company's value-adding activities is drawn. By mining the existing data reservoirs of a company traditionally difficult management processes, such as product development, vendor integration, production planning, can be analysed and the problems identified in a novel way to react in advance. The paper displays several empirical examples from bulk to one-of-a-kind production where the method has been successfully implemented.  相似文献   
新农村建设的理论研究正逐渐深入,梳理、吸收、借鉴国内外农村建设的相关理论成果和实践经验,构建新农村建设的完整组织模式,具有重要的现实意义。本文在收集和整理相关文献的基础上,着重分析政府相关政策管理的经验、主要学者的新农村建设理论观点、国内外乡村建设的先进经验等,对中西方乡村建设研究的主要内容、方法及发展趋势进行归纳与总结,以期对我国新农村建设组织再造理论的相关研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   
Business Process Reengineering (BPR) has been a major catalyst of the pervasive organizational change we have witnessed over the past decade. Although one can speculate on the reasons for the popularity of this phenomenon, it is important that we carefully examine its underlying antecedents for initiation, implementation, and ultimately success, if we are to add value to practitioners of this concept. This study empirically examines the importance of facets of the organizational structure, IT knowledge resources and infrastructure, and the IS function in the initiation of BPR. Data from 313 corporations were gathered using a carefully validated survey, and initiators were compared with noninitiators. The results strongly suggest that client-server architectures, the strategic integration of IS, and cross departmental interaction are among the more important factors facilitating initiation and can be important inputs in a BPR decision-making process. The study attempts to build a contingent theory for BPR, and the more sustainable notion of fundamental process change.  相似文献   
为了适应以"顾客、竞争、变化"为特征的现代企业经营环境,摆脱建立在劳动分工理论基础上的传统企业作业管理模式的束缚,迈克尔.哈默与詹姆斯.钱皮提出了企业业务流程再造的概念。其主要创新之处在于它强调以业务流程为改造对象,以关心客户需求和满意度为目标,利用制造技术、信息技术及现代化的管理手段,以打破传统的职能型组织结构,建立全新的过程型组织结构,从而实现企业经营在成本、质量、服务和速度等方面的改善,提高企业的生产效率和在市场中的竞争能力。本文在阐释基本原理的同时,结合海尔模式的个案分析,并深入探析其发展趋势,以期对业务流程再造理论进行全景式的展示。  相似文献   
本文从分析国有企业急需解决的现实问题入手,提出了新形势下系统变革的战略观点,集中研究和探讨了当前我国国企管理发展新变革的十大战略思维,进而提出了国企相应采取的一系列策略与措施。  相似文献   
新经济下的供应链管理与企业资金流程再造   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
新经济的来临,使得企业面对的是一个市场竞争日益激烈、用户需求的不确定性和个性化需求增加、高新技术迅猛发展、产品寿命缩短和产品结构越来越复杂的环境。因此企业单独依靠自身的资源进行自我调整的速度赶不上市场变化的速度,“横向整合 (HorizontalIntegration)”———供应链管理的模式满足了这种管理再造的需要即企业必须有效利用外部资源快速响应市场需求,本身只抓住最核心的经营部分。这种“横向整合”形成了一条从供应商再到分销商的贯穿所有相关企业的“链”,由此可见供应链管理是将企业资源的范畴从过去单个企业扩大到整个社会。基于供应链管理的资金流程再造是利用现代信息技术,通过改造和集成资金业务流程以及运用网络财务,与供应商以及客户建立协同的业务伙伴联盟,协调资金的运作,使得企业在复杂的市场环境下立于不败之地。  相似文献   
e-学习条件下的人力资源开发角色:挑战与回应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
e-学习是21世纪人类学习方式发生的革命性变化,这必然带来企业人力资源开发角色的拓展,对企业人力资源开发部门既是一种机遇也是一种挑战。文章认为,建立新的人力资源开发理念和转变人力资源开发角色,决定着企业导入和实施e-学习的质量和速度;而理念和角色的转变,又需要对人力资源开发角色进行拓展和对人力资源开发部进行再造。  相似文献   
The increased interest in customer service and the trend towards customization gives rise to new organizational forms such as the virtual organization. This paper introduces the Modular Network Design (MND) approach to complement Mowshowitz' (1997) theory of virtual organization. This theory focuses on metamanagement of the virtual organization and consists of four activities: (1) determine and analyze customer requirements, (2) track the possibilities for satisfying these requirements, (3) develop and allocate production tasks among the members of the virtual organization, and (4) assess and adjust tasks and allocation procedures. The MND approach elaborates on this theory by breaking down both the requirements and the production tasks into modular entities, and by measuring the performance of the resulting virtual network in terms of operating costs and throughput time. The major contribution of the MND approach lies in its ability to support the assessment of alternative allocations of production tasks among the members of a virtual organization, using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as enabler. The assessment of such alternative designs is illustrated by an application of MND in the air cargo industry. The results show how the virtual organization and its members can realize significant improvements in operating costs and throughput times when applying ICT to link and reallocate their modular production tasks in response to customized orders.  相似文献   
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