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Using a spatially extensive urban database constructed from the Maryland Biological Stream Survey (MBSS), we describe the relationships of nutrients in small-order streams to eight defined categories of percent catchment urbanization, correlations between chloride and conductivity in urban streams, and relationships between nutrients and chloride with two Maryland-specific indices of biotic integrity for benthic macroinvertebrates and fish assemblages. Stream nutrients become elevated with increasing percent catchment urbanization, followed by increases in all four measured nitrogen species and total phosphorus at catchment urbanization levels greater than 10%. There was a strong collinear relationship (r 2 = 0.90) between chloride and conductivity (trimeans) across all eight urbanization classes, where Cl (mg/L) = −0.397 + 0.188*conductivity (μS/cm). Critical values for all water quality parameters with the two Maryland biological indices were derived using quantile regression, with significant regressions developed for 11 of 16 water quality parameters and the two biotic indices. For nitrate (NO3-N), the critical thresholds between fair and poor stream quality for the two Maryland biological indices were 0.83 mg/L (benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages) and 0.86 mg/L (fish assemblages). Increasing stream nutrient and chloride levels, associated with widespread catchment urbanization intensity, now affect many small streams in Maryland, with implications for decreasing water quality in major tributaries and the Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   
李白《峨眉山月歌》誉满千秋,其解释则迄今聚讼纷纭,莫衷一是。本文依据《毛诗正义》等文献,第一次提出诗中“半轮”指上弦月,上弦月是农历每月初七、八中午月出,月相呈为半圆,入夜月在中天,午夜月落,诗言“峨眉山月半轮秋”,又言“夜(后半夜)发清溪”、“思君(月)不见”,是上半夜见半圆月而后半夜不见,正是上弦月,并依据宋黄鹤《补注仕诗》等文献,在前人研究基础上,进一步确定青溪驿在犍为县。全诗言舟行经平羌江到嘉州宿,已经入夜,一路上上弦月伴随人行,次日拂晓前从嘉州出发,到清溪宿,再次日拂晓前从清溪出发,出发时上弦月早已月落,虽不见月而念念不忘月。由李白此诗可见,飘逸、神韵、浪漫与写实,在诗歌中可以融为一体.  相似文献   
《喧哗与骚动》是福克纳的代表作,也是他运用多种现代派手法来表现故事的一部作品。在这部小说里,作者采用四个人的口吻来叙述同一主题,运用了意识流、多视角、复调等手法,描写了美国南方康普生一家由兴到衰的过程。  相似文献   
网络流量异常检测及分析是网络及安全管理领域的重要研究内容.本文探讨了网络流量异常的种类、网络流量异常检测的方法,分析了基于传统检测方法在网络流量异常检测应用中存在的问题.并重点对基于流数据模型的网络流量异常检测进行了研究,综述了已有流数据挖掘研究方法在网络流量异常检测中的研究进展.最后,本文对现有研究工作存在的问题及未来的研究方向进行了探讨.  相似文献   
意识流标志着西方的小说技巧、文学观念、哲学思维从现实主义向现代主义转化。乔伊斯最大的成就是为意识流小说发展做出了巨大贡献。在早期创作过程中,他运用精神顿悟不带成见、不加评论地描写生活,使读者在《都柏林人》中感受到他与书中描写的生活有着直接的联系。在《青年艺术家的画像》中,感官印象、自由联想和内心独白等意识流技巧得到更广泛地运用,人物的思想和行为好像被一个无形的、冷漠超然的创造者创造出来。文章重点探究的是意识流艺术形式与文本主题之间的联系,阐释艺术形式对主题的演绎和深化。  相似文献   
Forested riparian buffers are an increasingly common method of mitigating the negative effects of impervious surface cover on water quality and wildlife habitat. We sampled larval southern two-lined salamanders (Eurycea cirrigera) in 43 streams, representing the range of impervious surface cover and forested riparian buffer width across Wake County, NC, USA. Larval abundance decreased with increasing impervious surface cover in the upstream catchment, but was not affected by buffer width. This is likely a result of an incomplete buffer system and culverts or other breaches along streams. Larval abundance increased with detritus cover in the stream to a threshold and then decreased as detritus continued to increase. As percent pebble substrate in the stream increased, especially in perennial streams, larval salamander abundance also increased. We suspect salamanders were unable to migrate with the water column during dry periods in intermittent streams with sedimented interstices below the surface, resulting in low abundances. A combination of increased peak flows and sedimentation, reduced base flow, and chemical changes likely reduces the abundance of salamanders in urban and suburban streams. We suggest creation of catchment-wide, unbreached buffers to maintain the integrity of stream habitats in urbanizing watersheds.  相似文献   
本文运用现代叙事理论,对福克纳小说《喧哗与骚动》进行了解读,说明现代小说叙事手法的时空变异,挖掘其叙事结构的艺术特点.小说分别采用了“复调”叙述、“陌生化”叙述、“意识流”叙述、“多元”叙事的视角,以透视现代世界的复杂性.  相似文献   
《尤利西斯》中语码转换的文学意义论略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
詹姆斯·乔伊斯的巨著,被誉为“天书”、“奇书”的《尤利西斯》中大量出现语码转换,成为该意识流小说的一大特色。语码转换在《尤利西斯》中以两种形式出现:人物思想活动中的语码转换和会话中的语码转换。一反传统小说中作者不断站出来解释人物意识活动的作法,乔伊斯将自己隐于人物背后,通过人物内心独白和会话,借助语码转换手段,真实揭示了人们意识变化,在呈现斯蒂芬的意识和潜意识活动方面发挥了重要作用。语码转换在发展文学创作手段和改变传统阅读方式等方面也有着深远的意义。  相似文献   
从象征形象创作、时空顺序的错位与跳跃、意识流等三个方面解读了艾略特的长诗《荒原》的主题和艺术手法 ,分析了《荒原》新异、独特的现代主义表现手法 ,丰富的象征意蕴和完整的意象体系。  相似文献   
诗歌翻译以"意美、音美、形美并最终达到传神"为圭臬.分析唐诗<江雪>的四种英译,能够明确实现"三美"从而达到译诗"神似"的具体要求和衡量办法."三美"的有机统一是"传神"的关键.  相似文献   
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