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莫泊桑的短篇小说堪称一绝,在叙事上独具特色。与其他现实主义作家不同,莫泊桑喜欢采用第一人称叙述,他笔下的叙述者"我"并非都是全知全能,大部分叙述者权利有限。更为独特的是,他在这类作品中首创的叙述分层的手法,使得人物成一种对话关系。他对叙述者权利的限制使得作品意义留有空白。叙述语调的中立要求读者积极参与作品意义的建构,这极大增强了短篇小说的可读性,也使他的作品带有现代主义的气息。  相似文献   
美国著名作家海明威的《老人与海》和当代广西苗族知名作家杨文升的获奖作品《长满苞谷的山寨》中的硬汉形象,是中西方世界不同文化视野下的产物,是中西方不同文化视阈下的硬汉人物的代表。从人物的硬汉性格特征、硬汉形象塑造特色和中西方硬汉人物的不同的内在特质等方面进行比较,他们又有各自特点。  相似文献   
蒲松龄与莫泊桑作为中西短篇小说之王与巨匠,都是高产作家,然其创作之源不同,蒲松龄靠的是想象的天份,而莫泊桑的生活经历与创作实践的联系则格外密切;他们都非常关注女性,然而他们笔下的女性世界迥然不同,一为"花妖狐魅",一为人间女子;他们都写了一些有关"如此父亲"及其"孽果"———弃儿、私生子的短篇佳作,他们的命运又如何?  相似文献   
The Situationist International (SI) has been one of the main reference points during the past 40 or more years within social movement organizing, cultural studies, social theory and philosophy. While the SI has been understood in many ways as inheritors and elaborators of an unorthodox Marxist politics drawing heavily from the history of the avant-garde, relatively little attention has been paid to the specifically strategic dimension of their thought and practice. This is surprising, especially in Debord's case, given how much his work also draws from the history of military strategy. This paper will particularly examine the strategic aspects of Debord and the SI's thought and politics and how they rethink the nature of strategy through collective forms of aesthetic–political practice.  相似文献   
"难得糊涂"是中国文化所特有的一种思维方式和生存方式.其所标的的核心内涵,不是普通意义上的糊里糊涂,也不是单纯意义上的忍让与避就,而应该是一种对自然、社会与人生的积极的思索与进取,以及由此而带来的一种痛苦与彷徨、无奈与感伤;从哲学意义上看,其所标的的核心内涵,又应该是一种对人的生命存在状态的深刻理解与认同.封建社会后期,"难得糊涂"思想所体现的,则是一种封建社会及文化对人性的压抑性.在广泛流行的过程中,"难得糊涂"思想的核心内涵发生了本质性的转变,其积极进取的思想成分逐步丧失,而其消极、退让意义上的思想成分却得到了强化."难得糊涂"思想的产生,乃中国文化发展之必然,而它的变异及广泛流行,则是中华民族的一大悲剧,这一悲剧的产生,肇始于中国文化的保守性、封建社会及文化的压抑性,以及封建专制王权对人的生命价值的恣意践踏与摧残.  相似文献   
胡铁生 《学术交流》2004,(2):141-146
《警察和赞美诗》与《项链》分别是美国作家欧·亨利和法国作家莫泊桑的著名短篇小说。两位语言大师在这两篇小说语言符号的运用及其讲故事的方式上具有惊人的相似之处:前者侧重以现实主义手法揭示了人与社会之间的关系,后者以自然主义手法描写了人的本质中的阴暗面。但两者又分别从人的本质和人与社会之间的关系出发,论证了人的生存困境,体现了悲剧的审美机制。  相似文献   
Calls for emergency right‐to‐know in the 1980s, and, in the 1990s, risk management planning, motivated U.S. chemical manufacturing and refining industries to operationalize a three‐pronged approach to risk minimization and communication: reflective management to increase legitimacy, operational safety programs to raise trust, and community engagement designed to facilitate citizens’ emergency response efficacy. To assess these management, operational, and communication initiatives, communities (often through Local Emergency Planning Committees) monitored the impact of such programs. In 2012, the fourth phase of a quasi‐longitudinal study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of operational change and community outreach in one bellwether community. This study focuses on legitimacy, trust, and response efficacy to suggest that an industry can earn legitimacy credits by raising its safety and environmental impact standards, by building trust via that change, and by communicating emergency response messages to near residents to raise their response efficacy. As part of its campaign to demonstrate its concern for community safety through research, planning, and implementation of safe operations and viable emergency response systems, this industry uses a simple narrative of risk/emergency response—shelter‐in‐place—communicated by a spokes‐character: Wally Wise Guy.  相似文献   
法国莫泊桑的短篇小说《珠宝》当置于作者最好的短篇之列。小说不露雕琢痕迹的客观真实描写和意味深长的讽刺 ,不仅从一个侧面反映了 19世纪后期法国的社会风貌 ,也为读者参与作品的再创造留下了广阔的空间和深入思考的余地。  相似文献   
古老的犹太民族创造了以《圣经》、《塔木德》和《诺未门》为代表的辉煌灿烂的希伯来文化,成为西方文明的一个源头文化,蕴含着丰富的思想智慧,这是人类宝贵的文化遗产,对世界文明,特别是西方社会和生活产生了巨大且深刻的影响。对《犹太圣哲智慧辞鉴》编撰的价值作用进行论述,认为:他具有内容的实用性、资源的无限性、影响的恒久性和借鉴的革命性。  相似文献   
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