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问责与避责间的关系是责任政治研究的重要议题,其中,问责导致避责的机制亟待探究。以X县早稻生产政策过程为例,基于“行动-制度-环境”的分析框架,探讨上级问责与基层避责之间的关系机制。研究发现:基层干部避责行为是上级问责制度与基层社会环境共同作用的结果,是作为责任者的基层干部面对上级问责压力和农民抗拒压力的理性选择。为贯彻落实非粮化整治政策,上级通过责任分配、责任考核和督查问责制度,给基层干部施加了巨大的早稻生产责任压力。而农民在长期的生产历史过程中已经形成了以中稻种植模式为主导的、较为稳定的生产秩序,拒不执行早稻生产政策。承受双重压力的基层干部只能采取责任兜底的属地化机制、利益交换的市场化机制和联合避责的科层化机制来规避上级问责风险。作为行动者的基层干部运用自由裁量权,通过隐匿信息、集体负债等方式,在一定程度上改变了既有的制度-环境,再造了基层治理结构。  相似文献   
In this article, we lament the effects of practice-distant research and associated policy initiatives on contemporary children's services in England. In the last decade, as a result of high profile inquiries into non-accidental child deaths, statutory children's social care services in the UK have been subject to a wide-reaching ‘modernization’ programme. We studied decision-making in the high blame environment of local authority children's services. Our research sought to examine the relationship between performance management and the impact of anticipated blame within the decision-making practices of those providing, supervising and managing these services. We show that systems and technologies can be developed which both assist the users in their daily work and achieve desired organizational goals, but without an ethnographically informed, practice-near approach, unsafe work regimes and practices can ensue.  相似文献   
Historically, the news media have engaged in high rates victim blaming in their reporting of sexual assaults. However, in recent years, gains in civil rights and renewed attention to Title IX may mean sexual assault victims are receiving less-biased news coverage. Using a content analysis, we examined the tone and message of all crime stories published in one United States university newspaper from academic year 2015–2016 (n = 99). Comparing attributions of responsibility made to both victims and offenders across several major crime categories (rape, murder, sexual assault, robbery, physical assault, sexual misconduct, and sexual abuse), and consistent with historical trends, we found higher levels of victim blaming in stories on rape and sexual assault than any other crime. We identify rhetorical devices commonly used to discredit the victim and/or absolve the perpetrator. Despite perceived gains achieved by Title IX, news coverage continues to buttress victim blaming culture.  相似文献   
Who Is to Blame?     
We present the results of a content analysis of communications related to the act of terrorism at Domodedovo airport. They show that mass media plays a significant role as a source of factual, undigested information. The theoretical value of the results is that they show a significant number of cases where an actor is accused with no reference to his actions or nonactions. The range of types of complicity in terrorist activity was substantial.  相似文献   
在描写现代汉语中“X是(的)”语表形式的基础上,考察了“X是(的)”短语词汇化和语用法的固化过程,从而把用于委婉责备的“X是(的)”与它的同形异构式区分开来。列出用于委婉责备的“X是(的)”内部各形式表示责备语气的强弱等级。  相似文献   
完善中国产品责任法律制度的建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国没有产品责任单行法,有关产品责任的法律规范主要在《中华人民共和国民法通则》和《中华人民共和国产品质量法》中加以规定。尽管1993年颁布的《中华人民共和国产品质量法》已经于2000年进行了修改,但我国现行产品责任法律制度无论在形式上还是内容上仍然存在着许多问题,因此,有必要对产品责任的归责原则、产品适用的范围、产品缺陷的内涵、产品责任的主体范围等问题做进一步的完善。  相似文献   
决策过失责任是具有决策权的国家工作人员,因过失决断或决定而造成严重危害结果并且违反刑法规范而应当承担的一种职务过失犯罪的责任类型。是根据国家工作人员在公务活动中的职务行为的形式确定的。决策过失责任与通常所说的决策失误有着根本的不同。决策失误是工作中的一般失误,只是过错行为,而非犯罪行为。同时,我们认定决策过失责任时还必须与政治决策失误、科学探索的决策失误等人类社会发展过程中一些不可避免的失误区别开来。决策过失责任形式在我国的刑事立法中有着一定的蕴涵和体现,但应当通过进一步的立法和司法解释加以完善。  相似文献   
曾玉珊 《学术交流》2004,(11):51-54
安全关照义务存在于雇佣、运输、服务、教育等法律关系中,以法定义务为主。安全关照义务的内容表现为关心、照顾和保护的积极作为,而违反义务常表现为消极不作为形态。在确定违反该项义务的法律责任时,应当区别义务性质、不作为行为与损害之间的因果关系、责令行为人分别承担合同责任或侵权责任、直接责任或补充责任。归责原则采过错责任原则,实行举证责任倒置。  相似文献   
引咎辞职制度是我国干部人事制度改革的重要内容,是加强社会主义道德建设,加强党的执政能力建设以及缓和政府与人民之间的矛盾的制度保障。引咎辞职,有利于落实立党为公、执政为民的宗旨;有利于推行依法行政,建立责任政府;有利于转变领导干部的工作作风。国家需要发展,社会需要和谐。人民期待引咎辞职制更加完善,促使官员们真正做到“情为民所系,权为民所用,利为民所谋”,恪尽职守、竭尽心力为人民服务。  相似文献   
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