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略论科技期刊编辑鉴审   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了科技编辑在稿件评定中的重要作用。指出鉴审就是编辑对原稿的科学研究过程。编辑必须负起自己应有的责任。提出了编辑鉴审稿件主要应从三个方面把关:(1)做好前提性审查;(2)恪守科学、创新、严谨的审查原则;(3)通过分析参考文献审查。  相似文献   
武汉抗战时期,周恩来作为中共中央长江局副书记、中央外交代表团负责人和国民政府军事委员会政治部副部长,在武汉辛勤工作了10个月,为武汉抗战作出了卓越贡献。在政治上,努力促成国共两党建立两党关系委员会,亲自出任国民政府要职,践行两党组织形式的合作,力促国民参政会问世,推动民主政治的发展,从而为国共两党在政治上合作抗战奠定了基础。在军事上,大力宣传贯彻国共两党保卫大武汉的战略方针,开展军事统战工作,推动两党军队协同作战。在武汉沦陷不可避免时,又顺应变化,配合当局认真做好撤离武汉的各项工作。在宣传文化统一战线上,利用分管第三厅的合法身份,广泛地团结和凝聚无数文化名流,积极推动成立中华全国文艺界抗敌协会,引导进步媒体,反击反共逆流,宣传和推动合作抗战。  相似文献   
明代东莞共考出举人529名、进士76名,在广东各州、县排名中皆为第四;考出庶吉士6名,与南海县并列第三;六次摘取解元桂冠,在各州县名列第五;还出现了18个三代之内至少产生了两个以上举人的科举家族,排名第四;另外,东莞举人在明代初期、中期和后期广东举人总数中所占比例也呈持续上升趋势,反映了科举实力的不断加强。明代东莞科举群体充分发挥其聪明才智,在任官行政、教书育人和著书立说等方面作出了积极的历史贡献。  相似文献   
1927年中共中央在湖北汉口召开的八七会议,是中国共产党历史上极为重要的一次会议,对大革命失败后党的去向作出了原则性的决策。土地革命前期,毛泽东在从事中国革命实践的过程中,将八七会议确定的土地革命和武装反对国民党反动派的总方针进行了具体化:制定了符合中国实际的土地改革政策;提出了党的建设的根本原则和党的思想路线;规定了红军的建军思想和作战原则;阐明了中国革命新道路的理论。毛泽东提出的这些主张,解决了八七会议所没有解决的重大问题,对八七会议做出了理论贡献。  相似文献   
农民问题是中国革命和社会发展的根本问题,作为中国共产党创始人之一和早期领导人,陈独秀早在大革命时期就开始对农民问题进行了探索与思考,从而形成了较为系统的农民思想。他的农民思想虽然包括一些错误的观点,对农民运动起了阻碍作用,对国民革命的失败产生了影响,但是也包含有许多先见性的思想,如分析了农民的阶级性、对革命的态度,提出了农民政策,为当时农民问题的解决作出了一定的理论贡献。  相似文献   
Qualified competences in social science and humanities are required across the various deliverables of the intergovernmental science-policy platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services (IPBES) in order to fully address the objectives of IPBES. Building integrative approaches has long been acknowledged as a scientific challenge. Hence, new paths have to be forged, including revisiting basic ontological and epistemological considerations, such as how we understand the world, what knowledge is, and the role of science. Constructive interdisciplinary dialogues in IPBES supports the development of innovative frames and terminologies. One example is the evolution from the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment ecosystem service framework to the Nature’s Contributions to People classification now applied in IPBES assessments. IPBES is still in a learning phase and critical examination of what is accomplished this far is useful when refining ongoing modes of work and in long-term strategic considerations.  相似文献   
More often than not, the existing modes of contribution collection and benefit payment of social security organizations are adapted to the collective arrangements that characterize employer‐employee relationships. Extending coverage to individuals in difficult‐to‐reach groups, however, may require new modalities of service that can cope with many separate, secure transactions rather than a few bulk data transfers between organizations. Recent developments in electronic payment show its wide applicability in enabling huge volumes of such individual transactions. It is in this light that the article explores the potentials of this technology and identifies possible arrangements through which electronic payments could surmount barriers that stand in the way of covering difficult‐to‐reach groups. The high level of mobile phone penetration on a global scale augurs well for using e‐payment mechanisms to collect social security contributions and to deliver social security benefits and services. A generic model is used to describe the requisite elements to implement electronic payments in social protection programmes. Based on empirical evidence of current social protection practices from around the world, five scenarios are presented to describe possible configurations for electronic payment, from the simplest to the most sophisticated. The broader objective is to contribute in a practical manner to the international commitment to extend social protection to all, as defined by the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.  相似文献   
科学家的责任是学术责任和社会责任的有机结合和辩证统一。科学家恪守学术责任,探索真理,为社会增加客观知识系统,致使科学事业兴旺发达;科学家承担社会责任,审慎确定科学研究方向、研究手段和合理应用科学,以保证科学健康发展。科学家的责任推动科学不断地进步。  相似文献   
党的十八大报告是光辉的马克思主义文献.明确提出科学发展观是党必须长期坚持的指导思想,全方位、多角度地概括提升新鲜实践经验,进而丰富和发展中国特色社会主义基本内涵,是十八大报告作出的重大理论贡献.坚定信念方向、坚持实践第一、强调继承发展、体现时代要求、着眼把握规律,是十八大报告重大理论贡献的主要特点.  相似文献   
组稿是保证稿源的重要条件,也是保证稿件质量的重要环节,同时亦是发现作者和培养编辑的重要途径;而审稿则是保证学报学术质量的关键。重视组稿和审稿,对提高学报质量有着极其重要的意义。  相似文献   
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