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祁连山南北麓地区自古就是一条民族走廊。在古代,许多业已消逝的民族相互接触、彼此交流与汇聚并融合。本文以人类学田野调查所获辅以口述史的资料,推演出村庄志文本分析的典范。  相似文献   
高层管理团队成员组成的差异性、相似性及其成员的受教育背景以不同的方式影响着它的绩效。国外关于这些特征对高层管理团队绩效的影响已经作了大量的研究,而国内目前尚没有相关研究。本文综述国外关于高层管理团队成员组成的差异性、相似性及其成员的受教育背景对其绩效的影响的相关研究和结论。  相似文献   
作为一种为未婚男女提供电视相亲平台的节目类型,电视相亲节目不仅创造了收视奇迹,为两情相悦的男女嘉宾提供配对成功的良机,而且在中国当下社会文化语境中,还延伸到婚恋观念、个人价值、人际交往、家庭关系等话题,甚至涉及社会思想、文化等方面,成为中国电视文化50多年来的一个较有特色的节目类型。在一种比较研究的视野下,结合历史研究、作品研究、类型研究、文化研究等方式,研寻中国电视相亲节目的同质化与异质性,从而透析它们在产品定位、叙事规则、营销手段等方面表现出来的同质化倾向与差异性发展策略。  相似文献   
In 1960 Levene suggested a potentially robust test of homogeneity of variance based on an ordinary least squares analysis of variance of the absolute values of mean-based residuals. Levene's test has since been shown to have inflated levels of significance when based on the F-distribution, and tests a hypothesis other than homogeneity of variance when treatments are unequally replicated, but the incorrect formulation is now standard output in several statistical packages. This paper develops a weighted least squares analysis of variance of the absolute values of both mean-based and median-based residuals. It shows how to adjust the residuals so that tests using the F -statistic focus on homogeneity of variance for both balanced and unbalanced designs. It shows how to modify the F -statistics currently produced by statistical packages so that the distribution of the resultant test statistic is closer to an F-distribution than is currently the case. The weighted least squares approach also produces component mean squares that are unbiased irrespective of which variable is used in Levene's test. To complete this aspect of the investigation the paper derives exact second-order moments of the component sums of squares used in the calculation of the mean-based test statistic. It shows that, for large samples, both ordinary and weighted least squares test statistics are equivalent; however they are over-dispersed compared to an F variable.  相似文献   
转化型抢劫罪的立法重构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现行《中华人民共和国刑法》第269条关于转化型抢劫罪的规定使部分与普通抢劫罪不具同质性的行为也被认定为转化型抢劫罪,具有根本性缺陷。为此,提出对第269条提出重构建议:实施盗窃、诈骗、抢夺行为,在实际占有财物的情况下,为窝藏赃物、抗拒抓捕、毁灭罪证而当场使用暴力或暴力威胁的,依照本法第263条的规定定罪处罚。如此重构后,将有益于在转化型抢劫罪的诸多争论问题上形成统一认识。  相似文献   
Testing homogeneity of multivariate normal mean vectors under an order restriction when the covariance matrices are unknown, arbitrary positive definite and unequal are considered. This problem of testing has been studied to some extent, for example, by Kulatunga and Sasabuchi (1984 Kulatunga, D. D. S., Sasabuchi, S. (1984). A test of homogeneity of mean vectors against multivariate isotonic alternatives. Mem Fac Sci, Kyushu Univ Ser A Mathemat 38:151161. [Google Scholar]) when the covariance matrices are known and also Sasabuchi et al. (2003 Sasabuchi, S., Tanaka, K., Tsukamodo, T. (2003). Testing homogeneity of multivariate normal mean vectors under an order restriction when the covariance matrices are common but unknown. Annals of Statistics. 31(5):15171536.[Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and Sasabuchi (2007 Sasabuchi, S. (2007). More powerful tests for homogeneity of multivariate normal mean vectors under an order restriction. Sankhya 69(4):700716. [Google Scholar]) when the covariance matrices are unknown but common. In this paper, a test statistic is proposed and because of the main advantage of the bootstrap test is that it avoids the derivation of the complex null distribution analytically, a bootstrap test statistic is derived and since the proposed test statistic is location invariance the bootstrap p-value defined logical and some steps are presented to estimate it. Our numerical studies via Monte Carlo simulation show that the proposed bootstrap test can correctly control the type I error rates. The power of the test for some of the p-dimensional normal distributions is computed by Monte Carlo simulation. Also, the null distribution of test statistic is estimated using kernel density. Finally, the bootstrap test is illustrated using a real data.  相似文献   
We propose an adaptive functional autoregressive (AFAR) forecast model to predict electricity price curves. With time-varying operators, the AFAR model can be safely used in both stationary and nonstationary situations. A closed-form maximum likelihood (ML) estimator is derived under stationarity. The result is further extended for nonstationarity, where the time-dependent operators are adaptively estimated under local homogeneity. We provide theoretical results of the ML estimator and the adaptive estimator. Simulation study illustrates nice finite sample performance of the AFAR modeling. The AFAR model also exhibits a superior accuracy in the forecast exercise of the California electricity daily price curves compared to several alternatives.  相似文献   
科学知识中的时间和空间是客观的物质的,具有不以人的意志为转移的客观性。其时间具有过去——现在——未来的发展的一维性,而其空间具有三维性或与时间相结合的四维性。而哲学知识中的时间和空间具有主、客观统一的异质性、可逆性。其时间具有以现在为基础和中心的向心性,以及以未来为中心的预设目标的超越性;其空间具有以人自身和人的创造物为中心和尺度的向心性。造成这种状况的原因是:科学活动中以尽量排除人的心理和人的活动的因素的干扰而保持科学成果的纯粹客观性,而哲学活动作为一种对整体性的追求和对前提条件的不断追问,把人的活动,特别是产生创造物的物质和精神活动及其结果看作是主客观统一的过程和结果,正是人的精神的以人为中心的向心性和可逆性、无限的个体性赋予了哲学(还有艺术、宗教等反思性知识)知识具有主、客观统一的异质性、可逆性、向心性等。由于人的生活、特别是物质生产活动具有人的意识的对象化、客观化和客观事物及其规律对人的内化和理性化统一的特点,所以,社会历史的实践活动中,科学知识的时间和空间以及哲学知识的时间和空间互为前提和基础,相互促进和转化。  相似文献   
For the analysis of square contingency tables with ordered categories, Tomizawa et al. (S. Tomizawa, N. Miyamoto, and N. Ashihara, Measure of departure from marginal homogeneity for square contingency tables having ordered categories, Behaviormetrika 30 (2003), pp. 173–193.) and Tahata et al. (K. Tahata, T. Iwashita, and S. Tomizawa, Measure of departure from symmetry of cumulative marginal probabilities for square contingency tables with ordered categories, SUT J. Math., 42 (2006), pp. 7–29.) considered the measures which represent the degree of departure from the marginal homogeneity (MH) model. The present paper proposes a measure that represents the degree of departure from the conditional MH, given that an observation will fall in one of the off-diagonal cells of the table. The measure proposed is expressed by using the Cressie–Read power-divergence or the Patil–Taillie diversity index, which is applied for the conditional cumulative marginal probabilities given that an observation will fall in one of the off-diagonal cells of the table. When the MH model does not hold, the measure is useful for seeing how far the conditional cumulative marginal probabilities are from those with an MH structure and for comparing the degree of departure from MH in several tables. Examples are given.  相似文献   
莎士比亚喜剧中的女性观   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
莎翁喜剧中的女性观念是当时新兴的资产阶级意识形态的折射,与当时的人文主义思想具有同质性和同构性。从其本质上看,这种观点是伴随着封建道德伦理一同成长起来的,有利于资本主义和逻各斯菲勒斯权利的张扬和维护,有利于资本主义发展。但从人性的角度来讲,这种女性观点是反人性的,是有悖于人性和谐发展和创建真正平等和谐的人类社会的,是保守的。  相似文献   
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