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Reforming the public sector has been on the agenda of nations throughout the world since the late 1970s. Fiji is no exception. It has embarked on reforming its commercial and industrial enterprises since the late 1980s. The government of Fiji has reformed most of its enterprises with an avowed objective of enhancing profitability, productivity, efficiency and accountability. This paper makes an attempt to share some of the experiences of public enterprise reform process in Fiji. It aims to analyze the background, process, contents and impact of the reform and examine the factors impeding the reform program. It highlights that (a) both internal and external factors were responsible for introducing reforms; (b) the reform efforts have not been able to produce desired results; (c) the structural inadequacies in institutions and organizations have created bottlenecks in the reform process; and (d) uncertainty in the political sphere has contributed further to policy shifts.  相似文献   
自中越关系正常化以来,两国关系总体发展态势良好。南沙群岛主权争端成为中越间唯一的重大遗留问题,是进一步推动中越关系发展不可回避的障碍。进入新的世纪,为确保中国的安全环境和促进两岸统一,中国必须大力加强睦邻外交,与越南构筑一种全新的友好关系,根据"搁置争议、共同开发"的方针,在尊重历史、实事求是、平等互利的基础上,通过双边谈判解决南沙问题。这将为其它国家树立一个和平解决争端的范例,促进整个南沙争端的解决,维护地区的安全、和平与稳定。  相似文献   
马斌 《太平洋学报》2011,(10):86-93
俄日岛屿争端(俄称南千岛群岛,日称北方四岛)长期以来一直阻碍着俄日关系的发展。该问题形成于"二战"末期,但其源头可追溯至历史上沙俄和日本之间的领土纠葛。苏联解体后,俄日领土争端并未得到解决。(苏)俄日之间的领土争端主要有三个焦点:是否存在争议领土、争议领土的范围,以及归还领土的条件。2010年底至2011年初的纠纷是两国领土争端的最新表现。今后,岛屿争端问题对俄罗斯东北亚地区战略的双重影响也将进一步凸显。  相似文献   
我国海域辽阔,海岛众多,大量的无居民海岛资源亟待保护与利用。2009年《海岛保护法》的颁布是我国海洋法制建设史的里程碑。加强对无居民海岛的保护与管理,规范开发利用秩序,必须结合《海岛保护法》的有关规定,进一步完善无居民海岛的权属制度,健全对无居民海岛的保护立法,建立合理利用无居民海岛的法律制度。  相似文献   
20世纪海岛妇女生活方式的演变   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
20世纪是中国广大渔农村妇女生活最跌宕起伏的世纪。海岛妇女,作为其中的一群,她们的生活与当时社会总体生活方式是一致的。但因其独特的生存环境和“渔民老婆”这个独特的身份标志,在1949年前、1949-1978年、1978年后三个历史时期又呈现出不同的富于海岛特色的生活演变图景。  相似文献   
In this conceptual article with illustrative data, we suggest that it is useful to rank island nations as potential refuges for ensuring long-term human survival in the face of catastrophic pandemics (or other relevant existential threats). Prioritization could identify the several island nations that are most suitable for targeting social and political preparations and further investment in resiliency. We outline a prioritization methodology and as an initial demonstration, we then provide example rankings by considering 20 sovereign island states (all with populations greater than 250,000 and no land borders). Results describe each nation in nine resilience-relevant domains covering location, population, resources, and society according to published data. The results indicate that the most suitable island nations for refuge status are Australia, followed closely by New Zealand, and then Iceland, with other nations all well behind (including the relatively high-income ones of Malta and Japan). Nevertheless, some key contextual factors remain relatively unexplored. These include the capacity of the jurisdiction to rapidly close its borders when the emerging threat was first detected elsewhere, and whether or not large subnational islands should be the preferred focus for refuge design (e.g., the Australian state of Tasmania, the island of Hokkaido in Japan, or the South Island of New Zealand). Overall, this work provides conceptual thinking with some initial example analysis. Further research could refine the selection of metrics, how best to weight the relevant domains, and how the populations of prioritized island nations view their nation's selection as a potential refuge for human survival.  相似文献   
地名不仅是地理实体的称号,往往还代表了一方水土的文采风流.通过对舟山岛称名的历史源流考查,证实舟山岛名曾经历了漫长曲折的历史演绎,生动而典型地展现了这一岛名由自然向人化的发展进程,体现了舟山群岛的历史沿革与人文积淀.  相似文献   
晚清政府的海权意识与对南海诸岛的主权维护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
晚清之际,东西方列强不时非法勘测、侵扰中国南海诸岛及其附近海域,严重威胁中国海权。在与列强斗争的过程中,晚清政府的地方政府官员运用国际法中的有关规定与列强交涉,最终收复了被日本占领的东沙岛主权,并向国际社会宣示对西沙群岛的所有权。与此同时,晚清政府根据国际公法和各国的海上实践,提出了"水界"区、渔业区等海域主张,以捍卫中国南海权益。晚清政府维护东沙、西沙群岛的一切措施,都符合近代国际法的"自护之权"以及"条约"确定的领土界限和领土所有权等准则。晚清政府维护海权之举,不仅具有重要的历史意义,而且在目前中国的外交斗争中也具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
21世纪是海洋的世纪,海岛经济也越来越受到重视,海岛经济产业则决定着海岛未来发展的前途和命运,确定海岛主导产业能促进海岛经济更快更好发展.本文以浙江舟山市普陀县为例,从海岛主导产业选择基准出发,分别运用区位商、灰色关联分析、需求收入弹性和偏离份额定量评价模型,并结合海岛旅游业市场前景、普陀自身基础条件及产业发展阶段等定性判断,得出普陀区应以旅游业为主导产业的结论.  相似文献   
随着海洋经济的快速发展,海洋空间资源开发利用的需求日益增加,海岛作为海洋经济中重要的空间资源要素备受关注。我国目前尚未建立系统的海岛空间资源价格评估体系,使得对无居民海岛估值认定缺乏规范性,进而影响估价的准确性。因此,为体现自然资源的市场价值,促进海岛使用权市场化交易进程,亟需建立无居民海岛空间资源估价制度,从评估管理、评估理论、评估技术三个层面构建我国无居民海岛空间资源估价体系框架,为无居民海岛使用权有偿出让提供支持和保障。  相似文献   
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