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"信访权"之宪法定位   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国宪法并无信访权的规定,但一般认为,信访制度的宪法依据是宪法第41条,是公民宪法赋予的建议权、申诉权的具体体现。然而从实践和宪法权利理论出发,有必要对信访权加以分解,分为政治性权利和非政治性权利,从代议机构监督和制衡行政权的高度加强信访制度建设,推进我国宪政制度的完善。  相似文献   
自1989年起施行的<湖北省实施<中华人民共和国民族区域自治法>的若干规定>对保障民族地区的自治权,维护民族地区的社会稳定,推动民族地区经济发展做出了贡献.但随着时代的变化,旧的<若干规定>已不能适应社会的发展,我们必须对<若干规定>的内容进行修改使其与时俱进,并采取一系列的有效措施使该规定尽快地贯彻落实,以便更好地促进民族地区的经济和社会发展.  相似文献   

The Maryland Court of Appeals in Grimes v. Kennedy Krieger Institute was sharply critical of the lead abatement study conducted by this Institute, an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University. Grimes ruled that investigators might, given the facts of the case, have a special relationship with subjects, thereby creating a duty of care that could, if breached, give rise to an action in negligence. This ruling has implications for pediatric research practices and long-standing disputes among informed people of good will about what pediatric studies should be permitted.  相似文献   
Although medical research involving the use of persons with mental illness is critically important, in order for the research to be ethical and legal there are certain considerations and restrictions which should be immediately readdressed in order to insure that the welfare of these vulnerable research subjects is protected, and their best interests are assured. A brief historical examination of medical research codes, guidelines, recommendations and Federal Regulations reveals the various considerations and restrictions on informed consent and accountability applicable to the use of persons with mental illness in medical research. Several concerns are raised about how these considerations and restrictions have been interpreted, and specific recommendations are offered to improve them immediately by means of representation from consumers and/or their families, and organizations, e.g., NAMI members.  相似文献   
我国现行社会抚养费征收法律规范在征收实践应用中显露出不尽适应计划生育工作和人口计划生育法治发展需要的问题,产生这些问题的原因主要在于征收制度功能定位不清晰、制度设计科学性不强、法律规范过于原则不具有可操作性。目前完善社会抚养费征收法律规范应突出法制统一、明确功能定位、体现社会公平和具有可操作性等原则,重点对法律规范中征收对象、标准、地域管辖和自由裁量权限等方面的内容加以完善。  相似文献   
实施《归档文件整理规则》,可简化整理档案程序,便于档案鉴定及利用工作,使沿袭多年的档案工作重心发生变化。从立件归档的改革内容和思想出发,分析其利弊,提出了实施《归档文件整理规则》的辅助措施。  相似文献   
《不动产登记暂行条例》按照《物权法》的规定,实行不动产统一登记制度,改变我国当前不动产“多头登记”的现状,有利于界定不动产归属,维护交易安全。总则部分关于登记范围的规定遗漏了探矿权、采矿权、取水权这三种重要的权利,且没有在全国范围内确定唯一的不动产登记机构,故没有真正实现完全意义上的不动产统一登记;暂行条例首次规定了不动产登记薄的设置、保管、查阅等内容,但是依然欠缺登记簿法律效力的规定,没有彻底地贯彻物权公示公信原则;登记程序亦没有和《物权法》的程序性规定实现有效整合。登记机构对于登记申请的审查义务的规定明确、具体,在明晰审查义务的基础上,援引《物权法》的规定确定登记错误时登记机构的赔偿责任,较为合理。  相似文献   
政治的变革、经济的不断进步和文化教育的发展对苗族习惯法提出了各种新的要求,为习惯法向村规民约的演变提供了必要的社会条件。因为习惯法向成文法发展是一种客观的必然趋势,国家制定法调整的范围有限,亟需具备一定效力的村规民约加以弥补,村规民约与当地文化语言相通可解决制定法的语言表达晦涩难懂的问题,国家司法机关能力有限又希望通过村规民约发挥补充作用。村规民约具有规范、补充和自治的特殊功能。  相似文献   
本文从经济法基本原则之概念辨析入手,在总结各家关于经济法基本原则构成学说基础上,得出了确立经济法基本原则的高度和广度两个标准,进一步论证了经济法协调公平原则和经济法协调绩效原则。  相似文献   

The abuse of people living in residential care in the UK is well documented. A further wealth of information is available in the form of anecdotal accounts of those who have been employed in this sector but who, in a climate which is still somewhat hostile to ‘whistle blowers,’ are not prepared to formally report their concerns. A small but significant amount of hard evidence of abuse exists in the reports of the Registered Homes Tribunal decisions. This body has the jurisdiction to hear appeals concerning the running of registered and nursing homes in the UK. The circumstances portrayed range from issues of ‘bad practice’ to abuse which may be physical, psychological, or sexual, perpetrated by staff, home owners, residents, or visitors. Many of the cases which concern the tribunal focus on whether a given individual is a ‘fit person’ to run a home. It is the aim of this article to consider and reflect on the tribunals’ interpretation of that term, in relation to the operation and decisions of the tribunal.  相似文献   
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