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This article investigates and compares the dominant concepts of public policy concerning the employment-parenthood interface in the UK and Austria. These two countries have been chosen because they represent very different public policy conceptions, particularly in approaching the work-family issue. In order to show the consequences of these policies the paper focuses on working time and time away from employment, when children are very young, and relates these aspects to currently introduced and changed regulatory structures, such as working time regulations and statutory parental leave. The active labour market and family policy in Austria, generally, supports the reconciliation of employment and parenthood. However, the Austrian work-family 'system' suffers from the underlying notion of the male breadwinner model in public support structures and low normative support of employed mothers. The cultural barriers for a more equal distribution of the burdens of combining employment and parenthood seem to be lower in the UK. The market as the political focus, in general, allows more equal opportunities for (qualified) women in the labour market and within families. But the highly flexible and polarised labour market, passive public policy and weak legal protection of employed parents creates a difficult relationship between paid work and family life for many parents, in particular for low-skilled, low-paid parents, above all mothers. These analyses provide the basis for conclusions for public policy aiming at the reconciliation of paid work and parenthood. Ce texte cherche à comparer les concepts dominants de la politique gouvernementale concernant l'interface travail-parent en Grande-Bretagne et en Autriche. Ces deux pays ont été choisis parce qu'ils présentent des concepts de politique gouvernementale très différents, en particulier en ce qui concerne la question de la famille et le travail. Ce texte montre les conséquences de la pratique de ces politiques sur le temps au travail rémunéréet le temps passé à l'extérieur de l'emploi ou sans emploi, et ce, dans un contexte o[ugrave] les enfants sont jeunes. Le texte fait la relation entre ces éléments et la pratique des structures de contrôle existantes et modifiées telles que les lois (ou: les règlements) sur le temps passéau travail et sur les congé parentaux. En général, le marché du travail et la politique de la famille en Autriche encourage la conciliation entre l'emploi et la responsabilité de parent. Par contre, ce système de travail- famille autrichien est un concept qui est fondé à la fois sur le modèle de l'homme comme fournisseur principal du revenu familial dans les structures de soutien public ainsi que sur normes de soutien peu élevées pour les mères employées. Les barrières culturelles face àune distribution plus égalitaire de la responsabilité travail-famille semblent être moins élevées en Grande-Bretagne. En général, le marché et la politique du marché du travail ont offerts plus d'opportunités aux femmes qualifiées. Mais la volatilité (et la polarisation) du marché du travail, la politique gouvernementale passive et la faible protection légale pour les parentstravailleurs créent tous une relation difficile pour les parents entre le travail rémunéré et la vie de famille--en particulier pour ceux qui sont moins qualifiés et mal rémunérés, dont surtout les mères de famille. Cette analyse nous guide vers la nécessité d'une politique gouvernementale qui vise la conciliation entre le travail rémunéré et la responsabilité parentale.  相似文献   
关于我国“民工荒”与农民工福利待遇的探讨   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
张学英 《南方人口》2005,20(2):47-52
2004年前后在我国珠三角等地出现了"民工荒"现象,这是否意味着我国农村劳动力乡-城迁移已经接近尾声,从而农村实现土地规模化经营的时机已经成熟?本文根据托达罗模型,利用成本-收益分析法,提出这是农民进城务工收入与务农收入之间差距缩小导致的农村劳动力做出的非迁移决策.并探讨了设置农民工福利项目对劳动力市场和企业雇佣成本的影响.  相似文献   
新疆回族驼运业的调查与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王平 《回族研究》2006,(3):21-30
伴随着自元代起始的徙居,地处丝绸之路孔道的新疆回族便开始了远距离经商贸易活动。作为集货物运输与商业贸易为一体的商旅组织,回族驼运业随丝绸之路的兴衰而消长。到民国后,回族驼运业迅猛发展,在新疆驼运业中,规模最大,经营活动范围最广,资金最雄厚,社会影响最巨。本文依据田野调查资料及文献记载,对新疆回族驼运的组织与功能、通商路线与营运货物、驼运业兴起的原因及驼队的演变、新疆回族现在的经商运输情况等,作了系统论述。  相似文献   
Educational scholars claim that teacher morale has suffered from accountability pressures and constrained professionalism, but exactly what is most diminished by these pressures remains unclear. Drawing on recent theoretical work on public school organizational culture, we hypothesize that accountability pressures hurt teacher morale and increase the risk of turnover by undermining the professional culture of the school and by diminishing teacher cooperation and trust. We find support for this hypothesis in a national sample of teachers in 2011–12, and a follow-up survey from 2012–13. The analyses test whether a collective pedagogical teacher culture, comprised of professional culture and teacher collaboration, buffers the impact of these pressures that diminish teacher morale. Counter to past research, we find that a strong collective pedagogical teacher culture does not buffer teachers from the ill effects of negative workplace conditions in the form of accountability pressures. We also find that accountability pressures in the form of district dismissals are associated with a higher likelihood of teachers leaving their school, and this relationship is not mitigated by strong professional culture. We conclude that accountability pressures partly undermine goals of improving performance and equity in public schools by sowing seeds of teacher dissatisfaction and contributing to teacher turnover, thus thwarting student achievement in struggling schools.  相似文献   
李桂杰 《现代妇女》2014,(6):207-208
"一技之长、学以致用、凸显能力"是现代高职教育的基本理念。然要实现这一点,需要高职教育在具体的教学环节中突出"工学结合"、"工作过程导向"、"以学生为中心"的教育宗旨,方能在满足社会需求的情形下夯实高职生的能力。本文正是基于此,以高职英语教育为例,探讨在高职英语教育中如何适应"工作过程导向"的要求,并对教学改革提出具体的思路,为高职英语培养现代化、高素质、职业化人才提供一点参考。  相似文献   
This study examined the effects of some work demands-resources on two dimensions of work-to-family interface among Iranian employees. The results of canonical correlation and multiple-regression showed that among work resources (i.e., social support and autonomy), social support was associated negatively with work-to-family conflict and autonomy was associated positively with work-to-family facilitation. Also, among work demands (i.e., job demands and working hours), job demands were associated with both work-to-family conflict and work-to-family facilitation. Unlike previous studies, working hours shows a positive association with work-to-family facilitation, which may be explained by the specific cultural context in Iran. The findings of the study will be of importance to employees and organizations.
Aboulghasem NouriEmail:
预防未成年人犯罪是一项社会系统工程。本文就关心下一代工作委员会,如何有效进行预防未成年人犯罪工作,从其组织建设和工作机制两个方面作了较为具体的分析。  相似文献   
党的十七大适时地提出思想政治工作注重人文关怀和心理疏导,彰显了思想政治工作以人为本的宗旨和与时俱进的创新,显示了严肃的思想政治工作强调尊重人内心的感情、关心人内心的感受、拉近了执政党与人民的距离.体现了执政党更注重对人的关怀,社会对人的关爱。而青年作为实施思想政治工作的重点对象,在思想政治工作理念转换的背景下,强化科学的认识方法和科学的实施方法,是满足青年日益增长的物质和精神文化生活需求,是使青年思想政治工作收到实效的重要保证。  相似文献   
This research tests predictions regarding potential disparities among the employed by personal characteristics in the ability to vary the starting and ending times of their workday and engage in work from home. Women and African-Americans possess less access to flexible work schedules, even when controlling for most job characteristics. Married men have more access, but only if they are parents, and mothers only if they have pre-school-age children. Workers with part-time or long hours gain far greater access. Work-at-home is more common among women, the married and parents-thus, relatively more reflective of family demands. The results suggest where public and organizational policies could be focused to spread flexible work arrangements more toward those who both most value it and lack it.  相似文献   
隐喻外显功能的语用视角研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隐喻是表面错配而内隐契合的有益于更有效交际的语用手段和策略。隐喻的(外显)功能包括概念易及功能(认知功能)、语言促进功能(包括词汇/意念填充功能、经济功能、语篇(连贯)功能和表述增效(美学)功能)、情感功能、人际调适功能和文化承载功能;分析隐喻意义、隐喻含意、隐喻影像、情感和非言语信息之间的关系,对揭示隐喻外显功能—隐喻意义、隐喻含意、隐喻影像、情感和非言语信息之间趋同—的语用运作机制意义重大。  相似文献   
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