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Since its birth ninety years ago Tel Aviv has been a leading symbol ofthe Zionist, and subsequently, Israeli claim to be a modem, progressive, and essentially ‘Western’ nation. The power of this image has obscured both the intimate connection between the modern(ist) architectural and town-planning discourses upon which its identity has been constructed and the exclusivism of Zionism as a nationalist movement, and the fact that the neighboring town ofJaffa, long considered Tel Aviv’s ancient and backward alter ego, was in fact developing along similar lines as the Jewish city until its conquest in 1948.  相似文献   
1979年12月,苏军大举入侵阿富汗,开始了长达10年之久的苏联最后一场对外战争。本文根据近年来问世的俄文资料,叙述了二战后苏阿关系的演变,着重阐明自1978年4月政变至1979年12月阿富汗国内的局势,以及苏联所采取的对策。文章强调,由于判断失误,苏共领导在小范围内所作出的决策使必然会给本国带来极其严重的后果。  相似文献   
1998-2013年间,上海合作组织参加解决阿富汗问题的立场和政策分四个阶段基本成型。阿富汗国内形势的变化对欧亚地区产生影响,其政治和解前景的不确定性也是国际社会难以把握的进程,毒品失控严重妨碍社会经济恢复和国际援助效率。上海合作组织参与解决阿富汗问题的努力主要在以下几个方面:通过更广泛的国际安全合作构筑周边反恐反毒安全带,积极参与和推动阿富汗社会经济重建,为实现民族和解与国家政治统一提供国际平台。  相似文献   
伊朗是阿富汗的西邻,在阿富汗有着重要影响力,尤其是在语言、宗教和文化等方面。从美国发动打击阿富汗“塔利班”政权的战争后至今,伊朗在阿富汗政治和经济重建、民族和解、打击毒品走私等方面都发挥着重要作用。伊朗反对美军在阿富汗长期存在。2014年后,国际安全援助部队将大部分撤出阿富汗。伊朗会继续推动阿富汗政治、社会稳定,防止“塔利班”东山再起,参与阿富汗经济重建,但其政策也会根据地区和国际形势变化进行调整。  相似文献   
美国全面调整阿富汗政策及其影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阿富汗战争已历时十年之久,美国因深陷阿战国力严重消耗,其振兴国内经济的目标也未实现.鉴于此,奥巴马政府再度大幅调整阿富汗政策,在阿战略重点由“反恐至上”转为“地缘优先”,并出台“新丝绸之路”计划,采取措施推进中亚、南亚一体化,召开多轮阿富汗问题国际会议,加速阿富汗重建进程.在美国推动下,阿富汗形势面临重大拐点,并将对该地区安全及地缘政治格局产生深远影响.  相似文献   
What power, meaning and value may exist within a soldier's first‐person war story? Former Marine captain Tyler Boudreau, quoted below, suggests that constructing a personal narrative of the traumas of war and homecoming, then “asking questions” of the story, can provide a veteran with a “chart.” If this is so, can that chart help one along the road to healing from those traumas, especially when that story is shared with others? Could there be dangerous turns or pitfalls on the journey? How can a public sharing of narratives of wartime experiences help audiences to better respond to those veterans and families who must cope with a difficult transition from the battlefield to home? What guidelines can be used effectively to train and prepare storytellers for their role? In this collaborative article, strengthened by the clinical wisdom of various consulting clinicians, we examine these questions through the lenses of two programs that provide veterans opportunities to share their war stories publicly. They include the Veterans Education Project (VEP) and the “100 Faces of War Experience” project (100 Faces).  相似文献   
20世纪90年代初,中亚地区成为阿富汗毒品输送到俄罗斯、欧洲乃至世界各地的重要通道,而塔吉克斯坦是中亚毒品贩运量最大的国家之一。塔政府实施了积极而严厉的禁毒政策和措施,与国际社会密切合作,在禁毒斗争中取得了不少成果,但由于多种原因其禁毒效果很不理想,禁毒形势依然严峻。  相似文献   
从历史角度看,阿富汗民族国家的构建经过了建构、解构和重构三大阶段。杜兰尼王朝的建立标志着阿富汗民族国家构建的开始;"四月革命"爆发后,阿富汗民族国家面临解构的危险;"塔利班"政权倒台后,阿富汗民族国家的构建出现了重构的契机。历史发展进程中内外交往的复杂性外化为民族国家构建的复杂性与漫长性。在民族国家构建过程中表现出与现代化推进的同步性、曲折性、伊斯兰作用的有限性三大特征。  相似文献   
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