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犍陀罗本生雕刻作为印度文化母题的视觉化形式,以叙事性图像生动地阐释印度民间广泛推崇的价值观。犍陀罗本生雕刻的文化母题包括具有普世意义的乐善好施的传统;以轮回报应为理论基础,以孝敬忠贞为核心的伦理道德观念;奉行虔诚于神和克制苦行的修身理念。这些文化母题真实地再现了古代印度人民的社会理想、家庭关系和人生追求,是今人理解古印度文化的可靠资料。  相似文献   
《九色鹿》是著名的佛本生故事,其在中土的图文传播有同有异。从传播内容言,二者所关注的人物形象都集中在九色鹿、国王、告密者以及国王夫人身上,但文学的传播内容,总体上较图像传播更丰富些。从传播途径言,图像传播线路较为明确,可归纳为“印度→犍罗陀→中土”,而文学传播似有断层。从传播时间之先后言,图像的叙事传播略早于文学传播,但文学传播持续时间更长,一直持续到宋元以后。无论图、文叙事,都受到了中土固有文化的影响。  相似文献   
Mainstream approaches to chronic condition management and prevention inadequately address the needs of Māori, the Indigenous people of New Zealand. Māori health service providers (MHSPs) are uniquely placed to address the critical gap in the prevention of chronic conditions. In this paper, we report qualitative research findings investigating how prevention was being modelled, practiced and measured in selected MHSP settings. Results indicate barriers to achieving wellbeing through health service delivery. The dominant individualistic, medical conditions-focused discourse, along with responding to acute need, is a driver of service delivery norms.There are examples of shifts in organisational structure and delivery configurations that demonstrate that these norms are being challenged and reframed, in some form, by MHSPs. Consolidation of these approaches requires significant work and increased resources as well as a broader systems-level response that prioritises prevention.  相似文献   
本文对俄罗斯科学院东方文献研究所收藏的西夏文《大乘无量寿经》残卷进行了翻译和校注,指出西夏本与现存两种汉译本均有差异,其所据藏文底本可能略有不同。  相似文献   
佛教作为中国传统文化当中不可分割的一部分时至唐朝也进入了鼎盛时期。作为"明君"的唐太宗没有从个人情感的角度出发看待佛教,而是从一种治国之策的维度对佛教进行合理的管控。玄奘法师对太宗的影响在一定程度上使其采取了更为和缓的佛教政策,正因如此唯识宗也在此期间轰动一时。  相似文献   
古兰学(‘Ulūmal-qur’ān)是研究《古兰经》的基础学科,也是伊斯兰文化体系的传统学科。尽管古兰学是一门独立学科,但它因以《古兰经》为研究对象而具有多学科交叉特点,并由此产生了若干分支学科,经注学(‘ilmal-tafsir)则是其中最重要的主干学科。古兰学与经注学在学科原理和认知经文层面的共性关系,既有助于人们了解和理解《古兰经》的文体经义,也为伊斯兰文化发展提供不可或缺的思想资源。  相似文献   
本文回顾了汉传因明代表作《因明大疏》研究的百年历程,总结了该研究从普及到专题研究再到全面研究这三个阶段的不同特点和各自的成就,认为郑伟宏新作《因明大疏校释、今译、研究》代表了《因明大疏》研究的最高水平,该书从四个方面概括《因明大疏》的成就与不足,对它的历史地位作了较为全面而精当的评价。  相似文献   
自古至今,伊斯兰思想界对法拉比为何被称作"第二导师"这一问题有各种不同的阐释。纳斯尔教授认为法拉比是用逻辑学系统化陈述的方法对诸学科进行处理的奠基者,他建立起"理性"与"信仰"之间,即哲学与宗教之间的和谐。法拉比在伊斯兰传统中所做的工作有如亚里士多德在希腊传统中所做的工作,故被称为"第二导师"。  相似文献   

This paper presents the consolidated findings of a four-year research project that evaluated policy inclusion between the New Zealand government and communities of difference – specifically, ethnic/migrant/refugee groups, women/gender and Māori. Policy inclusion builds on foundational principles of deliberative democracy that dialogue and relationship not only improve policy but also foster democratic transitions towards pluralism and diversity. Although associated with the social democratic agenda of the Fifth Labour government, collaborative policymaking with marginalised groups continued in the subsequent National government. Drawing on interviews with policy communities, this paper analyses (a) the processes of inclusionary policymaking, (b) policy impacts and (c) implications for politics of difference. The findings suggest that, overall, the greatest efforts in inclusive policy have been at the level of design, primarily by maximising the presence of members and promoting visibility for communities of difference. These processes have had less impact on sustained, deep political transformations or opportunities for advancing diversity. The findings suggest that inclusionary policymaking had benefits for recognition politics, but against the backdrop of recent neo-conservatism, the prospects for pluralistic politics have been compromised, paving instead a politics of regulation.  相似文献   
Following the MV Rena grounding and oil spill in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand in October 2011, the Māori community of Maketū were quick to respond to the arrival of oil on their beaches. They asserted their rangatiratanga by establishing their marae as a base and successfully coordinated a clean-up by more than 450 volunteers, feeding these volunteers every day. We interviewed 11 clean-up leaders and volunteers in Maketū to gather information about how the oil spill affected people in the community and how they ensured the success of their clean-up efforts. Many volunteers returned to help with the clean-up day after day over several weeks. Concepts of kaitiakitanga and manaakitanga underpinned the work of the Maketū clean-up organisers. Participants attributed the success of the Maketū clean-up to the speed with which they responded, the support they received from their community and local businesses, and their local knowledge.  相似文献   
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