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道教“祝由符咒”起源于巫术,后世用以为人治病时,又体现出一定的实用价值。中医学受其启发,以祝由之术治疗情志疾病,其疗效受到历代医家推崇,由此丰富和发展了中医学的治疗方法。  相似文献   
本文基于尼采的早期著作《朝霞》,对尼采的“冲动”学说进行解读。尼采引入冲动一词源于对于道德的批判,以表达他对于人的自我的全新理解。本文致力于从概念上廓清尼采使用的“冲动”一词,归根结底,“冲动”的概念可以通过诉诸价值、欲望和行动三者之间的内在统一而进行说明;考察了冲动的来源,冲动的演化过程,以期能够解释“冲动”何以被视为一系列汇聚起来的集合体;最后,对“冲动”本质上可以用目的论来说明的观点进行反驳,提出一种更为合理的谱系学的理解。  相似文献   
关于民间口头流传的神奇幻想故事同原始文化、传统宗教信仰之间的关联 ,素为中外学人所关注。本文作为“中国民间故事类型与传承研究”这个重大课题的一个侧面 ,对此做出了较有新意的阐释  相似文献   
Yat巫祝即扎达巫祝,我国北方阿尔泰语系民族之中流传比较典型的民俗习俗之一。其中维吾尔族的Yat巫祝的历史悠久,影响很深,保存了独特的特征。  相似文献   
本文先介绍跳马步系列的有关概念及性质,然后用跳马步系列研究奇素数阶规则完美幻 方的个数。  相似文献   
贾平凹的新作《高兴》是中国现当代文学中“农民进城”主题的进一步延伸和深化,它描摹了一个全景式丰富、多层面的民间社会,这里有下层农民工艰难的生存图景,也有他们不甘继续蛰居底层的抗争。贾氏的民间不仅是原生态、粗鄙的民间,更是充满魅性和艺术感染力的民间。在这一民间魅性世界中作家借助镜像塑造了众多相互映衬、对照的人物形象,丰富了作品的内涵,增添了小说精神意蕴。  相似文献   
首先介绍遗传算法,并针对一个古老的数学问题——幻方提出了一种基于遗传算法的幻方构造新方法.  相似文献   
论白玉蟾对南宋道教科仪的创新--兼论南宗教团的雷法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白玉蟾是南宋著名道士,被尊为金丹派南宗五祖.白玉蟾的南宗教团倡行内丹道,并将内丹修炼与斋醮仪式相结合.白玉蟾在斋醮科仪申融入雷法的仪格,以增强斋醮济世度人的法力,这既是宋代雷法盛行的时代背景所决定,也是白玉蟾对道教斋醮科仪格式的创新.  相似文献   
对待在阶级社会产生、国家形成之后被规范的宗教,魔幻现实主义与寻根文学的描写与挖掘,价值取向完全两样。魔幻现实主义对其采取了批判与否定的立场和态度;寻根文学对其态度有时明朗,有时暧昧,其价值取向时而肯定,时而批判,或者满足于客观的展示,价值评判失语。  相似文献   
We examined relationships between stream fish assemblages and land use alteration associated with urbanization in 15 lower Piedmont watersheds along an urbanization gradient north of Columbus, western Georgia. Based on land cover data from 2002 Landsat 7 TM imagery aerial photos, streams drained watersheds that were largely urban, developing (suburban), agricultural (pasture), managed pine forest, and unmanaged mixed-forest. We quantified fish seasonally from 3 run-pool segments in each stream, and used a variety of metrics as response variables in analyses of relationships between fish assemblage structure and land use and natural basin variation. In general, Georgia-Index of Biotic Integrity (GA-IBI) values, Bray-Curtis faunal similarity of streams to mean conditions within reference streams, proportions of fish as lithophilic spawners, and fish lacking eroded fins, lesions, tumors decreased with increasing urbanization. Multiple regression indicated that assemblages were explained by a combination of land use and natural basin variables (basin size, average discharge, nearest distance to a larger downstream tributary [colonization source]), with land use variables being important predictors of summer assemblages and natural basin variables being more important in winter and spring assemblages. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordinations revealed strong separation between assemblages in urban watersheds and forested watersheds, whereas assemblages in agricultural and developing watersheds were intermediate between those in urban and forested watersheds. Our data suggest that fish are reliable indicators of anthropogenic disturbance at the landscape scale, at least seasonally, and may be used to forecast the magnitude of landscape-level changes in stream structure and function associated with the conversion of forests to urban/suburban land in the Southeast.  相似文献   
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