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以金文中女性享祭情况与男性享祭情况的对比为纬,考查女性享祭者礼遇高低的量化相对值;以不同时期女性享祭情况的发展变化为经,考查女性享祭者礼遇变化的量化绝对值,揭示出殷周社会对女性享祭者的尊崇逐渐减弱的事实,证明殷周女性社会地位极其低微并逐步下降的观点。  相似文献   
民神信仰是民俗文化的重要组成部分,东北地区由于特殊的历史和地理背景,在其民神形成的历史过程中,既有与全国民神共同的特点,也有自身的地城特征.  相似文献   
吴秋林 《民族学刊》2017,8(3):37-44,107-109
基于学界饮食文化意义本身研究的丰硕成果,以宗教人类学的视角对物质文化进程中的食物信仰性进行探究.专就族群赖以生存的基本食物的文化属性详加分析,窥探其在体制性宗教信仰与民族民间宗教信仰文化观念的建构过程中,表现路径之不同和所承载的重要作用.无论是体制性宗教的特殊标志,还是民族民间宗教信仰中以祭品加以改造的方式,都相当程度阐释出信仰食物在与神灵互通实践中的精神营养内涵,以及于此两种文化信仰氛围之下的饮食男女的意义关系.  相似文献   
股票首次公开发行、承销商声誉与我国保荐制度的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
承销商在股票首次公开发行中起着决定性作用,而承销商声誉对于其作用的发挥则有着重要的影响。本文首先对股票首次公开发行的过程及承销商的作用进行了概述,接着在借鉴国外学者相关研究的基础上,分析了承销商声誉对首次公开发行定价的影响。研究发现,由有声望的承销商承销的股票其定价相对较高,同时其收取的费用也相对较多。最后本文对我国保荐制度的建立与具体实施提出了相关建议。  相似文献   
赵小华 《唐都学刊》2005,21(6):41-45
郊庙歌辞,系古代帝王祭祀天地、宗庙、明堂、社稷等大典时所用的歌辞,是一种集诗歌、音乐、舞蹈于一体的综合艺术形式。以祭祀活动作为创作出发点的郊庙歌辞,在内容上重在描述和表现人与天地、鬼神之交往、沟通,其敬天、亲人的内在精神与祭祀本身的内涵是相一致的。  相似文献   
民间祭祀与社会生活,是一直处于流动、变迁和发展之中的.随着社会的发展,旧的意识不会马上随之消失,它在扬弃,在既克服又保留中得到传承,在一代又一代人的心理深处传承不息.但只是要经历激烈的社会变动,或者一个相当长的时期,由于时间、地点、条件的变化,由于社会的不断发展,民间祭祀也会随之发生变异,有的甚至逐渐被社会淘汰.  相似文献   
李玫 《南都学坛》2011,31(2):46-52
紫荆树故事最早见于南朝梁吴均的《续齐谐记》,之后不断被改写,到了清代,从故事情节到所表现的主题都发生了很大的变化:清代小戏《打灶王》在紫荆树故事中加入了灶神,把原故事中反对分家的主旨改变为主张分家。灶神的加入是因为灶神在民间被看做"一家之主"。《打灶王》里女主人公对灶神的调笑态度,与民间祭灶习俗的演变有关。而变反对分家为支持分家,则反映了传统家庭观念的渐变。  相似文献   
The authors examine the literature with respect to the pricing of initial public offerings and focus upon the relationship of pricing to the structure and conduct of the investment banking industry. Using a data base of all share offerings undertaken in the United States over a two and a half year period, the authors find that there is considerable evidence for the proposition that large, prestigious, and well capitalised investment banks tend to price their share offerings at a higher absolute level than those not meeting such characteristics. Using classical statistical methods, the authors find that the pricing strategy of investment banks is connected to their affiliation with investment funds and unit trusts. The motives for such pricing strategies, the authors argue, lie with the affiliation of investment banks with investment funds, suggesting that the pricing of new share offerings may be a means of excluding retail investors from participating in the strong returns such issues exhibit. The authors raise legal and regulatory implications of their findings in the context of the general consolidation observed within the investment banking industry. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
This study investigated media reputation in initial public offerings (IPOs) by proposing eight attributes of substantive media reputation from environmental and product-resource perspectives. A content analysis on financial news coverage (2281 newspaper articles from 2004 to 2010) in Hong Kong was conducted to examine how print media reported financial and nonfinancial information on 38 IPO firms in the sectors of financial, properties and construction, and consumer goods. Results from partial least squares analysis showed that, although substantive media reputation and recency of news coverage together only explained a small proportion of changes in IPO share price, substantive media reputation has a significant positive effect on changes in IPO share price. Apart from the significant positive effect from the presentation tone of environmental attributes, the tone of social attributes had a significant negative effect on substantive media reputation. With the increasing concern on measuring media reputation attributes in financial news coverage across different contexts, this study contributes to the applicability of environmental and product-resource attributes in the specific context of IPOs.  相似文献   
张国红 《太平洋学报》2010,18(10):65-73
目前我国上市银行融资和再融资活动的基本现状和特征,说明我国银行业已步入第二波融资高峰期,其产生主要缘于新的宏观经济背景、信贷扩张和资本监管要求的提高。尽管通过市场化手段——资本市场的融资和再融资方式可以解决上市银行的资本充足率不足问题,但鉴于上市银行具有天然的再融资冲动与偏好,因此,实现银行经营方式从以信贷资产规模扩张为主导的外延粗放型向内涵集约型增长转变,才是遏制未来上市银行无节制的再融资冲动与需求的可行之路。  相似文献   
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