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本文在总结分析"十五"期间广西民族文化工作取得的成绩的基础上,提出广西民族文化发展的思路:强化民族文化是一个民族的灵魂和根基的共识;以民族节庆为平台,广泛推崇民族文化;加强和扶持民族文化载体建设,借助现代化手段,推动民族文化走向全国、走向世界;构建"点、线、区、网"相连的民族文化体系。  相似文献   
成玮 《阴山学刊》2009,22(2):43-46
余英时先生《朱熹的历史世界》一书重构两宋(尤其是南宋)政坛面貌,旁征博引,新见迭出,深得学界好评。然而通读全书,作者对若干史料的运用,似不无令人生疑之处。书中史料处理的疑点。主要可分为:字词含义、语段脉络、史料性质、推论程序四类。  相似文献   
重庆是中国内陆最早开通中欧班列的城市,也是国际贸易陆海新通道的枢纽.自"一带一路"倡议提出以来,重庆对欧贸易建设取得了新成绩,同时也暴露出部分问题.中欧班列运行效率有待提升,本地企业在对外贸易中面临贸易保护主义和贸易壁垒.国际法可以为重庆开展对欧贸易提供坚实的基础,我国应当在"一带一路"框架下推进贸易规则与交通运输规则法制化,以国际法固化双方权利义务,保护各方利益.重庆应当依托"一带一路"倡议,建设好中欧班列和陆海新通道的交通枢纽;同时,根据本地企业自身特点找出一条合适的发展道路,提升重庆和中国的国际影响力,促进"一带一路"建设.  相似文献   
统计调查课程的现状与调整思路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章从统计调查课程设置的现状出发,介绍了当前随着社会经济的发展和统计调查方法体系的改革,统计调查理论体系以及统计调查课程设置的不足,叙述了统计调查课程调整的思路。要实施这个思路,必须重视统计调查对象内容的变化,并注重借鉴国外成熟的经验。为适应形势的发展,随着现行统计调查方法体系的调整与完善,对统计调查课程也要作相应的调整。  相似文献   
"双选制"作为一种新的教学管理模式,被许多高校所采用,特别是在专业音乐院校的技能技巧课中其优势非常明显.目前许多高师音乐教育专业在技能技巧课中,也采用"双选制",但由于种种原因,这种管理模式反倒成了高师音乐教育"重技术,轻理论","重专业,轻文化"的催化剂.这一现象应该引起我们的注意.  相似文献   
随着Web2.0时代的到来,网络媒体已成为公共危机及其风险传播的主要途径,舆论危机的形成和演化也成为日益突出的社会风险问题。其中,网络舆论的蔓延过程及其机理的研究是舆论危机研究的重点,并逐渐受到学者的关注和社会的重视。本文以舆论危机的蔓延机理为研究对象,通过收集和梳理近年来发生的20起网络舆论危机事件,对舆论蔓延的基本内涵、表现形式和驱动因素等进行系统总结。随后,以蔓延驱动因素的研究为指导,考虑蔓延的"内部影响因子"和"外部影响因子"等,构建舆论蔓延扩散的一般性模型,并对模型的极值点和拐点等进行剖析。最后,本文以"7·23甬温动车事故"为例,对其网络舆论的蔓延扩散模型进行拟合、回归和分析。  相似文献   
This article addresses the train-sequencing problem encountered in the Korean railway. It first presents a mixed integer programming model for the problem, in which the mileage must be balanced for each train route, while various field constraints must be satisfied, including overnight stay capacity and maintenance allocation restrictions. Then, it proposes a hybrid genetic algorithm as a solution approach to the problem. The proposed algorithm utilizes a modified elite group technique along with two heuristic procedures based on the mixed integer programming model. Finally, the proposed solution approach is tested with real-world data from the Korean railway. Numerical experiments under different conditions indicate that the proposed solution approach to the train-sequencing problem is promising.  相似文献   

China’s mobility turn has created the world’s largest public rail system, contributing extensively to citizens’ economic, social, and spatial mobility. Concurrently, this technological transformation has introduced many opportunities for individuation, which could potentially challenge the social, collectivistic, and Confucian foundations of China’s sociocultural and political ideology. While the notion that ‘mobility produces culture’ is readily accepted, research on train mobility in China is rare. In this study, we use Albert Bandura’s Model of Triadic Reciprocal Causation to conceptualize mobility as agency. We employ Hermeneutic Content Analysis, a mixed methods framework, to study how this rapidly evolving mobility environment connects to the lives of 31 regular train users living in Beijing. Studying agency in China enables us to systematize the sociocultural models within which mobility practices are embedded and how they manifest. We find that our interviewees embed agentive practices in a cultural model that is intertwined with collectivistic aspirations of the country. Technological developments are thus integrated into existing sociocultural models and political expectations, contradicting existing debates on the fracturing impact of disruptive technologies.  相似文献   
试论构建高校和谐校园   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校和谐校园建设是和谐社会建设的重要组成.构建和谐校园,是高校传承文明、培养人才、服务社会的基础,因此高校必须高度重视和谐校园的建设,为和谐社会建设作出贡献.  相似文献   
张大为 《阴山学刊》2007,20(1):5-11
作为具有国际知名度与学术水准的著名比较文学学者,叶维廉所操持的比较文学的学科范式,一方面,从学理的层面打开了东方文化的言说方式与意义呈现空间,另一方面,其深层文化人格的介入与文化灵魂的渗透又对于这一范式进行了某种根本性的改写。这对于整个的人文学术的开展都具有启示意义。  相似文献   
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