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浅析伊斯兰教的生态观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伊斯兰教认为人与自然界万物都是真主的造化物,两者地位是平等的,人类只是真主的"代治者".伊斯兰教在强调爱护自然、与自然界和谐相处的前提下,主张把握自然的本质和规律,通过对自然界进行合理的开发利用,为人类造福.同时,伊斯兰教也坚决反对狭隘的功利主义、反对只顾眼前利益而忽视人类的长远利益.这些主张均对增强环保意识、促进人类与自然的和谐发展、维护正常的生态环境具有极大的指导意义.  相似文献   
伊斯兰伦理是一种宗教伦理,来源于<古兰经>、圣训、教法及穆斯林的宗教礼仪与生活习俗.伊斯兰教认为人性本恶;德福统一;在相信绝对前定的条件下,又相信人的意志自由;鼓励穆斯林重视现世生活,更追求来世的永恒福乐;强调以敬业的态度对待生活中的责任和义务;在性别观上,既认为男女有差别,更认为男女是平等的.伊斯兰伦理对建设和谐社会具有一定的价值.  相似文献   
This paper explores the construction of Islam as abject and the symbolic positioning of Muslims as being outside secular modernity in Australia through an analysis of the way the criminal legal process and perceptions of criminality are culturalised. The empirical focus is gang rape and the trials of Muslim youth on gang rape charges in Sydney between 2000–2003 which quickly became culturally inflected as ‘Muslim’ and ‘Lebanese’ by media reporting of the criminal trials and moral panic about them as source of social menace. Three dimensions of culturalisation of crime and the criminalisation of culture are identified in the criminal legal process and media reporting of it; firstly the cultural inflection of new laws against gang rape by their association with particular events and trials; secondly the introduction of ‘cultural defence’ by the accused as a mitigating factor in the criminal legal process; thirdly, media reporting and commentary on criminal cases which emphasize cultural explanations for individual criminal behaviour.  相似文献   
Chinese-speaking Muslims, called Dungans in Central Asia and Huizu in China, were forced to migrate to present-day Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan at the end of the nineteenth century. They reconstructed their identity through interrelations with local populations and the soviet categorisation of nationality. But after 1991, their status has being gradually destabilised owing to the changes in economic, social and political rules as well as citizenship regulations in these countries. They have to readapt to the new situation created by the independence of the three former Soviet Republics, which has challenged their unity.  相似文献   
独立后,哈萨克斯坦国的宗教状况和政教关系发生了诸多变化,宗教地位在民众社会生活中不断上升,传统宗教(伊斯兰教和东正教)与非传统宗教之间的竞争加大,伊斯兰极端主义对国家安全的破坏日益明显。《宗教活动与宗教团体法》(2011)的出台为规范宗教活动、遏制某些宗教的极端化奠定了基础。宗教政策经历了从宽松到趋紧的过程,族际和睦与宗教和谐政策的政教关系已初步形成,宗教状况的发展趋势将会受到多种因素的影响。  相似文献   
Although most traditional Muslim scholars condemn same-sex desires and acts, revisionist Muslim scholars have offered a more tolerant approach on this issue over the last two decades. Building on an essentialist approach to same-sex desires and acts, these scholars have argued that Islam accepts difference and diversity, including sexual diversity, as part of God’s creation. Homosexuality, which in their view is an innate disposition to the same sex, is an alternative sexuality and, thus, accepted by the Qur’an and Islam. This article argues that an essentialist approach is not suitable to defend all manifestations of same-sex desires and acts, not only because it is narrow (as it excludes both bisexual Muslims and homosexual Muslims who believe that their sexual orientation is socially constructed), but also because it cannot even argue the case for the view of homosexuality as inborn. This article proposes to open up the debate beyond essentialism and constructivism, which both have their limitations, to accommodate a more inclusive and tolerant Islamic approach to same-sex desires and acts.  相似文献   

The article aims to shed light on mosque communities in Russia through the example of mosques frequented by Moscovites and by Central Asian migrants. I will make use of Anderson’s theoretical framework of ‘imagined community’ in analysing the material presented in the article. The main argument is that there are no real mosque communities and rather that the sense of community formed around mosques is imagined. There are nevertheless a variety of networks, groups and institutions within and around mosques. The article is based on fieldwork conducted in 2016 and 2017.  相似文献   
阿拉伯世界自2011年以来发生持续动荡,埃及、突尼斯、利比亚、叙利亚先后出现政局动荡甚至政局颠覆。当前阿拉伯世界的各种力量之间相互博弈,这将长期左右阿拉伯世界的政局。伊斯兰政治势力不断壮大,其极端思想及行为是阿拉伯世界政局动荡的重要影响力量,阿拉伯世界的青年人对政局不满,不断爆发大规模示威游行,处于边缘地位的工人阶级、世俗主义者与非政治民众对当前局势的态度也影响着阿拉伯地区的稳定。  相似文献   
《禹贡半月刊》是著名历史地理学家顾颉刚等人于 2 0世纪初创办的学术刊物 ,此刊发行仅 4年 ,却发表了很多颇有价值的学术文章。其中关于回族伊斯兰教研究方面也刊发了不少有见地的文章 ,本文就有关回族伊斯兰教研究特点作述评。  相似文献   
伊斯兰教是以道德为本的宗教。在伊斯兰教中 ,宗教信仰是基础 ,伦理道德是核心。离开信仰 ,道德无以寄托 ;离开道德 ,信仰无以落实。信仰之路也就是道德完善之路 ,信仰的最高境界也就是道德的至境。无论是伊斯兰兴教的出发点、最终目的 ,还是伊斯兰教的主旨 ,都说明伦理道德在伊斯兰教中居于核心地位。阐明伦理道德在伊斯兰教中的地位 ,对于我们正确理解伊斯兰教的真谛具有积极意义。  相似文献   
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