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This article investigates solidarity arising from economic exchange, by studying a multiplex network of collaboration, trust and social support. After a qualitative pre-study, we performed a full-network survey on a group of independent professionals sharing a coworking space and occasionally collaborating with each other. By running multivariate Exponential Random Graph Models, we showed that successful collaboration might not determine expectations of social support. However, these relationships were related to business-based trust ties, which were predicted by collaboration. Our results suggest that solidarity can emerge as a byproduct of peer economic exchange when trust mediates between professional relationships and expressive ties.  相似文献   
人类之间的相互理解现在具有十分重要的意义,而真正地实现理解需要运用复杂性认识方法。看到每个人都具有潜在的多重人格,在随着历史背景条件飘移中实现某一种自身,因此我们不应把犯有罪过的人简化为他们一时犯下的罪过,而看到他们改变的可能性。客观的理性的理解还应辅之以主观的推己及人的理解,才能产生同情。了解产生不理解的各种根源自觉地加以克服,从而力争达到人类的相互宽容和团结。  相似文献   
We experimentally examine the impact of self-inflicted neediness on the solidarity behavior of subjects. In one treatment in our solidarity experiment all subjects face the same probability of becoming needy, in the other treatment subjects have the choice between a secure payment and a lottery which includes a certain probability of becoming needy. Then all subjects are asked how much they will give to losers in their group to investigate if people are willing to give the same gifts whether or not subjects are responsible for inequality in payoffs. We found evidence for allocative as well as for procedural utility concerns.  相似文献   
涂尔干以《社会分工论》开启了现代社会的分化研究,其理想型"有机团结"兼容社会分化与社会团结,从中可推导出现代社会秩序得以维持的逻辑之一在于分化与整合的统一。回顾经典有益于反思现实,维护社会各领域的相对自主与配合默契,既是逻辑要求,也是现实要求。  相似文献   
在下述有关莫兰论复杂性伦理学的三则译文中,第一则概述了复杂性伦理学包含的各种要素;第二则陈述了复杂性思想和伦理学之间的必然联系;在第三则中指出,未来的伦理学与政治的结合将应同时促进个人、社会和人类的发展。  相似文献   
Problem shifts in the study of welfare states and societal inequalities   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
This paper takes stock of questions in the field of welfare states and societal inequalities and related areas in sociology. Within general sociology, Lenski offered the question of who gets what and why, and the first generation of studies on welfare and inequality ranging from Cutright to Hewitt replaced questions about income shares for percentile groups by questions about state social security expenditures. Korpi, who initiated a second generation of studies, affected a change towards questions about individual benefit levels relative to the income of members of the working population. Commentators like Baldwin have pointed out that these questions are questions about solidarity, another problem in general sociology. This paper concludes by arguing in favour of a third problem shift, in which questions about the solidarity disfavoured people receive are complemented with questions about the solidarity advantaged people give.  相似文献   
代际连带,在本质上是不同世代人群间的利益平衡关系.传统型代际连带的特点在于在"同时态"上表现为年轻人群对老年人群、在职者群体对退休者群体的单向扶助,通过世代交替在"历时态"中达到代际利益平衡.人口老龄化动摇了传统型代际连带的物质基础和社会心理基础,使社会保障制度陷于困境.在老龄化社会,建立一种对各年龄层人群都公平的社会保障制度,使代际利益平衡在"同时态"也能得到体现,这是重建代际连带的关键,也是保证社会保障制度的稳定性和持久性的前提.  相似文献   
社会构成多元复杂的新加坡在快速现代化过程中遭遇族群冲突、邻里疏离和家庭分解等系列社会问题,新加坡政府创新社会管理体制,通过发展社会团体、调整社会政策、重建集体意识等社会管理对策来促进家庭团结、邻里团结、族群团结和官民团结,并取得了举世瞩目的成就.中国正经历改革开放以来的快速社会转型,也面临和新加坡同样的急剧社会分化和冲突,新加坡促进社会团结的社会管理经验值得我们借鉴,本文在借鉴新加坡经验的基础上结合国情提出促进社会团结的社会管理对策和建议.  相似文献   
Across Canada, the Raging Grannies are renowned for appearing, invited or not, in spaces not typically open to older women, with outrageous ‘Granny’ costumes and satirical songs. A movement of predominantly non-Indigenous, settler women, the Raging Grannies regularly work in diverse activist coalitions in pursuit of social and environmental justice; many are seeking to ally themselves with contemporary Indigenous movements. However, while analyses have so far focused on their highly visible and iconic activist strategies, their solidarity-building efforts remain under-examined. Based on focus groups, interviews, and participant observation carried out in 2014–2015, this paper probes why and how Raging Grannies are building alliances with Indigenous movements in Canada. What emerges is an important tension. While many view their irreverent and theatrical strategies as quintessential to their ‘Granny Activism,’ such tactics were unanimously deemed inappropriate for engaging with Indigenous movements. Underpinned by reflections on their own settler histories, feelings of outrage at ongoing and state-sanctioned colonial practices, fears of inadvertently reproducing colonial relations, and a sense of interconnected futures with Canada’s First Peoples, they sought different, less-visible ways of practicing their solidarities. Many chose to attend rallies dressed in their everyday clothes, provide resources to Indigenous-led protests, invite Indigenous activists to speak at their gatherings, and work through their churches to redress past harm. Their solidarity efforts incorporated small acts, often pivoting around individual members’ personal connections. This article thus depicts the Raging Grannies as more diverse in their practices than typically recognized. It also addresses an important gap in scholarship on older women’s roles in solidarity movements. Finally, it extends existing scholarship on solidarity-building, suggesting that how solidarity is understood cannot be disconnected from how it is practiced, and thus demonstrating how solidarity can be relational, performative, and contingent.  相似文献   
The paper deals with the basic features of the life-space created by contemporary information industry,and with the dominant attitudes towards the opportunities and limitations information technology offers and imposes. We consider the problem of information glut, the quality of public discourse, the question of privacy and technological alienation. Concerning the basic attitudes, we discuss the aesthetic, the moral and the religious views, considered in the context of the present life-space pervaded and shaped by information technology. The paper concludes with a discussion of the possible consequences of global homogenization and of the cultural ahistoricity that are being created by the massive use of information technology. Among the positive aspects of this new 'global culture of the present' we point out the possible increase of global human solidarity; among the negative ones, we point out the flattening and shrinking of the space of human experience, which this uniform culture of the present imposes.  相似文献   
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