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Inheritance is a significant means of transferring wealth from one generation to the next, and therefore increasingly attracts attention from researchers and policy-makers working on intergenerational and multidimensional poverty. However, until now disabled persons have been overlooked in these discussions. This oversight is particularly unfortunate because, as a group, the estimated one billion people with disabilities (some 15% of the world’s population) are among the poorest and most marginalized of the global population. Over the past decade, a small but growing literature has examined the recursive connections between poverty and disability throughout the developing world. In this paper, we argue that disabled individuals are routinely denied inheritance rights in many low-income and middle-income countries, and that this is a significant and largely unrecognized contributor to their indigence. The denial of inheritance is both a social justice issue and a practice that can no longer be overlooked if disabled persons are to be brought into the development mainstream.  相似文献   
In recent decades significant changes in Nepalese society have greatly contributed to the increase in age at marriage of girls in Nepal. Factors responsible for these changes include educational development, urbanization and development of mass communications. However, many parents still marry their daughters at very young ages and this practice is particularly prevalent in the Terai region. This paper examines several demographic data sets with a view to assessing their utility for understanding the determinants of early age of marriage of girls in the Terai. The Nepal Family Health Survey (1996), Nepal Demographic and Health Surveys (2001, 2006), the Nepal Adolescents and Young Adults Survey (1999) and the 2001 Population Census of Nepal describe changes in at marriage over time. Factors such as sex, religion, education, geographic region, place of residence (rural/urban), economic status of the household and of women, and occupation are included in these data sets. However, other factors such as age at menarche, dowry and cost of marriage and cross-border marriage migration, which have been found to affect the prevalence of the lower age at marriage of girls in the Terai region, have not been included in the existing demographic surveys. Findings from the current study suggest that these variables should be included in future demographic surveys.  相似文献   
莎士比亚喜剧中的女性观   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
莎翁喜剧中的女性观念是当时新兴的资产阶级意识形态的折射,与当时的人文主义思想具有同质性和同构性。从其本质上看,这种观点是伴随着封建道德伦理一同成长起来的,有利于资本主义和逻各斯菲勒斯权利的张扬和维护,有利于资本主义发展。但从人性的角度来讲,这种女性观点是反人性的,是有悖于人性和谐发展和创建真正平等和谐的人类社会的,是保守的。  相似文献   
商周妇女称谓及婚姻制度浅探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
殷商甲骨文与金文以“帚”字加女子的国族名或国族姓称呼已婚成年女性,而周代文献和金文则多以国族名加国族姓呼之。凡诸候嫁女,同、异姓诸侯均可以其女媵之。有些诸侯国间保持着长期多代的互通婚姻关系以结成稳固的姻亲同盟。  相似文献   
聘财和嫁妆是中国古代婚姻中的一种礼和俗,至中古时期演变为婚姻重财.唐代婚姻重财经历了从前期重聘财到中后期重嫁妆的演变,这是唐代以士族的衰亡和官僚阶层的兴起为主要特征的社会结构变革和以出嫁以后女子生活中父权地位下降、夫权地位的上升为特征的家族权力变革的结果.  相似文献   
本文以山东南部一个村落的田野资料为基础,表明嫁妆的有无与价值的多少并非一个单纯的经济问题,它与女子在接受妻子集团的生活、与两个联姻家族之间的姻亲关系息息相关。文章重点展示了嫁妆的来源以及象征的多样性,同时指出,从民俗的角度而言,嫁妆不是女性的财产继承方式,她的继承权始终是和婚姻捆绑在一起的。  相似文献   
宋代厚嫁述论   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
宋代是中国封建社会发展进程中的一个重要时期 ,商品经济的高度发展、义利观念的根本转变 ,导致婚姻关系中的门第婚让位于财婚 ,婚姻论财成为一种颇具时代特征的社会现象。这种社会现象又不可避免地促成遍及社会各个阶层的厚嫁风气 ,给当时社会造成极大的消极影响 ,诸如杀婴尤其是女婴、女子迟嫁乃至终生不嫁及对儒家礼仪制度的极大冲击等等  相似文献   
奁作为梳妆用具存在于古代妇女日常生活中,与其朝夕相处,曾走过一段与脂粉亲和的历史。奁的历史代表了中国古代妇女化妆用品、用具的演进,代表了一定时代的装饰文化,也代表了一定历史时期的生产力水平和独特的审美崇尚,它是中国文化史链条上的隐性标志。我们所关注的是一种工艺、一种器具、一种风格样式的嬗变代表的特定生产力状况下人们的审美取向和观念形态的转换。  相似文献   
高嫁妆构成闽南农村一个普遍的社会现象。考察发现,不同于传统习俗,改革开放之后的农村高嫁妆是当前社会结构下农民婚姻实践的产物:农民家庭良好的经济条件和明显的经济分层构成高嫁妆再生产的客观前提;农村妇女的依附性地位为高嫁妆再生产提供内在动力;农村父母主导的本地通婚是高嫁妆再生产的社会载体。晋江农村的高嫁妆实践打破了"彩礼—嫁妆"的婚姻交换框架,具有相对独立于彩礼支付的功能性意涵,它提升了妇女在夫家的地位但没法改变妇女依附夫家的地位,也将贫穷阶层的女儿排斥在本地通婚圈之外。  相似文献   
聂佩进  王振威 《西北人口》2007,28(3):62-68,74
儒家伦理道德教化下的中国家庭,遵循着“反馈”传承模式,奉行诸子均分财产的制度。随着子女(主要是儿子)成家立业,父母会逐渐把家庭的财产以及家庭事务决策权转交给下一代,而老年的父母会由儿子们共同赡养。在此过程中,两代人的家庭地位也发生根本性的改变。本文利用2005年“河北省农村地区婚姻家庭变迁社会调查”数据,选取结婚和分家两个事件,详细论述财富在父代和子代间转移的方式、时间、数量等,帮助我们揭开家庭财产转移的“黑箱,”理解亲子两代强弱地位的互换过程。  相似文献   
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