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“苍凉”是张爱玲小说创作的主体风格。张爱玲以她对音乐与色彩的独特理解和完美运用,使其成为一种意象,是表现人物心理、暗示情节以及揭示人物命运、感悟人生、反映社会的重要手段,从而更深刻地表达了她的“苍凉美学”。  相似文献   
本文用水热法生长了Al~(3+):α-SiO_2石英晶体,测量了γ射线辐照赋色的晶体的吸收光谱。主要的可见吸收带位于2、61ev,2.07ev和2.30ev处。其中2、6ev和2、07ev吸收带是GOW心(即〔Al_(e+)〕°心)产生的色心吸收带。本文理论上计算了GOW心的电子能态。对应该心两个吸收带的理论值分别位于2、72ev和1.94ev与实验结果相符。  相似文献   
浅析《紫色》的书信体风格   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《紫色》(TheColorPurple)是美国当代黑人女作家艾丽斯·沃克(AliceWalker)的代表作品之一。小说采用书信体形式,全书由92封书信构成。在小说中,艾丽斯·沃克娴熟运用现代叙述技巧,采用第一人称作为叙述人称的主线,但又不局限于第一人称,并从人物的视角进行叙述,让读者在阅读文本时,随着人物的视角,直接感受到人物的思想情绪与主观体验,从而清晰透视到女主人公茜莉从麻木、觉醒、抗争到独立的心灵感受和生活历程。本文从《紫色》的叙述技巧和主人公个性的成长两个方面分析《紫色》的书信体风格及其产生的艺术效果。  相似文献   
夏吾李加  俄智多杰 《民族学刊》2016,7(4):70-78,123-126
Tibetan logic is regarded as the number one vital discipline among the Five Vol-umes of Teachings of Tibetan Buddhist philosophy. Its main characteristics are concentrated in the the-oretical system of the collected topics of logic ( bs-dus grwa) . The most profound, systemic and over-all research on the Collected Topic of Logic is the Bse Ghag Dbang Bkr Shis’s Collected Topics of Log-ic which is regarded as a comprehensive expression of the history of Tibetan collected topics of logic. Accordingly, we take this book as the focus of this article in order to make an analysis. Based on the historical development of the discipline as well as the different academic interests of various schools, the Tibetan Collected Topics of Logic has devel-oped into different summarized topics, such as the thirteen summarized topics, the eighteen summa-rized topics, the twenty one summarized topics, the twenty five summarized topics, the twenty sev-en summarized topics and the thirty summarized topics, etc. Although the summarized topics of the Collected Topics differ widely, all of them can be reduced synthetically into three different paths of reasoning, respectively as the intermediate, ad-vanced, and introductory path of reasoning. Of course, in addition to these three different paths of reasoning, some scholars also add epistemology and syllogism as the fourth one, therefore saying that there was a total of four different paths of rea-soning. Other scholars, based upon the intermedi-ate, advanced, introductory paths of reasoning, add epistemology as the fourth, and syllogism as the fifth, thereby promoting a total of five paths of reasoning. Nevertheless, nowadays, the general classification approach is usually still based on the principle of “the first introductory path of reason-ing, the second advanced path of reasoning and the third intermediate path of reasoning.” We will, thus, follow this kind of general classification to conduct our analysis.  相似文献   
在大面阵数字航测相机的使用过程中,存在影像光照不均匀的问题.由于硬件设计很难达到预想的效果,在光照过于强烈的情况下,还会产生CCD过饱和的现象,通过增加遮光片可以解决这一问题,但全色波段的影像会产生黑斑.而通过马斯克匀光的方法去除中心的黑斑,提高影像的质量.并且将图像中心的反差增大,加大对比度,增大图像灰度的动态范围.  相似文献   
A Theory for Coloring Bivariate Statistical Maps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Consideration of some practical uses of statistical bivariate maps—for example, display of association between variables—leads to principles for making effective use of color to represent data values. Effective color schemes for bivariate maps are viewed as continuous transformations from color models to the unit square with appropriate restrictions involving hue, saturation, and brightness. Several schemes, including those used by the U.S. Census Bureau, are criticized on the basis of this theory.  相似文献   
颜色与人们的生活息息相关,但英语和汉语在色彩词的使用方面多有不同。从中西文化对比的角度对这些不同进行描述,着眼于对六种原色黑、白、红、黄、绿、蓝的在英汉中联想意义的异同并展开论述。  相似文献   
吴钧 《齐鲁学刊》2005,(2):104-106
《紫色》是美国当代著名黑人女作家爱丽斯·沃克的代表作,发表于1982年,继而在美国引起轰动,次 年获得美国普利策文学奖。《紫色》以它并不复杂,然而感人至深、催人泪下的故事情节,新颖别致的书信叙事文 体,充分应用颜色比喻象征等艺术手法,生动地揭示了美国社会至今仍存在着的重大问题--黑人妇女所遭受的 种族和性别的双重歧视。这部小说一经问世,西方评论家们就褒贬不一,众说纷纭。以颜色比喻为线索,这部作品 揭示了黑人妇女漫长的自救道路。  相似文献   
丁玲与陈染的创作 ,在各自所处的时代均具有所谓“摩登”的文化素质。这种素质主要体现在 :自我的强调与张扬 ,性爱的自由与彰显以及偏于“颓废”的美感特征。在小说叙事上 ,她们的创作都带有“反文化”色彩 :丁玲早期创作中男女主人公性别角色倒错的现象 ,已初步构成对传统社会性别格局的反讽 ;陈染的“黛二系列”则有着更为鲜明、强烈的文化颠覆色彩。她们作品中对女性同性恋的书写 ,同样具有反文化秩序的意味。与此同时 ,丁玲和陈染的同类创作在不同时代问世后所面临的不无相近之处的文化际遇 ,也从一个特定角度昭示着她们的创作在现实社会中的“另类”性质。女作家的创作所储存的丰富的文化信息值得深入探究  相似文献   
"色彩理论"对于艺术设计的理性思维来说是非常重要的。艺术设计是由其特性决定的,具有强烈的目的性。它的最终目的就是要获得在社会生产、分配、交换、消费各领域中满足目标市场,体现多种功能,实现复合价值。色彩理论知识博大深奥,就学生在校时间和色彩课程设置时间而言,全部接触是很困难的。如何使学生主动、有效地接受这些看起来枯燥的"理论知识"是值得探讨的。  相似文献   
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