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This article analyzes the development prospects and problems for the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). It examines issues of integration within the EAEU, as well as interactions with other countries, both CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) and non-CIS. The main problem of integration within the EAEU is the dominance of redistributive motives over productive ones. This article assesses the extent of Russian oil and gas transfers to EAEU partners and the impact of tax maneuvers on their size. It shows that the creation of mechanisms for redistributing profits within the EAEU will allow a positive economic effect to materialize from free trade agreements with non-CIS countries. The article assesses the risks for the EAEU related to Russia’s introduction of a unilateral ban on food imports from countries on the sanctions list and to the possible establishment of tariffs on trade with Ukraine.  相似文献   
建立了用毛细管顶空气相色谱法测定饮用水中氯仿和四氯化碳的方法。色谱条件为 非极性毛细管柱(30m×0.32mm×0.25μm),柱温40℃ 汽化室温度200℃,检测器为微池电子捕获检测器 检测器温度250℃ 载气为高纯N_2 流速3.2mL/min,尾吹气流速56.8mL/min,采用不分流进样 吹扫时间0.61min,吹扫流量20mL/min。实验表明 该方法准确度高,灵敏度比国标方法大大提高,适用于饮用水中氯仿和四氯化碳的分析测定。  相似文献   
This study examined whether being in a romantic relationship is associated with undergraduates’ alcohol use and negative consequences of drinking. Alcohol use was operationalized to include amount and frequency of drinking, binge drinking, and drunkenness. Negative consequences included: having a hangover, missing a class, getting behind in school work, doing something that was later regretted, forgetting where the student was or what they did, having unplanned sex, and getting hurt or injured. Data came from an online survey distributed to Midwestern undergraduate students (N = 572), with analyses conducted separately for men and women. Results indicated that being in a committed relationship generally served as a protective factor against drunkenness, but did not reduce frequency of drinking or binge drinking. Whereas romantically committed men were only less likely to report doing something that was later regretted, women in romantic relationships were less likely to experience all negative consequences of drinking considered here.  相似文献   
赫德在中国工作长达52年,他兴办了近代海关,使关税成倍增长;设置了近代助航设备,便利了航运;创办了近代高等学校,设置了天文台、物理实验室;翻译了西方书籍,引进了西方科技;兴办了近代邮政,为中国培养了各方面的人才。成效卓著。他曾受到清政府多次表彰,官至太子太保,以肯定他为中国近代化作出的巨大贡献。  相似文献   
晚明士人隐居于市井时与市民大量接触,使士人能够体察市民的内心情感,不自觉地成为其代言人,从而开始亲近市民文化,自觉不自觉地受市民风情影响,创作出符合市民口味的文学作品。但因他们长期受封建儒家正统文化的影响,所以其行为与其作品中的形象通常又是矛盾的。  相似文献   
海关估价制度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海关估价是国际贸易中的重要环节。WTO《海关估价协定》是当今海关估价领域最为重要和完备的法律文件。在阐述有关海关估价基本理论及考察国际海关估价制度历史沿革的基础上,重点研究WTO《海关估价协定》。《海关估价协定》包括海关估价标准、海关和进口商的权利与义务等内容,具有强制性法律效力等特点。以《海关法》为中心,统一海关估价立法体系等是完善中国海关估价制度的重要策略。  相似文献   
埋葬习俗是研究埃及前王朝时代文化的一个重要内容,而且也反映了当时埃及人的思想意识。根据埃及考古发掘材料,埃及前王朝时代已出现成人葬和幼儿葬、随葬品以及埋葬方向等习俗。这些埋葬习俗清楚地反映了前王朝时代埃及人的宗教信仰和埃及原始宗教的主要特点。  相似文献   
酒能激发人的情绪,情绪管理得如何,则取决于饮者的情商水平。透过《水浒传》中酒文化的描写,读者可以深刻地感受到其间各个人物情商的种种表现。武松嗜酒惹是非,又因醉后打虎成英雄;鲁达两次酗酒犯寺规,宋江不胜酒力吟反诗,李逵贪杯被捉,朱贵兄弟借助酒力救李逵,真应了“酒能成事,酒亦能败事”的格言。让嗜酒者克制酒瘾,控制好饮酒后兴奋度的根本方法,还是要努力培养和提高管理自己情绪的能力。  相似文献   
The Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996 required U.S. utilities to report on drinking water quality to their customers annually, beginning in fall 1999, on the assumption that such reports would alert them to quality problems and perhaps mobilize pressure for improvement. A random sample of New Jersey customers read alternative versions of a water quality report, in an experiment on reactions to water quality information under U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) rules. Experiment design was 2 x 3 + 1: two versions each--one with, one without, a violation of a health standard--of a report that was (1) Qualitative (without water quality numbers, thus not meeting USEPA rules); (2) Basic, with minimal information meeting the rules; or (3) Extended, adding reading aids and utility performance information; plus a control instrument without any hypothetical report. Results of ANOVA suggest the reports will have less effect than hoped or feared. These manipulations were successful: people reading the Qualitative versions were less likely to say that the report gave the amounts of substances found in the water, and those reading Violation versions were more likely to report a violation of a health standard. The main differences in responses to the report involved the judged adequacy of the information, and to a lesser extent responses on a Concern scale (constructed from measures of concern, judged risk, clean-up intentions, distrust of utility information, and doubt that the utility was doing all it could to improve water quality). Overall judgments of water quality and utility performance did not change, either relative to the controls or in before versus after responses. Qualitative reports performed worse than others, confirming the decision to have utilities report actual contaminant levels. Extended reports did only slightly better than the Basic versions on these measures. Many respondents had trouble identifying the presence or absence of substance amounts or violations, despite their seeming obviousness (e.g., in a "bottom line" summary on the front page of each report), suggesting many were not processing this information carefully. However, the pattern of responses for those who accurately identified the presence or absence of substance amounts or violations did not differ substantially from that for the group as a whole. Generic risk beliefs (serious local environmental problems; lack of control over risks to one's health) dominated demographic variables, attitudes toward utility water quality or trustworthiness, and the content and format of water quality reports in influencing concern about drinking water quality. Previous empirical and theoretical evidence for lack of change in public risk attitudes due to one-time or infrequent communications--e.g., role of personal experience, perseverance of prior trust or distrust--seems to be confirmed for annual water quality reports.  相似文献   
Characterizing all possible chemical mixtures in drinking water is a potentially overwhelming project, and the task of assessing each mixture's net toxicity even more daunting. We propose that analyzing occurrence information on mixtures in drinking water may help to narrow the priorities and inform the approaches taken by researchers in mixture toxicology. To illustrate the utility of environmental data for refining the mixtures problem, we use a recent compilation of national ground-water-quality data to examine proposed U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) models of noncancer mixture toxicity. We use data on the occurrence of binary and ternary mixtures of arsenic, cadmium, and manganese to parameterize an additive model and compute hazard index scores for each drinking-water source in the data set. We also use partially parameterized interaction models to perform a bounding analysis estimating the interaction potential of several binary and ternary mixtures for which the toxicological literature is limited. From these results, we estimate a relative value of additional toxicological information for each mixture. For example, we find that according to the U.S. EPA's interaction model, the levels of arsenic and cadmium found in U.S. drinking water are unlikely to have synergistic cardiovascular effects, but the same mixture's potential for synergistic neurological effects merits further study. Similar analysis could in future be used to prioritize toxicological studies based on their potential to reduce scientific and regulatory uncertainty. Environmental data may also provide a means to explore the implications of alternative risk models for the toxicity and interaction of complex mixtures.  相似文献   
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