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社会性别与深层道德结构--择偶、性的道德模式   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在男权文化占主导地位的社会环境中,男女在择偶和性的道德模式上存在着完全不对等的规范,男女占有不同的社会资源,这些被长久地视为自然而然、合情合理的现象。文章试图从社会性别视角来探究隐藏在择偶和性风俗习惯背后的不平等的道德模式。  相似文献   
好汉三项比赛从萨满教祭祀仪式演变成为衡量好汉的价值标准之后 ,渐渐渗透于蒙古英雄史诗之中 ,在原有完成任务式考验婚史诗的基础上 ,出现了复合式考验婚史  相似文献   
论儒家文化对东北婚俗的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
几千年来,我国东北地区少数民族不断地兴衰更替,在中原占统治地位的儒家文化却不断向东北地区传播与渗透。儒家文化在东北地区却不断地为历代统治者所接纳,从而对东北的民俗不断地产生影响。就婚俗而言,从汉代《仪礼.士昏礼》的“六礼”传入东北,至晚清时期仍然保持着“六礼”形态,这是儒家礼仪文化自汉代以来在东北地区不断传播的结果。我们看到儒家文化生命力的同时,也看到在儒家文化影响下东北婚姻民俗所呈现的多彩的形态。  相似文献   
周建人在五四后期在恋爱、婚姻、离婚问题上更多地注重个体的自由、价值和觉醒。他认为,真诚的恋爱本是人生的花,是精神的高尚产品;理想的配偶选择应以个人本身性质上的各种美德为标准:以爱情的有无为婚姻离合的原则。婚恋的个人自由和独立有利于种族的完善、国家的进步,也是妇女解放和冲破家族制度的重要手段。因此,其婚恋观的一个重要诉求是男女平等,呈现出对妇女解放各个问题理性而具体的思考。  相似文献   
田同旭先生撰《薛宝钗另有情缘》一文 ,认为薛宝钗婚姻之最后归宿 ,在贾宝玉出家以后 ,再适贾雨村。[1] 今据《红楼梦》第五回“贾宝玉神游太虚幻境”中词曲、册图的谶语式暗示 ,以及看到八十回后原稿结局的脂砚斋批语的分析 ,薛宝钗另适贾雨村之说不能成立  相似文献   
以往,研究者习惯称六朝为个性解放的时代,并以此为前提来观照此期的婚恋小说,而忽视了礼法观念与婚姻制度等诸多社会思想文化的作用,有失偏颇。六朝的婚恋小说应该是多种因素共同作用的结果,只有综合起来研究才能合理解释它的产生及其诸多特点的形成原因。  相似文献   
As a result of the growth in out‐of‐wedlock childbearing and union instability, adults contemplating forming a new union are often already parents. This article examines the role of children in stepfamily formation, both coresident and not, using the 2,594 respondents in the National Survey of Families and Households who were not living with a partner in 1987/1988. We consider children of the respondent and of the partner, which allows us to examine the determinants of entering a stepfamily. We found that being a coresident father dramatically increases forming a union with a woman with children. Women’s coresidential children reduce women’s odds of forming unions with men who do not have children and increase them for unions with men who do.  相似文献   
高翠元 《兰州学刊》2005,(6):270-272
唐代情爱传奇是唐代文士根据他们的情爱体验而创作出来的作品,在这些传奇中男性操纵着话语权利,自觉或不自觉地按照男权主义价值标准和审美趣味来叙事,故这些情爱传奇中深刻体现了男权语境中的文士的隐秘心曲.一方面,它折射出受传统文化影响的文士在本能欲求驱动下的色欲心理,另一方面又表现出文士对人的灵性和至情的强烈追求.  相似文献   
In this paper, with the use of linear regressions to investigate how relationship dissolution affects sexual attitudes and behaviors, the authors address the stereotype that newly single people seek multiple sexual partners. Although the newly single people surveyed did obtain new sexual partners, the rate at which they acquired new partners did not support the stereotype. Specifically, men with custody of their children seemed oriented toward finding a steady partner. Additionally, men and women with low incomes reported relatively high rates of partner acquisition after relationship dissolution. The high rates reported by disadvantaged groups may be more directly related to familial instability accompanying poverty than to cultural characteristics associated with income or race. We argue that a life stage model with categorical stages in a rigid, anachronistic progression provides insufficient means to gain an understanding of newly single people.  相似文献   
One of the key features of Vietnamese family organization is patrilocality—the preference of married couples to coreside with the husband's parents. With data drawn from a retrospective survey of persons in 1,855 households in the largest province in the Red River Delta in northern Vietnam, we found that more than 75% of married respondents reported having lived with the grooms' family after marriage. The proportion of newly married couples that follow the patrilocal custom appears to have increased in recent decades, although the average duration of coresidence has declined. Some aspects of modernization, especially nonagricultural occupations and later age at marriage, contribute to a lower incidence of intergenerational coresidence, but the underlying cultural preference to live with the grooms' parents immediately after marriage appears to have become stronger in Vietnam. In contrast to some features of traditional family life that conflict with modernity, intergenerational coresidence can be quite functional in modernizing societies.  相似文献   
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