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运用人格模型理论对福楼拜的人格心理进行系统分析,得出:福楼拜在神经质方面主要表现为烦躁、忧郁;在经验开放性方面主要表现为富于想像;在外倾性方面主要表现为悲观厌世、孤独、生活单调。他这些方面的人格心理,在小说《包法利夫人》中都得到了一定的体现。  相似文献   
文章从分析冼夫人的时局观入手,认为冼夫人不仅对南朝的政治局势有很透彻的了解,而且对当时整个中国的政治大势也有较深入的洞悉;汉化水平较高,对汉族的政治文化、制度文化、思想道德和悠久历史有深刻的领会是冼夫人拥有良好大局观的根本原因;冼夫人的时局观有着进步的国家观念,能主动认同中国这个统一的多民族国家,并且积极参与国家事务,同时自觉地以汉人的思想观念和思维模式处理岭南事务。这一切均表明冼夫人的汉化达到了较高的水平,反映出新的时代特征。  相似文献   
This essay connects adoption and immigration from China by considering the relationship between the adoptee and the Chinese nanny hired to care for her. I examine news media alongside Wendy Lee’s 2008 novel, Happy Family, which portrays the adoptive family through the perspective of a Fujianese immigrant domestic worker. Transnational adoption from China emerged in the early 1990s as undocumented immigration from the Fujian province rose, representing a major shift in Chinese immigration. These practices have been apprehended divergently in mainstream discourses. This essay approaches the family as a site of neoliberal privatization that frames adoption in terms of inclusion into US national ideologies of race, gender, and class, while undocumented immigration from China has been framed through exclusion. I argue that the nanny destabilizes the construction of the family as a space of depoliticized inclusion through her labor, revealing the neoliberal inequalities that shape both adoption and immigration.  相似文献   
清代中朝文人交往的方式主要有三个方面:第一,留京期间,中朝文人宴游唱和,以画纪事,写真留影;第二,临别之际,两国文人常以画图题赠,表达相思怀念之情;第三,在分别后,中朝文人通过互赠和互寄书籍、器物、诗作等方式,表达问候,以慰相思。由此可见,清代以来中朝之间日益紧密的文化交流,增进了两国人民的了解和友谊,成为中外文化交流史中的佳话。  相似文献   
"沃尔夫假说"实质之探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章首先指出了国内出版物中对沃尔夫假说在阐释方面存在的一些分歧以及对其评述方面存在的几个纷争;其次对产生的原因作了详细的探讨;最后依据沃尔夫原作的内容和精神,结合国外一些重要文献探究了这一局面产生的原因,并在此基础上提出了作者的看法和判断。  相似文献   
世界文学经典《包法利夫人》是19世纪法国文坛巨匠福楼拜的代表作,它描绘了一位年轻貌美的小资产阶级女性爱玛的情感生活和悲剧命运,文笔简洁细腻,具有浓郁的写实色彩。本文从女性主义的视角,对女主人公爱玛的婚姻悲剧进行综合分析,对其悲剧根源的探讨表明,一切女性内心都有对爱情和美好生活的向往。  相似文献   
作为现代主义美学最初的理论 ,移情论体现出人们“自下而上”通过实验心理学探明审美心理的一种企图。浮龙·李以康德美学为起点 ,试图证明美不可能是存在于主体之外的事物本性 ,美只是人观察和解释事物时采取的一种主观方式。移情的发生归根结底在于不包含任何客体信息、不存在个体思想感情的普遍化概念 ;正是这种普遍化使得主体的活动被转移到客体继而成为客体的性质 ,即主客合一。移情是知觉在把握客体形状时一种不受干扰、平衡、稳定和持续的过程。进入人的意识并且对人的情感产生影响的是移情活动中生命力所发生的变化。浮龙·李通过生命力的变化以及人对这个变化的意识解释美感 ,因此 ,美感在浮龙·李的移情说中洋溢着对生命力的兴趣和肯定。但是 ,由于无功利前提 ,这个兴趣最后只能落在对人自身肌肉运动的意识上。人们批评移情论把移情的原始动力最终归结为器官的生理活动是损害了美的超越价值。  相似文献   
In July 1974 the U.S. Congressional Budget Act was signed into law. This legislation was the result of a heavily fought political confrontation between President Nixon and Congress over who controlled the Federal budget. In addition to the issue of control, the Act was prompted by dissatisfaction with the procedures used by Congress to determine Federal receipts and expenditures. The purpose of this paper is to assess the impact this legislation had on the U.S. economy in its early years.The first section of the paper sets up a simple modeling framework. The model is specified so as to illustrate how a change in the budget process resulting from the Congressional Budget Act could potentially produce changes in the level of total output. This section also explains the derivation of a tax and expenditure series used in the model's empirical testing. The second section addresses some of the theoretical issues, and presents the results of simulations based on the Chase, Wharton, and Data Resources econometric models. Broad conclusions are gathered in the final section.  相似文献   
本文讨论的是法国著名作家福楼拜在创作长篇小说《包法利夫人》时,对法国丑恶的社会现实进行了无情的抨击,从而折射出作者强烈的政治动机。  相似文献   
朝鲜诗人李尚迪与晚清著名诗人祁寯藻相识于1837年,通过诗歌交流,两人对对方的诗歌创作都给予了充分肯定,为我们认识中朝两国近代文学创作和交流提供了珍贵史料。  相似文献   
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