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The success of organ transplants is affected by the degree of antigen match between donor and recipient. With organ transplants among African Americans, finding a good antigen match is difficult. While the consent rate for organ donations among Caucasians is 50%, this rate among African Americans is only 12%. The resulting ratio of donors to “recipients” is 1 to 9 in African Americans. The majority of organs received by African Americans come from Caucasian donors, thereby reducing the probability of an antigen match and increasing the probability of organ rejection. These circumstances could be improved if the organ donation rate eamong African Americans was increased. There is some empirical support for the theory that behavior change occurs through identifiable stages. This paper presents evidence for the construct validity of a stage of change measure suitable for use in designing and evaluating attempts to promote organ donations in the African American community. Use of this measure also permits clinicians to assess how receptive a client will be to organ donation promotional material. Use of this measure offers the possibility of refining approaches to organ donations among African Americans. Increases in the donor rate will result in a larger pool of antigen compatible organs in this subpopulation.  相似文献   
新《环境保护法》即将实施,党的十八届四中全会公报明确提出探索建立检察机关提起公益诉讼制度,这意味着环境公益诉讼在我国的司法实践将获得突破。本文试图结合环境公益诉讼的历史发展结合检察机关在环境公益诉讼中的主体地位进行初步探讨,以期确定检察机关在环境公益诉讼的定位。  相似文献   
农药水污染在中国是一个非常严重的问题,污染水的排放控制是遏制水污染扩大的关键。文章首先讨论了超声降解有机物质的基本物理机理,同时对超声技术在有机农药的降解研究现状进行了详细的综述,最后结合目前国内该技术的发展状况对超声技术在有机农药降解领域的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   
《人体器官移植条例》和WHO《指导原则》在供体来源、权益保护、补偿制度等方面存在差异,为更大限度地发挥器官移植在促进健康方面的作用,我国应实行明确同意和推定同意并行体制,确定脑死亡标准,适当扩大活体供体范围,并建立一定的补偿制度。  相似文献   
知识概念是不断扩展的,逻辑学作为知识体系的一个组成部分,先是作为构建知识的工具。后工业社会知识概念的进一步发展,知识表示技术成为信息社会或者说知识社会重要的知识门类。排在首位的知识表示方法是在亚里士多德和斯多亚学派基础上建立的一阶逻辑。而当我们深入到其他知识表示方式的时候,这些表示方式的实质都是现代逻辑所研究的核心内容,即推理的知识。所以,逻辑学的功能在当代的演变方向之一就是演变为知识表示技术。  相似文献   
The demand for human organs for transplantation – both from live and deceased donors – has become a public health issue in the United States, as thousands of Americans die each year due to the lack of a needed transplant. The current policy basis for organ procurement is voluntarism as federal organ procurement policy, based on the 1984 National Organ Transplant Act (NOTA), prohibits the exchange of human organs for “valuable consideration.” While an increasing number of policy analysts, including some ethicists, have advocated for financial incentives to induce more donations, a variety of factors – such as the legislative status quo, ongoing ethical concerns, and uncertain public support – have resulted in little use of financial incentives. We argue that a better understanding of public opinion is an important prerequisite for any move toward the use of financial incentives. Consequently, we develop and test a model to explain individual level attitudes toward legalizing and regulating the sale of human organs for transplant. We find that political ideology, gender, age and geographic region are important predictors of support.  相似文献   
在弗林案中.美国法院认为通过外周血干细胞单采技术从血中获取的造血干细胞是血液的子部分而非骨髓的子部分,因而《国家器官移植法》的补偿禁令不适用于此项新技术。尽管此判决具有些许瑕疵,但其确立了骨髓捐献的补偿机制,对增加骨髓造血干细胞移植具有积极的政策意义。对于采用外周血干细胞单采技术进行的骨髓捐献,我国应允许补偿机制,现阶段应优先考虑社会规律而非自然规律,因而对此问题宜准用《献血法》而非《人体器官移植条例》。  相似文献   
器官移植的伦理研究是器官移植技术与当代社会文化、生命伦理观念交叉的产物。器官移植伦理研究以器官移植的理性问题为其研究对象,以生命伦理学利益原则、自愿原则、公平原则为理论依据,从人类发展的自身利益出发对器官移植进行理性思考,从哲学的高度,考察器官移植的道德价值;从社会公平与正义出发,讨论人体器官这种稀有资源的收集、分配问题;探讨器官移植实施过程中社会、医疗组织、医务人员的道德责任等。器官移植伦理研究既客观反映社会对器官移植技术使用进行控制的要求,又为这门新的医学技术的发展清除伦理障碍。  相似文献   
The willingness to donate organs post-mortem varies considerably both across and within countries. Linking these differences to personal characteristics is an important focus of research investigating the supply of donor organs. Anecdotal evidence and previous findings indirectly suggest that the desire to reciprocate others’ (un)willingness to donate organs plays an important role in the decision to become an organ donor. We use individual measures of reciprocity in a large, representative survey in Germany and relate these to organ donation attitudes and behavior. Higher positive reciprocity is associated with a higher general willingness to donate organs, but it does not correlate with donor card possession. Individuals with higher negative reciprocity have a lower general willingness to donate organs and are less likely to have a donor card. Our findings open up the possibility of a double dividend of measures that increase organ donations. These could yield an additional increase of organ donations via a feedback loop through reciprocity.  相似文献   
位于爱琴海沿岸的克罗地亚是欧洲的后花园,它不但有着美轮美奂的地理风景,悠久的音乐文化传统也颇受世人关注。本案例——"海风琴"景观设计项目呈现给世界一场令人叹为观止的现代空间视听盛宴。"海风琴"景观设计项目位于克罗地亚的第五大城市扎达尔,曾荣获2006年欧洲城市公共空间奖,并当选2007年当代建筑欧洲联盟奖(密斯.凡.德.罗奖)初赛作品。本案通过艺术实践充分实现海洋和陆地的互通,成功引发自然和人类的视听双重共鸣,将自然的声音通过人工手法以一种全新的形式予以展现。  相似文献   
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