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西方自苏格拉底—柏拉图到黑格尔两千多年间的哲学追问方式,就其占统治地位的方面而言,是以超感性、超时空的抽象概念为万事万物之根底的“在场形而上学”。现当代人文主义思潮的哲学家们实行了哲学追问方式的转向,认为任何当前“在场的东西”都以其背后无限与之相联系的、“不在场的东西”为根底,无限的不在场者也是现实的东西而非抽象的概念。这一哲学新方向带来了对终极关怀的新理解:人生的最高意义和价值在于不断超越有限的在场,与不在场的无限性融为一体。  相似文献   
To examine theoretical perspectives on the intergenerational transmission of relationship instability 945 college students from intact and divorced homes participated. Participants were examined simultaneously and separately based on racial and ethnic background. Regression analyses tested evolutionary, social learning, life-course adversity, and father-absent theory. Evolutionary theory proved to be the best explanation as it was able to explain relationship behaviors when examining all participants simultaneously, and some behaviors when examining participants separately. Life-course adversity and father-absent theory were able to explain early reproductive behaviors among White participants. For Black participants, age at first boy/girlfriend could be explained by social-learning, life-course adversity, and father-absent theory. None of the remaining theories were able to explain the relationship behaviors of Hispanic participants.  相似文献   
Before choosing among two actions with state‐dependent payoffs, a Bayesian decision‐maker with a finite memory sees a sequence of informative signals, ending each period with fixed chance. He summarizes information observed with a finite‐state automaton. I characterize the optimal protocol as an equilibrium of a dynamic game of imperfect recall; a new player runs each memory state each period. Players act as if maximizing expected payoffs in a common finite action decision problem. I characterize equilibrium play with many multinomial signals. The optimal protocol rationalizes many behavioral phenomena, like “stickiness,” salience, confirmation bias, and belief polarization.  相似文献   
20 0 4年 ,一方唐代日本留学生的墓志惊现于古都西安 ,引起了中日专家学者的深切关注。由于墓志的记载极为简单 ,且日本文献中未有相关记载 ,目前对墓主井真成的身世及留学的生涯的论争非常激烈 ,成为 2 0 0 4年日本唐代史研究会的主要议题之一。目前 ,对最基本的墓志铭的释读存在很大争议。一些媒体报道少录了“志文”两字 ,并把楷体的志盖铭文释为篆体。关于墓志石的大小、汉字的判读也不一致。此外 ,就墓志铭所缺处的候补文字 ,虽有各种意见 ,但“衔”、“立”、“壑”、“哀”、“给”等的可能性较大。  相似文献   
审美意识:超越有限   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
艺术的本质在于超越有限 ,即以有限的事物显现无限。艺术表面上离开了有限事物本身 ,实际上却更深入了事物所蕴涵的无限深层内容 ,更接近了事物的真实。艺术品由于超越有限而显现了惟一宇宙的无限内涵 ,故能使鉴赏者具有共通感 ,对鉴赏者具有魅力。艺术品之超越有限物的特点 ,还能使它在不同观赏者那里和在不同时代的人那里不断更新、丰富和深化自身的内容和含义。本文所强调的超越有限 ,不止于超越感性的东西 ,以表现典型概念 ,而且更着重于超越作为感性物与理性物相统一的有限在场者以显现无限的不在场者 ,这不在场者也是感性的东西与理性的东西的统一。  相似文献   
作为《玻璃动物园》中“第五个人物”,“隐性父亲”代表的是隐性的父权中心。通过分析剧中隐性父亲的普遍存在和阿曼达建构父权中心的徒劳努力,研究父权中心与女性自我意识的密切关系,揭示该剧的引申社会意义,即女性只能通过解放思想获得独立,依赖父权中心将最终走向悲剧。  相似文献   
This paper draws from interviews with 45 mothers and 52 children who participated in an action research project to develop activities to support women and children in the aftermath of domestic violence. A thematic analysis was used to analyse the data and explore the question: In what ways does the perpetrator of abuse remain present in the lives of women and children following separation? The paper invites workers to recognize the distortions created by domestic violence that may need to be identified and addressed in the aftermath of violence. The ways in which past trauma, erosion of self‐esteem and the undermining of the mother–child relationship continues to create a shadow across the present relationship are identified. The continued presence of the perpetrator of abuse through child contact arrangements and ongoing harassment is also highlighted. The ‘absent presence’ of the abusive partner is posited as a concept to assist workers with a framework through which to understand problems in the mother–child relationship which emerge when living with and separating from a violent partner. The paper has implications for social workers orientating practice to focus on perpetrator accountability and support strengthening the mother–child relationship.  相似文献   
论想象   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
想象的基本含义是飞离在场。西方哲学史上自柏拉图经康德到胡塞尔和其它一些现当代哲学家关于想象的观点的发展史是一个由贬低想象到重视想象、由贬低不在场到重视不在场的过程。本文从三个层次(回忆与联想,创造的想象,幻想)论述了想象在认识中和在审美中的重要作用。作者强调,审美意识的最高境界在于通过想象,以在场的东西显现出无限的不在场的东西,从而使鉴赏者玩味无穷:对事物的整体把握和认识在于通过想象,把无限的不在场的东西与在场的东西综合为一体,科学家也需要有非凡的想象力,包括幻想。  相似文献   
张秀见 《唐都学刊》2007,23(5):98-102
托妮.莫里森在小说《秀拉》中塑造了一个别具一格的黑人女性——秀拉。作品在描绘秀拉对自我身份的追求和发掘过程时,蕴涵了大量历史背景和社会现实,在小说中,它们要么是现存的,要么是缺席的。正是通过这种现存与缺席之间的动态运作,作者展现了一幅关于黑人社区同黑人个体之间的关系、黑人个体(尤指黑人女性)追求身份确定的缺陷以及其中所蕴涵的深刻含义的画面。透过这副画面,我们得以更深刻地领略黑人女性在种族、性别、阶级等多重压迫下的艰苦与顽强。  相似文献   
阿罗悖论的起源及其在实践中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
阿罗悖论是经济理论界的哥德尔定理。本文从历史与机制两方面详尽分析阿罗悖论的起源 ,认为在'剩余'产品社会出现后 ,由于自然约束的松弛 ,无论运用投票选择机制 ,还是货币选择机制 ,都无法在满足所有个人私有利益的前提下 ,从逻辑上导出社会整体利益同时也被满足的结论 ;'剩余'产品的出现及自然约束的松弛 ,是阿罗悖论出现的深层原因。文中还运用阿罗悖论对公平与效率的分离问题和确立中国社会主义市场经济体制的决策过程进行了分析。  相似文献   
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