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延安时期辛安亭曾担任陕甘宁边区教育厅教材编审科科长,编写小学教科书、识字课本、儿童读物四十余种.作为杰出的教育家,辛安亭在教材和通俗读物的编写工作中取得了显著的成绩.陕甘宁边区时期辛安亭编写教材和通俗读物的价值主要体现在两个方面,一是作为史料,在陕甘宁边区史研究中的作用,一是在中国共产党开创的新教育史上承上启下的作用.同时辛安亭的平民教育思想具有重要的现实启示意义.  相似文献   
群团组织是党委、政府联系广大群众的桥梁和纽带,加强党的执政能力建设,必须充分发挥群团组织的重要作用,通过群团组织的有效工作及群团组织作用的发挥,提高党领导民主政治建设的能力、驾驭市场经济的能力、推进先进文化建设的能力和构建社会主义和谐社会的能力。  相似文献   
分析雪崩光电管内倍增因子与偏压的关系,介绍了偏压的虚警控制原理,所述电路能自动补偿温度和背影光强的大幅度变化,是首次将虚警偏压控制技术用于连续探测的光电系统.  相似文献   
与时俱进是“三个代表”重要思想的精髓 ,坚持与时俱进是理解和贯彻“三个代表”的关键。只有坚持与时俱进的精神状态 ,才能全面、深刻地理解和把握“三个代表”重要思想的科学内涵 ,同时 ,也才能提高我们全面贯彻“三个代表”重要思想的自觉性。  相似文献   
随着网络的飞速发展,网络流行语也日益丰富,不但成为网上使用的交流常用语,而且也逐渐来到网下,成为人们频繁使用的社会流行语,网络流行语的影响必将越来越大。近年来,网络流行语更是引起了语言学界的诸多关注,成为语言学家的热门研究对象。从最近流行的"hold住"一词出发,着重探讨网络流行语中的汉英语码混用现象,并通过实例分析语码混用的类型特点和现实意义。在积极肯定网络流行语作为语言形式的新发展的同时,也指出其存在的缺陷以及使用中需要注意之处。  相似文献   
Many firms employ revenue‐focused managerial performance measures (RF‐MPMs) that cause managers to worry more about revenues than about costs. Although this can seemingly misalign the interests of a manager, we show that the use of such measures can help supply chain partners to overcome hold‐up issues with respect to capacity and promotion investments. We develop a game theoretic model in which two supply chain partners engage in repeated interactions in which the supplier invests in capacity and the buyer invests in demand promotion. Following the realization of demand in each period, the two firms negotiate over the output quantity and wholesale price. The novelty of our model is that we allow the owners of each firm to delegate decision‐making power and negotiating responsibility to a free‐agent manager. We characterize the conditions under which the owners of both firms employ RF‐MPMs in equilibrium and benefit from doing so. For a special case of our model, we show that for the owners of the buyer, an RF‐MPM is equivalent to a price only relational contract, and that it complements a price and quantity relational contract as a mechanism for mitigating hold‐up issues.  相似文献   
We study a centralized inventory sharing system of two retailers that are replenished periodically. Between two replenishments, a unit can be transshipped to a stocked‐out retailer from the other. It arrives a transshipment time later, during which the stocked‐out retailer incurs backorder cost. Without transshipment, backorder cost is incurred until the next replenishment. Since the transshipment time is shorter than the time between two replenishments, transshipments can reduce the backorder cost at the stocked‐out retailer and the holding costs at the other retailer. The system is directed by a centralized inventory manager, who minimizes the long‐run average cost consisting of replenishment, holding, backorder, and transshipment costs. The transshipment policy is characterized by hold‐back inventory levels, which are nonincreasing in the remaining time until the next replenishment. The transshipment policy differs from those in the literature because we allow for multiple transshipments between replenishments, positive transshipment times, and backorder costs. We also discuss the challenges associated with positive replenishment time and develop upper and lower bounds of average cost in this case. Bounds are numerically shown to have an average gap of 1.1%. A heuristic solution is based on the upper bound and differs from the optimal cost by at most this gap.  相似文献   
农产品供应链中不同的组织有不同的增值效率,对关联农户也有不同的影响,本文以浙江省梨果供应链的调查分析为基础,通过对相关专业合作社和龙头企业的运行情况剖析,分析其成本投入和增值情况,比较其投资效率,在此基础上,分析两种不同产业组织对关联农户收入的影响,并提出若干有利于农民专业合作社发展和农户增收的建议。  相似文献   
试论秘书任职资格化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
指出了我国古代和现代西方发达国家秘书任职资格的若干特点,并在此基础上阐述了秘书任职资格化是适应社会发展的需要,以及秘书任职资格化对促进我国秘书教育的巨大作用。  相似文献   
多层次创新能力培养的系统模式构建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
高等教育存在的目的在于培养出具有创新精神和创造能力的高素质人才,满足经济发展的需要,从而促进社会的和谐发展。传统的培养模式,重接受轻创新、重知识轻能力、重守业轻创业、重单干轻合作、重单一轻复合。因此高校应对现有的教育方法,教育课程体系进行调整。增强专业设置的灵活性,积极发展新学科,下大气力培养一大批能力结构立体交叉,知识结构多元复合具有战略思维、世界眼光的大学毕业生。  相似文献   
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