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This study investigates the value of techniques of neutralization in understanding how people involved in marginal to widely deviant behaviors perform identity work. Based on 33 in‐depth interviews with older adult gamblers, we show how techniques of neutralization are used to align personal and social identities. We describe the techniques of neutralizations our participants use along a continuum of gambling involvement, showing how techniques differ in variety and content and are contingent on larger narratives about appropriate behaviors, identities, and selves operating in contemporary society. Our research helps to refine sociologists' understandings of relationships between levels of involvement in deviant behaviors and identity work.  相似文献   
This ethnography focuses on the techniques of normalization used by university professors who are accused by their colleagues of bullying behavior. We examine how the organizational structure and institutional values of the university provide protective coloration for academic intimidation and discourage both the detection and effective labeling of such behavior. In noting that attempts to label bullying behavior frequently fail because the judgments are seen as mere matters of opinion in an environment whose principal currency of exchange is opinion itself, we modify and extend Sykes and Matza's discussion of neutralization techniques to academic settings. While we cannot speak to the presence or absence of guilt feelings on the part of alleged academic bullies, or to whether neutralization techniques successfully assuage such feelings, we can nevertheless discern the operation of these techniques to resist the imputation of unflattering social identities and/or to lay claim to public identities that are highly esteemed within the academy. Moreover, we identify three additional techniques of normalization that are employed by alleged ivory tower bullies: appropriation and inversion, in which accused bullies claim victim status for themselves; evidentiary solipsism, in which alleged bullies portray themselves as uniquely capable of divining and defining the true meaning-structure of events; and emotional obfuscation, which takes the form of employing symbols and imagery that are chosen for their perceived ability to elicit an emotional response on the part of an academic audience.  相似文献   
王晓元 《唐都学刊》2004,20(5):144-146
中国传统的"中庸"思想在当代音乐发展的走向中仍具有很好的启示作用。西方文化中的单极思维造成的对"音乐资源"的无限"开采",有可能给音乐的未来发展带来不良后果,使音乐的和声与曲式构架遭到彻底的破坏。中国传统文化中提倡"不偏不倚"的"中庸"思想能避免这两种极端,对音乐的未来发展或许有一些益处。  相似文献   
"中"是中国哲学的一个核心概念和重要范畴。"中和"、"中庸"是儒家思想的核心内容,它们不仅是儒家所倡导的一种宇宙观、方法论和道德境界,也是儒家伦理和审美思想的集中体现,同时也代表了中国文化的核心,是形成中国人普遍的思维和审美方式的思想根源之一,并对后世的文艺美学产生了深远的影响。中国书法从笔法到结体,从形式到风格,从技法到精神各个方面都受到"中庸"、"中和"思想的渗透。文章从书法的中锋用笔方式,书法结体的审美规律,书法各形式要素的对立统一以及书法风格的"刚柔相济"几方面考察"中庸"、"中和"思想对书法的影响。  相似文献   
佛教传入日本以后,立即引起了崇佛、排佛之争.鉴于崇佛派与排佛派的力量相当,钦明、敏达两位天皇采取了中立旁观的态度.随着崇佛派力量的增强.用明、推古天皇逐渐显示出推行佛教的积极态度.圣德太子通过政令将佛教指定为官方的正统意识形态;舒明、皇极天皇修建百济寺,标志着日本国家佛教的开始,佛教最终为日本宫廷所接受.  相似文献   
中、西传统建筑哲学的差异在于:中国建筑作为礼制的象征,往往通过位序、色序等象征手法来体现或设定人与人的上下、尊卑关系;由于礼制相对固定,建筑形式也相对定型。而西方建筑是理念的派生物,可以按照某种抽象而永恒的理念推理出来,建筑形式与理念类型之间有较强的对应关系,并且建筑形式随着理念的丰富而不断更新。在建筑美感的追求上,中国建筑及其哲学以“中和”为美,而西方传统建筑及其哲学以“崇高”为美。  相似文献   
传统的男性化—女性化模型认为性别角色类型可分为男性化和女性化两种。随着双性化概念的提出,Bem提出了双性化理论模型,把性别角色类型分为男性化、女性化、双性化和未分化等四种,这种新理论改变了人们以两分法看待性别对人心理和行为影响的方式。然而,Bem并没有澄清"双性化"和"中性化"两个概念之间的区别,也没有注意到性别角色特质中既适合男性又适合女性的特征——中性特质的存在。因为中性特质的存在,性别角色特质就包含了男性特质、女性特质和中性特质。根据不同性别特质所占地位和作用,性别角色类型可以分为男性化、女性化、双性化、中性化和未分化等五种。  相似文献   
随着中国的入世,中美两国之间的政治、经济、文化交流必将越来越频繁。认识并理解中美各自的民族性格,如中国的群体意识、美国的个体意识,中国人的中和意识与美国人的竞争意识,探寻形成各自性格特点的文化渊源,对于增进两国人民的相互了解、推动两国关系的健康发展具有重大的意义。  相似文献   
苏轼贬琼期间为海南作出过巨大贡献,表现在立德、立功、立言三方面,这都与苏轼固守与践行《周易》中正观密不可分。中正观强调为人的不偏不倚,胸怀正道。苏轼本着无心正静、循理无私修养德行;本着刚健中正、守正敬慎为海南民众做事;遵循蒙以养正、中道行正开创海南文教风气。所以,《周易》中正观对苏轼贬琼期间的立身处世有着较为直接的思想指导意义。  相似文献   
浅谈英语在“性别”方面的差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
〕英语在语言中存在较大的性别差异,即我们常说的“性”、“数”、“格”三大特点中的“性”。这种差异主要体现在名词、代词中阴性和阳性的明显区分及其他一些方面。本文不仅探究语言中的这种差别,也探究其社会影响和社会意义  相似文献   
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