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21世纪高校图书馆的读者服务   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从职业道德、业务素质、服务方式三个方面讨论高校图书馆的读者服务工作。提出了如何加强职业道德建设,提高图书馆员业务素质,更新信息服务方式。  相似文献   
This study evaluates the dose-response relationship for inhalation exposure to hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] and lung cancer mortality for workers of a chromate production facility, and provides estimates of the carcinogenic potency. The data were analyzed using relative risk and additive risk dose-response models implemented with both Poisson and Cox regression. Potential confounding by birth cohort and smoking prevalence were also assessed. Lifetime cumulative exposure and highest monthly exposure were the dose metrics evaluated. The estimated lifetime additional risk of lung cancer mortality associated with 45 years of occupational exposure to 1 microg/m3 Cr(VI) (occupational exposure unit risk) was 0.00205 (90%CI: 0.00134, 0.00291) for the relative risk model and 0.00216 (90%CI: 0.00143, 0.00302) for the additive risk model assuming a linear dose response for cumulative exposure with a five-year lag. Extrapolating these findings to a continuous (e.g., environmental) exposure scenario yielded an environmental unit risk of 0.00978 (90%CI: 0.00640, 0.0138) for the relative risk model [e.g., a cancer slope factor of 34 (mg/kg-day)-1] and 0.0125 (90%CI: 0.00833, 0.0175) for the additive risk model. The relative risk model is preferred because it is more consistent with the expected trend for lung cancer risk with age. Based on statistical tests for exposure-related trend, there was no statistically significant increased lung cancer risk below lifetime cumulative occupational exposures of 1.0 mg-yr/m3, and no excess risk for workers whose highest average monthly exposure did not exceed the current Permissible Exposure Limit (52 microg/m3). It is acknowledged that this study had limited power to detect increases at these low exposure levels. These cancer potency estimates are comparable to those developed by U.S. regulatory agencies and should be useful for assessing the potential cancer hazard associated with inhaled Cr(VI).  相似文献   
通过对国有企业改制中公司治理方面出现的问题的分析 ,从养老保险基金参与对公司治理方面进行探讨 ,提出改进上市公司治理机制的现实政策选择 ,这有利于我国证券市场的发展和完善 ,有利于我国国有企业的改革  相似文献   
从职业流动视角来看 ,失业具有无流动性、下向流动性和被迫性 ;失业阻滞在于职业流动的规模不大 ,制度约束性太强和观念滞后 ;再就业具有上向流动性和主动性 ;再就业机制是一个由经济驱动机制、制度改革机制、就业观念转变机制和劳动力自由流动机制构成的综合性、动态性结构体系。  相似文献   
重塑大学生就业观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国高等教育事业的发展 ,高校的不断扩招 ,就业形势越来越严峻。“先就业 ,后择业 ,再创业”的择业观为各高校所倡行 ,但这种择业观中隐含了不少弊病。从目前我国高校就业形势来看我们认为应当从社会要求、诚信教育、职业理想及规划等方面对学生进行引导和教育 ,在此基础上秉承“先择业 ,后就业 ,再择岗”的择业观 ,才比较符合现实。  相似文献   
The primary purpose of this study is to typify the respondent strategies of the OECD countries based on the interconnected structure of income and employment guarantees. More specifically, this article seeks to typify welfare policies into four types (welfare-to-work, welfare emphasis, labour emphasis, market emphasis) based on the leniency of the pension system and active state intervention in employment security. With the resultant four types, this article then places them as the dependent variable while incorporating per capita GDP, aged dependency ratio, pension maturity level, union density, constitutional structure index and degree of decommodification as causal variables. Through this process, this article aims to derive the decisive variable for each type through qualitative comparative analysis.  相似文献   
民族自治地方农村养老工作与构建社会主义和谐社会、社会主义新农村建设、“三农”问题等紧密相关,养老工作能否解决好直接影响到农村的社会稳定、社会的和谐发展和“三农”问题的解决。民族自治地方农村经济相对落后、经济发展不平衡、人口分布不均衡、农村老年人口日益增多、农民工大量外出等现实,给传统养老方式带来了历史性的冲击。这要求建立具有时代特色和地方特色的养老方式。本文在进行充分的实地调查、分析黔东南苗族侗族自治州锦屏县农村现行的养老方式现状、养老方式存在问题的基础上,结合当地实际情况和借鉴其他地方的成功养老方式,提出具体可行的对策。  相似文献   
Recent studies demonstrating a concentration dependence of elimination of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) suggest that previous estimates of exposure for occupationally exposed cohorts may have underestimated actual exposure, resulting in a potential overestimate of the carcinogenic potency of TCDD in humans based on the mortality data for these cohorts. Using a database on U.S. chemical manufacturing workers potentially exposed to TCDD compiled by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), we evaluated the impact of using a concentration- and age-dependent elimination model (CADM) (Aylward et al., 2005) on estimates of serum lipid area under the curve (AUC) for the NIOSH cohort. These data were used previously by Steenland et al. (2001) in combination with a first-order elimination model with an 8.7-year half-life to estimate cumulative serum lipid concentration (equivalent to AUC) for these workers for use in cancer dose-response assessment. Serum lipid TCDD measurements taken in 1988 for a subset of the cohort were combined with the NIOSH job exposure matrix and work histories to estimate dose rates per unit of exposure score. We evaluated the effect of choices in regression model (regression on untransformed vs. ln-transformed data and inclusion of a nonzero regression intercept) as well as the impact of choices of elimination models and parameters on estimated AUCs for the cohort. Central estimates for dose rate parameters derived from the serum-sampled subcohort were applied with the elimination models to time-specific exposure scores for the entire cohort to generate AUC estimates for all cohort members. Use of the CADM resulted in improved model fits to the serum sampling data compared to the first-order models. Dose rates varied by a factor of 50 among different combinations of elimination model, parameter sets, and regression models. Use of a CADM results in increases of up to five-fold in AUC estimates for the more highly exposed members of the cohort compared to estimates obtained using the first-order model with 8.7-year half-life. This degree of variation in the AUC estimates for this cohort would affect substantially the cancer potency estimates derived from the mortality data from this cohort. Such variability and uncertainty in the reconstructed serum lipid AUC estimates for this cohort, depending on elimination model, parameter set, and regression model, have not been described previously and are critical components in evaluating the dose-response data from the occupationally exposed populations.  相似文献   
教师社会幸福感影响教师总体的职业幸福感。为揭示教师社会幸福感的整体状况及其在领导关系、同事关系、师生关系、家校关系、社会声誉等维度上的具体表现,在全国范围内,对东部、中部、西部、东北等4个地区的33590名中小学教师的社会幸福感现状进行问卷调查。调查结果显示:教师社会幸福感总体水平较高,但在性别、地区、教龄等方面存在差异。要进一步增强教师社会幸福感,应着力改善教师与领导关系和师生关系;满足教师的物质需求和发展需求,切实提升教师社会声誉;考虑个体差异,制定具有针对性的教师社会幸福感提升策略;改进教师职前教育和在职教育,提升教师获得社会幸福感的能力。  相似文献   
通过构建一个农民工追求跨期效用最大化的OLG模型,理论分析了均衡条件下农民工收入及风险偏好因素对其养老保险参与决策的影响;基于全国31个省市的调查数据,利用双变量Probit模型实证分析了个人与家庭特征、收入与土地、务工状况与预期等因素对农民工养老保险参与决策的影响。结果表明:务工与务农收入对农民工参与养老保险决策的影响并不显著,而恩格尔系数和非收入性因素却大多显著地影响了农民工的参保决策。为此,一方面,要提高农民工的收入水平、生活宽裕程度和支付能力,使之更有意愿和能力参与养老保险;另一方面,要增强农民工对未来生活确定性的预期和安全感,使之参与养老保险的水平得以提高。  相似文献   
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