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Active self-reflection is a sophisticated and subtle, multi-layered process that requires learning the capacity to constantly self-monitor. These fundamental interactive skills, the core of a competent social worker, are important to work in any context. Using two distinct metaphors, one relating to horses, the other to baseball, the article will explore the importance of developing competency skills and utilize a ‘third eye.’ In current social work education curricula the use of self may not be prioritized, practiced, or well understood. Evidence from human and veterinary medicine as well as social work, are discussed. An example of an undergraduate BSW course using simulated clients and standardized measures is discussed. The paper includes a brief review of the preliminary findings for a small pilot study and the relevance to future research is considered.  相似文献   
Class participation is an essential part of the social work pedagogy. However, active student engagement in classes is inconsistent and varies based on factors such as social backgrounds, educational background, and individual characteristics. Instructors often evaluate participation based on frequency of verbal contributions. Evaluation criteria are often unarticulated or difficult to measure, presenting numerous challenges for instructors and students alike. A model of reflective self-assessment of participation by students, paired with timely instructor feedback is put forth in this paper to mitigate these concerns. The steps in this model include initial self-assessment, goal setting, midterm review, and a final review. The process of continuous self-evaluation and problem-solving is discussed as strategies that aid the process of class participation. Three instructor touch points are suggested: at the goal-setting stage, the midterm review, and the final grade. Throughout the paper, connections to social work practice and social work pedagogy are highlighted. This model has yet to be implemented in a social work school’s curriculum. Challenges in the implementation and resolution of those challenges are also presented. This model suggests ways to enhance opportunities for student engagement and integration into graduate programs, in addition to fostering valuable skills for future practice in the field.  相似文献   
Critical reflection involves the identification of deeply seated assumptions about the social world and the individual’s connection with it; however, its scope and practice are contested. While ambivalence about its definition remains, critical reflection is described as a threshold concept in social welfare and social work education. This study investigated students’ conceptualisations of critical reflection by analysing the ‘learned’ critical reflection curricula of five core units in an Australian University. A content analysis of 162 assignments submitted by 86 students in 2013 and 2014 was conducted. Findings revealed students conceptualised critical reflection as a process that raised self-awareness, supported the application of theory in practice and, reinforced aspects of their professional identity. However, students adapted the process to fit their purpose and, when personal views clashed with professional practice, rather than examining the tensions that emerged, students privileged professional practice and silenced their personal views. Students did not engage with critical reflection to foster social change; rather their utilitarian approach positioned them to demonstrate competence in professional procedures. These findings highlight the influence of the contexts within which critical reflection is practised and informs the further development of the authors’ pedagogy.  相似文献   
中国基层公务员自我反思诱因特征的探索性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,全党正在开展以"为民、务实、清廉"为主要内容的党的群众路线教育实践活动,习近平主席强调"要以整风精神开展批评和自我批评".基层公务员处于服务人民群众的一线,迫切需要进行自我批评、自我反思.为探索基层公务员的自我反思诱因特征,抽取了352名被试进行问卷调查.结果显示:基层公务员自我反思诱因由社会公众不信任、激励需求未满足、工作状态不佳、工作业绩低下、人际沟通不畅5个因素构成;自我反思诱因既具有一致性又呈现出多样性;自我反思的诱发具有明显的滞后性、组织性和被动性;自我反思诱因重人际不畅轻业绩不佳;自我反思可引起公务员工作态度与业绩的积极变化;"激励需求未满足"诱发的自我反思可能导致消极结果.在此基础上,提出了基层公务员加强自我反思、提升自我素质的相关对策建议.  相似文献   
大学英语教师自我发展策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了满足大学英语教学改革的需要,培养复合型双语人才,大学英语教师应改变传统的自我发展理念,增强自我发展意识,在工作和实践中培养终身学习和研究的技能。教师自我发展策略基本上有四种,即自我探索、协作发展、网络学习和行动研究。  相似文献   
儒家为己之学是修身之学,自天子以至庶人,皆以修身为本,自省又是修身之本,故自省可谓是儒家为己之学的不二法门。先秦儒家自省意识奠定了儒家自省学说的基础,孔子及孔门“七十子”、孟子、荀子都有具体的自省思想,孔子的“内自省”“自讼”,孟子的“自反”“反求诸己”,荀子的“参省乎己”是儒家自省思想的经典表达,在省过、为学、进德等重要方面初步建立了儒家自省学说体系,成为汉唐儒学、宋明理学自省意识的思想源泉和理论依据。先秦儒家自省意识虽然朴素,尚不系统,但在整体上呈现出主体性、自觉性、乐感性、人文性的理论特征。先秦儒家自省意识是划分君子与小人的一道分水岭,是处理人己关系的重要法则,它开启了儒家自省传统,为推进当下的公民道德建设、唤醒当代自省意识提供了思想资源和重要启示。  相似文献   
鉴于西晋“清谈误国”的深刻教训,反省和批判玄化士风及其社会危害成为东晋时期一种或隐或显的时代思潮。其中既有门阀士族社会朝廷当轴执政者和地方军政人物对玄化风气的指责和矫正;也有出自寒门阶层、崇尚刑名法术的文吏之士对“清谈误国”的抗议,表现出强烈的务实作风;更多的则是一些崇尚儒学的思想人物对玄学流行有损儒家礼法制度的激烈批判。这种反省与批评思潮,就时间段而言,虽贯穿于东晋一代,但以东晋前期最为集中。就思想倾向而言,虽有高级士族阶层玄化名士,但以崇奉儒学和刑名的思想人物为多。就侨人与南人的分别而言,南人不仅所占比例颇高,而且言论激烈。这些特点,都是由当时社会文化背景所决定的。同时东晋时期的主流士风仍然趋于玄化,这也决定了这一反省与批判思潮在社会影响方面的诸多局限性。  相似文献   
重庆陪都文学是抗日战争时期,驻足于重庆陪都的作家对当时国家求独立、求解放的种种思考,也是他们对于战争、社会、人生的认知方式与评价、参与方式;是这些作家在血与火的特殊岁月里创造出的文学奇迹与文学辉煌.更是世界反法西斯文学有利的一翼。  相似文献   
桑业明 《河北学刊》2004,24(5):50-53
虚拟是数字化的表达方式和构成方式的总称。其本质特点是通过数字化的合成 ,达到“思维如何思维”的直观 ,创造出“真”与“假”不可分割的统一体。虚拟在否定现实经验“真实”观念的同时 ,也促进了现实之“真”的重建。虚拟与现实既有相对立的一面 ,也有相互融通之处  相似文献   
提高高校教师的教育教学反思能力是当代高等教育发展的需要。高校教师应不断反思自己的师德,勤于反思自己的教育教学理念,注意反思自己的教学过程和教学成果,同时要重视培养学生的学习反思能力。  相似文献   
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