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Early utopias envisioning a perfect order were superseded by small-scale versions in utopian communities. Scientific socialism then held that utopian socialism was doomed to failure in a hostile capitalistic world. As the Soviet experience elicited anti-utopias, utopianism has been unable to resolve its own contradictions in an imperfect world. This tragic outcome is an opportunity for sociology in its study of human interactions to analyze both the possibilities and the inherent limitations of proposed social systems. By monitoring the rich variety of social experience, it may help to restrain some of the fanaticisms that now surround us.These remarks were presented at the 1988 annual meetings of the Eastern Sociological Society in Philadelphia, March 1988.  相似文献   
米兰·昆德拉以独特的诗性语言为读者构建出一个关于“存在”的小说世界。从昆德拉的小说创作与诗学入手,能发现其小说中具有“政治乌托邦”“情欲乌托邦”与“宗教乌托邦”等图景,它们都一致地指向同一主题:人的存在。因此本质上属于探究人类生存可能性的“存在乌托邦”。其笔下的现代“乌托邦”继承了乌托邦传统中的批判精神,具体体现为对极权主义政治的反讽、对“小说消亡论”的反击以及对欧洲现代性危机的思考。通过对“媚俗”的批判与对“幽默”的推崇,昆德拉小说中的现代“乌托邦”实现了对以往文学作品中形象稍显单薄、美学意蕴不足的“乌托邦”的审美超越。  相似文献   
不同于孔子,“仁”在孟子学说中被降格。“仁”乃人心,由“心”推出“性”,由“性”乃事天,这是孟子的天人关系。孟子又以人性为出发点,认为“仁政”实乃“心政”。由于孟子对于天人关系次序的理解失当,即便是主张土地、税法等一系列的改革措施,加上与当时的现实相距太远,孟子的“仁政”也只能是他心中的乌托邦。  相似文献   
The aim of the article is to analyze and to critically examine use of the concept of heteronormativity. We find it important to adjust the concept to some extent in order to analyze, for example, changes occurring in homosexual families, contemporary gender-equal families, or the progressive youth culture. We find two approaches when using the concept. One minimizes the importance of how sexual practices are embedded in social institutions. The first approach becomes too idealistic, whereas the second approach often is based on a structural view of society. This approach makes it hard to imagine a transformation of the family that could lead to more equal and democratic relations in contemporary families. We suggest a third approach, and the possibility of finding creative ways of analyzing actual change and contestations of heteronormativity. An approach containing a space of reflexivity and aiming at political change both involving subjects as well as structures.  相似文献   

This article interprets Hayek’s theoretical practice with the help of Polanyi’s framework. Hayek aimed at renewing liberalism after the interwar period, thus helping transforming it into neoliberalism, a real utopia instrumentally concerned with the political and moral economies underpinning markets. The distance between neoliberal theory and practice is less pronounced than it is sometimes assumed. The strength of neoliberalism partially stems from a capacity to articulate an effort to think about real-world mechanisms with an effort to demolish, reconfigure or transform existing structures. Despite his failure to anticipate neoliberalism, Polanyi gives ample intellectual resources to critically interpret the tasks that neoliberals would collectively have to face at the theoretical level, in an epoch of ideological marginality, before their triumphal political deployment at the global level.  相似文献   
教育需要乌托邦精神,教育的终极目标是实现人的全面发展;教育是社会变革的"阿基米德点",或大或小的内部变化都将会渗透到社会的各个子机构中;认清必要的乌托邦中教育可能存在的问题,才能保证教育朝着健康、有益、良性的方向发展。  相似文献   
乌托邦作为一种人文主义的理想 ,是历代具有使命和责任感的作家的精神追求。本文拟就 80年代中期以来 ,中国文学领域出现的一种反乌托邦创作倾向 ,阐述文学作品在削弱和厌弃了精神性力量之后 ,具有明显的后现代文化品性这一观点。其表现为 :深度意义的消失 ,历史意识被抹去 ,主体的跌落等。并指出 ,反乌托邦作品是以消解理想主义谜底的方式重设虚无的寓言。  相似文献   
将西方与俄苏左翼戏剧作为主体来考察其各异的历史进程与走向,至少可以发现两方面的意义:一是认清左翼戏剧因语境变化而发生的生存状况的改变及可能的存在时段;二是确立左翼戏剧能够保有其“反叛”与“颠覆”品格的必要语境,即适当民主的社会政治氛围、多元的意识形态空间与自由的话语权力。以此阐明在何种条件下左翼戏剧能够作为戏剧的“一翼”得以存在和发展,又在何种政治语境中无法生存,以至于消亡。  相似文献   
80年代中期以后,乌托邦发生了分化,在一部分女性创作中出现了语言乌托邦倾向。语言的功能不仅仅局限于经验、感情和认识的传递,它已经具有更强大的力量,它借助于虚构和想象构造了一个新的世界。一方面,它借助自由抵抗社会压迫,另一方面,还包含着超越黑暗现实、建立理想世界的激情。新时期语言乌托邦以想象的方式坚持了梦想的价值,给后乌托邦的时代贡献了新的思维方式。  相似文献   
由于受工具论观念的影响,学界对梁启超翻译与创作的政治小说的研究存在很多不足之处。文章从乌托邦思想理论的视角考察政治小说的存在理由。作者认为,政治小说是晚清精英知识分子乌托邦精神的表征,体现了特定历史时期知识分子的价值立场和审美追求。  相似文献   
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