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在我国司法界中探望权的执行存在着一定的难度。由于探望权执行表现为一种需要长期反复的行为,其执行的对象又是特定的相对人,并且需要多方配合才能实现,这就增加了执行的难度。要完善这一立法,应从其性质入手,深入分析在执行中遇到的问题及相应的解决方法,并借鉴他国经验,从而完善我国探望权的执行。  相似文献   
当前城市管理行政执法不和谐已成为一个突出的社会问题。随着社会的进步,人们对城管中的不文明执法现象越来越重视,要求也越来越高,人们迫切希望在城管执法中实行人性化执法,但由于各种原因,以罚代管、粗暴执法等非人性化执法仍在一定范围内存在,导致执法者与行政相对人之间对立,影响了执法机关及执法者的形象,弱化了法治环境,最终损害国家机关和法律的尊严。  相似文献   
This article examines macro-structural conditions that affect time trends in aggregate probabilities of undocumented alien apprehension along the Mexico-US border. We show that the number of migrants attempting to cross the border illegally in a given period and the level of effort expended by the INS to apprehend undocumented migrants are principal determinants of apprehension probabilities. Our findings differ from those in earlier work by Donato, Durand, and Massey who argue that individual, household, and community factors are not significant predictors of apprehension probabilities and conclude that escaping INS detection at the border is essentially a random process unrelated to personal traits or to enforcement provisions of the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act. Although Donato et al. recognize that apprehension probabilities are affected by the size of the US Border Patrol budget and the number of personnel, they omit these larger structural factors from consideration. Instead, they introduce annual dummy variables to control for macro-structural forces. This approach is unsatisfactory because it confounds the effects of numerous explanatory factors. We conclude that one implication for future research is that it is worth modeling the effects of individuals' characteristics on apprehension probabilities by including as predictors an estimate of the flow of undocumented migrants and measures of INS border enforcement effort. Controlling explicitly for three macrostructural conditions may disclose the importance of some individual-level factors that would otherwise be obscured.  相似文献   
本文从我国非诉行政执行的现状入手,对非诉行政执行权的分布和非诉行政执行的实际运作作了较为细致的实证分析,进而从制度生成的历史和法理基础方面探究我国非诉行政执行存在的制度缺陷.最后,从比较法的路径对我国非诉行政执行以及整个行政强制执行制度作了重构尝试.  相似文献   
相对集中行政许可权是我国《行政许可法》确立的一项旨在解决我国传统行政审批制度弊端的法律制度。该项制度的确立,对目前形势下改革我国现行行政许可体制,建立新的运行机制,促进行政执法体制改革具有重要的作用。但该制度在本质上和一些法律原则存在一定的冲突,这决定了它生命力的阶段性。目前该制度在实践中也存在一些难题,需要进一步研究解决的方法。  相似文献   
推进依法行政、建设法治政府必须正确理解行政执法的目的和功能,正视行政执法主体与行政相对人的关系,创新行政执法方式,革除行政执法实践中存在的执法权力行使分散化、执法活动运动化、执法手段单一强制化的弊端,使行政执法方式向综合化、常态化、民主化转变。实现这一转变的根本保障在于观念更新、体制创新和人的素质的提升。  相似文献   
论民事诉讼中强制拍卖的性质和效力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近代以来,随着民诉法的公法化,法院的民事强制执行愈来愈呈现出公法性特征。作为执行程序中重要变价方式的强制拍卖,其性质究竟系私法上的法律行为还是公法上的处分行为,直接影响到对强制拍卖效力的界定。强制拍卖的性质和效力与拍卖法律关系主体的利益密切相关,通过对强制拍卖中公共利益与私人利益之间冲突,以及拍卖程序所涵摄的不同类型的参与主体私人利益之间冲突的分析,可以从一个全新的角度构筑强制拍卖的理论基础,并作出相应的制度安排。   相似文献   
高元祥  林毅 《南方人口》2002,17(3):4-13
本文就各省、直辖市、自治区目前计划生育政策口径的差异、“知情选择”的广义涵义、执行和选择的前提和重点及加强计划生育执法的法律授权三方面进行了阐述,提出在制订地方计划生育法规时必须充分重视和妥善解决的法规衔接问题,为目前的地方计划生育法规建设提出相关建议。  相似文献   
行政执法文明是社会主义法治文明的重要组成部分,也是政治文明的应有内容。在当前大力发展社会主义民主政治,建设社会主义政治文明,突出行政执法文明建设,对于公民权利的保护和我国的民主法治建设具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
The use of costless inspection in enforcement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The process whereby a reluctant decisionmaker may be induced to behave in accordance with a rule, regulation, or law, is examined in a general context. It is assumed that an enforcement agency can make use of a costless inspection process, which would provide a free, but possibly inaccurate, assessment of the subject's behavior. The agency also has some power of punishment. When should evidence be collected by the agency, and how should it be used? How can an enforcement system be structured so as to maximize the level of compliance? How does compliance depend on the subject's private gain for violation, the level of punishment, the risk of errors (of both kinds) in the inspection report, and other parameters? These questions and others are addressed using non-cooperative game models. Answers give new insights into real-world enforcement problems in areas as diverse as environmental regulation and arms control.  相似文献   
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