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詹姆斯·威尔逊与美国早期联邦制的演进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国早期联邦制的演进是各种联邦制观点相互竞争和谈判的过程。詹姆斯.威尔逊的联邦制观点是其中最重要的一种。从美国独立战争前的政治辩论到1787年联邦宪法的制定和批准,威尔逊以他对政治理论和实践的深刻认识,阐释了整体与部分的关系及各自的权力和职责,从而在美国早期联邦制的演进过程中,扮演了重要的角色。  相似文献   
州际协定是美国各州自主解决地区乃至全国性问题时最常用的手段之一,它的合法性由《联邦宪法》第一条第十款第三项赋予。在联邦体制的不同阶段,美国联邦最高法院对该条款的解释是不一样的:在1893年的“弗吉尼亚州诉田纳西州”以前,所有的州际协定都需要国会的批准;此后,只有那些触及到联邦权利或可能改变联邦体制内力量平衡的政治性协定仍须国会批准,而其它的非政治性协定则不再需要国会明示批准。在放松对各州缔结协定的限制的同时,联邦最高法院对成员州及其公民遵守协定的约束却越来越加强,使州际协定的法律地位愈加巩固。  相似文献   

This article seeks to explore, from a social justice perspective, as an issue of concern to social work, the manner in which the National Competition Policy has legitimated economic rationalism and its impact upon the community. It is argued under the influence of classical liberalism and economic rationalism, as reflected in the National Competition Policy, the value of individuals is being determined in terms of their contribution to the economy. In so doing notions of fairness, social justice and achieving community wellbeing through the promotion of equality, freedom and autonomy for individuals has been abandoned as governments increasingly allow market forces to structure social relations. Instrumental to the manner in which social relations are being restructured is the role of language which has enabled social justice concepts to be presented in terms of individualism.  相似文献   
The European Union has a federal structure, in which each citizen is subject to two governments. The position of social policy within the federation is contested, but the EU has gradually developed powers through the extension of its competence, direct intervention in social welfare issues and the push for “convergence”, or agreement on minimum standards. Consistent with its federal nature, the European model of the welfare state is based on convergence, integration of the excluded and social protection through the gradual extension of solidarity. The precise role that the federal government will take on within this is unclear, but it is already having a major impact on social welfare and its influence is likely to increase.  相似文献   
In this paper, a multilevel analysis is applied to the OECD-PISA2006 data with the aim to compare factors affecting students’ achievement across Italy and Spain. The findings show that both countries are affected by strong internal regional heterogeneity, where some regions have achievement scores well above the OECD mean and other are placed among the worst performers in the OECD area. Although regional governments are more autonomous about educational policy-making in Spain, regional indicators exert a higher influence on educational results in Italy where educational system is strictly regulated by the national government.  相似文献   
财政分权理论是当前公共财政领域研究的前沿课题。对多级财政体制下政府、政府行为和政策选择问题的研究构成了该理论的核心主题。该理论对地方性公共产品的研究是基于Samuelson-Musgrave公共产品理论对效率问题和公共选择分析范式的对政治程序问题的探讨。新制度财政分权理论以公共选择理论为起点,对财政分权的激励机制设计问题的研究突破了传统分权理论的分析框架。在此基础上,整合了财政分权政策制定的规范和实证方法的交易成本政治学构成了研究方法上的创新。  相似文献   
The various ways which federalism influences gender policies has recently received a surge of academic interest. This article contributes to this literature by moving beyond formally adopted policies to study the influence of federalism on social learning amongst women's organizations. Using a most‐likely case study design, this exploratory work traces the policy positions held by women's organizations in Canada during a seven‐year period now known as the Great Pension Debate. Focusing on four empirical indicators of issue attention, participation in policy discussions, specificity of policy proposals, and consensus for reform, the findings suggest that the plurality and temporal proximity of successive policy venues – such as royal commissions and parliamentary committees – created by various governments offered women's organizations an optimum environment to engage in ongoing exchanges leading to the development, and greater specification, of policy positions.  相似文献   
行政监察作为权力监控类型之一,具有明显的权力内部监控特征,而基于权力自我约束不可靠之经验性认识,行政监察遭遇传统理论视域的不信任偏见。同时传统理论对单一制政府与联邦制政府下的权力监控效能优劣也存在认识偏差。从行政监察效能的角度切入考察,可以对这两种既有认识偏差做出适当的修正。  相似文献   
虽然单一制是东南亚七国纵向结构的主流,但是地方自治广泛存在于文莱以外的联邦制和单一制(地方分权型)国家中。地方不但拥有传统性专属事务的管辖权(联邦制)或固有权力(单一制),而且国家的集权和地方的分权只是互有彼此的程度问题。以此为借鉴,单一制的中国在法治化轨道上构建中央与地方关系的过程中应以推进地方民主化为基础,尊重地方的固有权力,向地方适度分权。同时,也应赋予地方以共治权,在国家层面允许其参与决定自己地位和利益的决策。  相似文献   
联邦制国家是一个建立在多元文化基础上的社会,但经济全球化却加剧了联邦制国家多元文化的矛盾冲突。作为文化的载体,语言人权正日益受到众多国际公约的保护。本文通过对美国、比利时和瑞士等国家多元语言政策模型的比较分析,认为只有承认并维护多元语言的生态发展,才能保护少数族群的语言人权,而彻底消除特定语言族群间“事实上的不平等”才是解决多元文化矛盾冲突的关键之所在。  相似文献   
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