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The onset of German colonial rule in Africa brought increasing numbers of black men and women to Germany. Pre-1914 the vast majority of these Africans can best be described as visitors or sojourners and the black population as a whole was a transient one. This makes recovering their presence in the archival record exceptionally difficult and it is not surprising that the existing historiography is dominated by biographies of well-documented lives. Through utilising a number of recently digitised archival materials, particularly the Hamburg Passenger Lists, this article draws upon a database with information on 1094 individuals from sub-Saharan Africa who spent time in Germany over the period 1884–1914 in order to widen our understanding of the black presence as a whole. It offers new insights and detail into the composition and character of this fluid population – where visitors came from, why they came to Germany, their age on arrival – as well as more accurate information on the temporal and spatial distribution of African visitors.  相似文献   
张军 《阅江学刊》2010,(5):56-64,97
两晋时期军府制度逐渐发展定型,并对以尚书制度为核心的国家政治体制产生重大影响,其表现为:在中央层面,加兵公常领录尚书事,或兼领尚书令;地方镇将常兼领尚书省长官。这样,在国家政治生活中就出现了军府制断尚书事,甚至在非常时期成为替代尚书省的“国务总汇”机构,以及军府掾属权过尚书干涉政务等等不正常的现象。这些现象的产生,在一定程度上表明了两晋时期国家政治体制的孱弱。  相似文献   
在"尊孔崇儒"文教政策的影响下,辽朝西京地区官学教育取得了较大发展。首先,是西京地区建立起以西京学、州学、县学为核心的官学教育体系。在官学的带动下,私学教育也获得了长足发展。其次,是在西京地区培养出一批名臣儒士,在辽朝社会生活中发挥了重要作用。西京地区官学教育的发展,使得居住于西京地区的汉、契丹等族能够大规模、系统地接受中原儒家经史教育,使北方游牧民族对中原儒家文化的逐渐认同产生了重要影响。  相似文献   
位于河南省巩义市西南部的北宋皇陵,包括皇帝陵墓8座,祔葬皇后墓22座,赵宋宗室、勋臣名将等陪葬墓近1000座,2006年被列入国家“十一五”期间100处重要大遗址。它代表着一种独特的艺术成就,是大宋文化及其典章制度的特殊见证。其“五音姓利”的布局,所体现的“侍死如侍生”、“孝莫重乎丧”的传统思想对后世影响深远。  相似文献   
从考试内容和文体来看,科举具有文学考试性质。科场试文与当时的文学密切相关,各种文学流派的升沉消长及文风变易皆与科举有着千丝万缕的联系。从“科举学”的视角研究文学,可以大大拓宽古代文学研究的深度与厚度,而科举文学研究成果日益丰富,又从另一个方面推动“科举学”走向繁荣。  相似文献   
Naoki Sakai 《Cultural Studies》2013,27(3-4):462-530
This paper addresses the theoretical and philosophical questions concerning how an individual identified him/herself as a member of an ethnic, racial, or national community in the context of Japanese Imperialist discourse during the 1930's. The central focus is Tanabe Hajime. Together with his mentor Nishida Kitaro, Tanabe established the so-called Kyoto School of Philosophy in the 1920's. With his background in the philosophy of sciences and mathematics, and modern European metaphysics, Tanabe created a philosophical argument for the multi-ethnic nation-state, and proposed the universalistic concept of Japanese national identity which positively evaluates and integrates individuals of different ethnic backgrounds into one. He constructed the Logic of Species (Shu no Ronri) according to which a member of the Japanese Empire could identify with Japan precisely because she or he can participate in the Japanese State which represents the whole, inclusive of all the ethnic groups. Relying upon the Hegelian concept of negativity, he explained the two different levels of belonging: particularistic belonging to the specific identity (shu) such as ethnicity, and universalistic belonging to the generic identity (rui). And he further demonstrated that ethnic identity is far from fixed, and is brought into the subject's self-awareness only insofar as the subject negates it and is free from it. In other words, the subject becomes aware of her/his ethnic origin only when s/he negates it thereby participating in a higher order of social formation, the State, under which ethnic multiplicity is subsumed. Thus the species of ethnicity is constituted only insofar as it is negatively mediated by the genus, that is, the State. Tanabe saw the essential form of human freedom in this negative relation of the subject to his ethnicity, and understood a subject's belonging to a nation as a dialectic and negative process of mediation between the species and the genus. While postwar Japan was built upon the premises of ethnic nationalism, Japanese imperial nationalism of the pre-war period was afraid of ethnic nationalisms which could challenge the Empire's rhetoric of multiethnicity and pluralism. Tanabe's Logic of Species was a response to such needs of Japanese Imperialism and it represented a philosophical attempt to undermine ethnic nationalism. Not surprisingly, it served as a metaphysical foundation for the idea of the Greater East Asian Co-prosperity Sphere.  相似文献   
三国两晋时期,皇室婚姻的身份门第不断加强。这种变化,使外戚对政治的影响逐步加大。三国时,外戚在政治上无多大作为;西晋时期,外戚利用政治婚姻,操纵中官,攫取政治权力;东晋外戚大多都程度不等地参与了政权甚至辅政,对当时的政治产生了重大影响。  相似文献   
This article considers the relationship between the production of a British imperial archive on China and the global politics of empire over the last century and a half. Drawing upon the theoretical work of Bruno Latour, Gayatri Spivak and Thomas Richards,the archive is explored as a coherent set of material practices designed to decode and recode China and other colonized territories. Imagined as an interface between knowledge and the state, the British archive required the establishment of an epistemological network designed to generate knowledge on China. The knowledge so produced was then used to manipulate local scenes and to provide intelligence in ‘the Great Game’, the continuing contest with Russia over domination in Central Asia. Because of its desire for comprehensive knowledge of other peoples and places, the archive also generated its own phantasms, ones which threatened to undermine and destroy empire. This process of self-haunting is explored through the figure of Fu-Manchu, a discernible mutation of epistemological empire, and linked to the cold war which emerged on the Eurasian landmass after 1945.  相似文献   
通过对《清代朱卷集成》七千多名举子家世的分析,可以看出,在清代,尽管获得科举功名者大多数出身于较高社会阶层,出身于上五代均无功名家庭的举子要实现向上流动相当艰难,但一定比例的布衣借着科举得以升迁的事实,说明他们仍有一个较为公平的上升渠道。姻亲和母系家族对于举子提升社会阶层几无助力。居住城市的举子实现向上流动的机会要比乡居举子大得多,但家世在实现社会流动的过程中起着远比居住地更为重要的作用。  相似文献   
乾隆朝内务府确立了人参变价制度,这成为其重要的财源。嘉庆时期,其人参变价在变价途径、变价价格等方面出现了一些新的变化。这些变化的出现是嘉庆皇帝统治政策调整的结果。它有着极为恶劣的影响:不仅使得内务府加剧了对两淮盐政的经济掠夺,而且进一步破坏了东北的生态平衡。这是道光朝人参变价困境的重要因素之一。  相似文献   
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