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在1951年6月至1953年7月的朝鲜停战谈判中,战俘遣返问题是谈判双方争论最为激烈、耗时最长的议题。美国出于冷战需要,拒不同意遣返所有被俘朝中人员;而朝中方面则依据关于战俘遣返问题的日内瓦公约,要求遣返所有战俘。由于在此问题上僵持不下,致使谈判几次陷于停顿。最终,谈判双方各自做出一定让步,使得战俘遣返问题得以解决,为朝鲜停战协定的签订消除了最后也是最大的一个障碍。  相似文献   
朝鲜族的民族文化底蕴是中国朝鲜族两重性文化长期积淀的结果。在长期的历史发展过程中 ,朝鲜族形成了注重秩序、积极入世、民族传统心理与现代意识集于一身、重视结果而忽略过程的民族性格 ,在这种民族意识的支配下 ,延边注重旅游资源的有序开发 ,注重品牌效应 ,也重视打造民俗形象  相似文献   
李朝时期,朝鲜使臣频繁出使明朝,由于其另一身份为精通汉学的文人,因此与同样深受中国影响的域外文人进行了文学交流:李安讷同孔闻謤的诗歌酬唱,体现了中朝两国的文化认同;金尚宪与吴大斌的惺惺相惜,体现了文人间的友好情谊;李醉光与安南使者冯克宽、琉球使者蔡坚的文学往来,体现了朝鲜文学在安南等国的影响.朝鲜使臣在出使明朝的过程中,以文学为裁体,同域外文人进行了广泛的文化交流.  相似文献   
朝鲜很早就接受了中国文学。包括文学美学理论。朝鲜对中国文化的接受,促进了朝鲜古典美学理论的形成和发展。朝鲜古代文人对中国文学的接受。不是盲目的和无条件的。他们的接受意识比较明确,是以透彻的民族主体意识和文化意识为基础。中国古代美学理论传播到朝鲜之后,广泛地受到了选择、分析和评价,经过了“变形”的过程。所以,美学理论的价值和意义并非一成不变.而是处于不断改变的过程中。  相似文献   
中朝两国文化源远流长,儒学传入朝鲜后,对朝鲜的政治统治、思想观念、教育制度等方面产生了深远的影响,而朝鲜立足本国国情,从多角度、多侧面与儒学发生了融合,并逐步形成了具有本民族特色的朝鲜儒学。  相似文献   

Developing environments responsive to the aspirations of older people has become a major concern for social and public policy. Policies and programs directed at achieving “age-friendly” communities are considered to require a wide range of interventions, including actions at the level of the social and physical environment. This article compares the age-friendly approaches of two European cities, Brussels and Manchester, with a particular focus on policies and initiatives that promote active aging in an urban context. The article examines, first, the demographic, social, and multicultural contexts of Brussels and Manchester; second, the way in which both cities became members of the World Health Organization Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities; third, similarities and differences in the age-friendly approaches and actions adopted by both cities; and fourth, opportunities and barriers to the implementation of age-friendly policies. The article concludes by discussing the key elements and resources needed to develop age-friendly cities.  相似文献   
文化外交是主权国家利用文化手段达到特定政治目的或对外战略意图的活动。韩国对华文化外交的实施对"韩流"在中国的兴起及风行创造了友好的政治氛围,奠定了广泛的受众基础,提供了坚实的保障。它的主要特色在于:以对外文化交流机构为依托,以韩国语为载体,以文化产业为主导。"韩流"不仅为韩国带来了为数可观的直接和间接经济效益,还提升了韩国的国家形象,改变了中国大众的对韩印象,对加强中韩民众的相互信任起到十分重要的作用。  相似文献   
This article investigated the role of environmental and behavioral factors surrounding fall incidents in a senior living community. Using a mixed-methods approach, this research included both a retrospective analysis of fall reports and resident interviews. The quantitative analysis showed falls in the bedroom and bathroom were more likely to happen between 12 am and 8 am. Falls in the bathroom were more likely to result in severe injuries compared to falls in other rooms. The qualitative analysis identified three types of fall-related activity (transfer, ambulation, standing) and five behavioral factors surrounding fall incidents (transferring, slipping, misjudged behavior, tripping, health issue).  相似文献   
燕行录是研究前近代中韩关系的重要史料,其中18世纪朝鲜文人洪大容所著《乾净笔谭》的价值尤为贵重。洪大容于1765年随朝鲜使节团来到北京,与数名中国文人进行笔谈,回国后将这一经历写成《乾净衕会友录》,两年之后改编为《乾净笔谭》,主要内容均为笔谈记录。前后两个版本之间进行的删改修订,反映出当时两国文人在不同的大环境下有着政治、学术、女性观等认知上的差异。  相似文献   
《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(6):776-789
An ongoing fear in the gay and lesbian community is that long-term care (LTC) facilities may not be sensitive to their needs. In the present study, 218 LTC staff members responded to one of three vignettes in which resident sexual contact was observed, with only the gender of the characters changing, to create different gender pairings. Results suggested that staff rated male-male and female-female pairings more negatively than heterosexual intimacy. Knowledge about older adult sexuality made little difference in staff ratings. However, staff attitudes were directly related to ratings of negative reaction and level of acceptability of same-gender sexuality.  相似文献   
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