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引导消费者的生活方式和消费模式转向低能耗、低污染、低排放的方向是当前一个重大课题。然而,消费者为什么会实行低碳消费行为模式(即低碳消费行为归自何种心理)?如何促进和引导消费者的低碳消费行为(即低碳消费行为如何才能持续)?对于这两个关键性问题目前还缺乏深度的研究。本文通过深度访谈,应用扎根理论这一探索性技术探究低碳消费行为的深层次心理归因(解决第一个问题)及相应的政策干预路径(解决第二个问题)。研究发现,个体心理意识、社会参照规范两个主范畴是低碳消费行为的内部和社会心理归因。但它们对于低碳消费行为的促成机理并不一致:个体提高心理意识产生相应的低碳消费行为,这归于认知性学习范畴;个体观察参照群体的消费模式及其结果产生特定的低碳消费行为,这归于观察性学习范畴。不同心理控制源的个体(内控型还是外控型)之间也存在一定的差异。低碳传播沟通和情境结构变革两个主范畴是低碳消费行为的政策干预变量,且它们是相互补充、相互配合的。通过传播沟通影响个体心理意识、社会参照规范,通过情境结构变革影响低碳消费行为的成本收益结构成为主要的政策干预路径。这些研究结论可以为政府制定有效的干预政策,为引导消费者的消费行为模式提供理论基础和政策借鉴...  相似文献   
In care-physical activity (care-PA) initiatives, primary care and sports are combined to stimulate PA among adults at risk of lifestyle related diseases. Preliminary results from Dutch care-PA initiatives for adults with a low socioeconomic status (SES) indicate a decrease in participants’ body weight and an improved quality of life, however, the elements that make these initiatives successful are yet to be identified. In total, 19 Dutch health promotion experts participated in our concept mapping (CM) of the effective elements of care-PA initiatives for adults with a low SES. The experts identified 111 effective elements of these initiatives, which were grouped into 11 clusters, focusing on: 1) approaching participants within the care-PA initiative, 2) barriers experienced throughout the initiative, 3) long-term implementation, 4) customizing the care-PA initiative to the target population, 5) social support, 6) structure and guidance, 7) the professionals within the care-PA initiative, 8) the accessibility of the care-PA initiative, 9) targeted behaviour and progression, 10) recruitment and administration, and 11) intersectoral collaboration. CM was useful for creating a valuable overview of these effective elements. Our results could be used to improve the development and implementation of future care-PA initiatives for adults with a low SES.  相似文献   
阿拉伯世界的政治社会动荡有着复杂的内外原因,动荡可能开启阿拉伯世界寻求新发展道路的历史时代,但由乱到治尚须时日.动荡对中东格局和美国主导中东事务能力产生广泛影响,但美国主导地位并未根本动摇.  相似文献   
This paper characterizes vulnerable workers in Canada and the federal jurisdiction, based upon characteristics such as employment status, demographic characteristics, and job characteristics, and identifies areas in which labour standards may have a role. Based on this analysis, the paper evaluates the potential for labour standards to address economic vulnerability, focusing on labour standards policies aimed at wages and benefits, hours, and employment arrangements. In addition, the analysis considers the extent to which labour standards are likely to reach vulnerable workers. The results suggest several potential roles for labour standards and highlights policy implications.
George A. SlotsveEmail:
由美国次贷危机引发的全球性金融危机对欧洲大陆的冲击使欧洲长期积累的财政和债务问题逐步转变为主权债务危机。欧债危机的持续发酵主要是由欧元区内货币政策与财政政策脱节、高社会福利与低经济增长矛盾以及危机爆发后救助迟缓、乏力等因素导致的,同时它也是欧元区在建立之初就一直存在的严重的结构性缺陷所带来危害的集中体现。欧债危机对欧元区的稳定造成了极大冲击,给欧元未来的命运蒙上了一层阴影。欧元区未来的结局可能是促使欧债危机国家退出欧元区,而这对欧洲一体化进程则是沉重的打击。  相似文献   
1980年代,在世界银行和国际货币基金组织的指导下,大部分撒哈拉以南国家进行了经济结构调整。世界银行和国际货币基金组织所制订的结构调整方案,有一定的合理因素,比如建立市场经济体系和重视农业生产等。但是,由于方案以西方国家经济发展模式为蓝本,与非洲国家的国情不符,改革最终失败。  相似文献   
迫于国际形势和国内外舆论压力,布什政府从2007年开始调整中东政策,把遏制伊朗作为政策重点。为此,美国重新扮演了巴以和平调解人的角色,主动缓和与阿拉伯国家关系。美阿关系的发展对正在积极参与中东事务的中国具有重要意义。未来中东仍是美国对外战略关注的重点,“美国因素”在中阿关系中会更加频繁,三者互动将更为密切。中国对中东问题的积极立场及对中东事务的主动参与,对于推动中、美、阿关系的良性互动将产生深远影响。  相似文献   
Updating the Debate on Intergenerational Fairness in Pension Reform   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article examines the arguments involved in claims about the fairness or unfairness of government policies that would require current working generations to bear the full impact of their lower fertility on the costs of retirement pensions. The analysis is set in the context of a wider review of debate on the role of the idea of generational fairness in assessing options for reform under conditions of population ageing. The article considers three questions: whether generational fairness poses a serious problem for pay‐as‐you‐go pension schemes; whether it is reasonable to assess the generational fairness of pension policy in isolation from other kinds of generational transfer; and whether there is a good case for redistribution from future generations in favour of the baby boom generation.  相似文献   
本文针对我国30个省级区域低碳化进程中的效率评价问题,以DEA综合效率为主体,技术效率与规模效率为辅助进行测算,结果表明各省级区域低碳经济的综合效率差异明显,总体来看,中部最高,西部次之,东部最低。进一步考察各省级区域低碳经济的规模效率,发现我国多数地区投入水平处于规模效益递增阶段,具有较大发展潜力。通过DEA投影分析,以投入冗余度为依据,对效率水平相对落后地区提出了重点改进建议。  相似文献   
作为英语专业教学中一门重要的专业知识必修课,《英语国家概况》是传播英语国家社会文化、培养学生跨文化交际能力的主渠道。现代外语教学理论和现实的需求不断对该课程模式提出更高的要求。对此以建构主义理论为依据,探索学生、教师、任务和环境等方面的多种因素对学习过程的影响,探索如何借助网络多媒体的资源优势发挥学生的主观能动性,实现学生知识的有效构建和吸收以及语言综合运用能力的提高。  相似文献   
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