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以中美俄博弈的决策模式为研究对象,并通过列举中美和中俄两个具有合作性质的博弈案例,进而深入分析中美俄博弈的决策角色、决策动机和决策过程,指出决策角色可分为第一层级、第二层级和辅助层级,而国家利益是最重要的决策动机.为了追求决策效率,三国决策者紧密控制决策过程,防止其他权力部门分享决策权.  相似文献   
作为人民团体,全国妇联凭借着在中国现有政治结构中的特殊地位,履行着代表和维护妇女权益的职能。它通过多种路径选择积极参与《婚姻法》修改过程,施加了影响力,较好地展示了社会团体所应发挥的重要作用,体现出政策制定过程中的民主特性。  相似文献   
In many countries, be it in America (Trump), in Europe (Le Pen), or in Asia (Duterte), radical right populist leaders or parties succeed in gaining power. To what extent would they be able to influence policy-making? Do they really weight upon public decision-making? While the literature on populism and radical right populist parties (RRPP) is abundant, few authors have addressed the relationship between populist promises and policy-making. Yet it is crucial to assess the influence of RRPP nowadays. This article investigates the influence of a most likely case – the Schweizerische Volkspartei (SVP) – on law and order policy-making. The focus is set on a traditional policy sector and on a party with a long institutionalized participation in power. Based on process-tracing, the results show that the SVP influence varies according to the stages of policy-making and to its instruments. Agenda-setting is more significantly influenced, and popular initiatives are an important component of the populist strategy. Results may be generalized to different countries beyond the Swiss case, as shown in the discussion and the conclusion.  相似文献   
我国铁路当前面临的主要矛盾是运输生产力不适应经济社会发展需求,其根本原因在于铁路发展长期滞后。要彻底改变滞后状况,惟一的出路只有加快发展、超常规发展。本文在充分论证加快铁路发展重要意义的基础上,提出如何发展的政策建议。  相似文献   
This article examines changes in the New Labour core executive's approach to regulation and its relationship with risk, through analysing documentary, legislative and press sources concerning approaches to regulatory decision‐making. It claims that an initial commitment to ‘better regulation’ has gradually been replaced by explicit support for deregulation. A reduction in the scope of regulation was also promoted by the Thatcher and Major governments. The New Labour core executive shares previous (Conservative) administrations’ concern to include business in deregulatory decision‐making. However, the article claims that there is one significant difference in the New Labour deregulatory approach: a new toleration of risk. Deregulation is, now, described as a corrective to regulators’ over‐reactions to perceived risks, which, it is claimed, are holding back economic and technological progress. However, this new approach excludes competing views concerning how risk should be regulated. In particular, it does not engage with widespread popular views that governments should continue to protect against risk.  相似文献   
在全球化进程中,危机管理是各国政府面临的一项重大课题。鉴于政府的行政管理活动大多由公共政策来推动,所以就有必要研究危机管理中公共政策的制定。作者界定了危机和危机管理及其特性,分析了处理危机时现行政策制定系统的不足,探讨了危机状态下政策制定系统的优化。  相似文献   
论述最小费用法均衡原理,建立了五种情形的最小费用均衡分析模型。提出把相关收入看作既定的最高收入与相关费用代数和的方法,使最小费用均衡模型更具广泛适用性。通过分析各种应用场合两类相关费用的变化规律及其联系,论证固定资产更新周期和修理周期、各类资产持有量、企事业部门人员和各工种人员定编、企业生产经营规模、企业各类把关程度,以及社会公共物品供给量等等决策变量,在一定条件下都适用最小费用均衡分析模型确定最佳取值。  相似文献   
The Secretary of State for International Development reviews the Government's development strategy. The core commitment is to help mobilize the international political will to meet the aims of the UN international poverty eradication strategy. This will require resource transfers in the form of aid as investment, if the poorest countries are to be enabled to develop more trade and become part of the global economy. Globalization increases wealth creation, yet there is a danger that some countries could become marginalized from the world economy. To avoid this, developing countries must become full participants on the global economic stage, shaping and influencing the global rules in line with their interests and needs. There are three key challenges at the top of the Government's agenda: (1) the mainstreaming of development issues in the formation of UK and EU policy, (2) encouragement and active support for the efforts of developing countries themselves to become active players on the world economic stage, (3) the building of partnerships to make this happen—with governments, with global economic institutions, with the business sector, with donors and with NGOs. Globalization is characterized by the pace of technological change, the emergence of a more sophisticated system of global economic rules—with the World Trade Organization now at centre stage alongside the IMF and the World Bank—and the increasingly important role of multinational companies. Responding to globalization is not an optional extra. The old models of development need to be rethought. The Department for International Development has a key role to play in this, by ensuring that policy-makers in the UK, within the EU and internationally take full account of development aspects from the outset.  相似文献   
太极东堂为魏晋南北朝时期宫殿正殿的东厢房,东堂与十六国北朝政治的关系十分密切,具体表现在四个方面:1.东堂是政治决策的重要场所;2.东堂是举行文武要员及宫室勋戚丧礼的场所;3.东堂是皇帝宴赏大臣、讲论学术与询问政治的场所:4.东堂有时也是发生宫廷政变的场所。  相似文献   
从1948年底决定"在中国门内留一只脚",到1949年底决定予新中国以法律承认,历时整整一年。其间英国政府的决策取向经历了从力图与中国共产党政权建立事实联系到走向事实承认再到法律承认的递进过程。而推动英国政府决策递进的主要因素是中国内战局势的发展所引起的英国国内舆情的变化。英国外交部在对新中国承认的决策过程中起了决定性的作用,而驻华外交官、在华商团及其在伦敦的代理人则是推动承认的急先锋。除殖民事务部外,英国政府其他各主要部门都不同程度地支持承认新政权。另外,英国公众舆论、议会下院,甚至是当时在野的保守党领袖丘吉尔等都在其中起了一定的作用,说明英国对新中国的承认政策经过了充分的酝酿并有着广泛的民意基础。在形势推动下不断调整对新中国外交决策也体现了英国现实主义外交的基本属性。  相似文献   
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