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Self-awareness is generally considered core to effective social work education and professional practice. This paper examines student reflections on personal vulnerability and self-awareness in social, educational, and professional contexts. Ethics approval and student consent was obtained to analyse entries from the online learning component of a second year interpersonal skills course. The week 7 workshop, which focused on the concept of self-awareness, was contextualised and triggered by an online viewing of a relevant TED talk on the power of vulnerability. Qualitative analysis of student entries from this week revealed three core themes: (a) a provocative stimulus, which emphasised the usefulness and challenging nature of the TED talk in the context of workshop learning; (b) vulnerability, scarcity, and blame, which highlighted student identification with stimuli material and their emerging self-awareness; and (c) the importance of self-awareness and connection, which illuminated the students’ beginning applications of theory to practice.


  • Interpersonal skills courses can be well supported by a diverse range of online and classroom stimuli.

  • The intentional scaffolding of self-reflective activities can support early skills development and promote self-awareness.

  • The analysis of student reflections can contribute to effective and responsive curriculum design.

丽娘如镜——对明清时期《牡丹亭》女性阅读的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明清时期,《牡丹亭》是女性热爱的文学读物。女性阅读《牡丹亭》常常带有感性的、情绪化的体验,她们以假为真,把剧中的杜丽娘当成了现实中的真实人物,并将自己的生存状态和心理情感与之进行比较、对照,在感情上带有浓重的"卷入性"。女读者甚至化身为杜丽娘去体验她的感受与痛苦,因此常常会引起强烈的心灵震颤。这主要因为《牡丹亭》符合了女性读者的期待视野。杜丽娘对爱情的渴望反映当时社会环境下每一个闺阁少女内心隐藏的情感,女性读者通过阅读杜丽娘看到了自己对爱情的渴望,并进而发现了自身的容貌美和青春美,产生了朦胧的自我意识。  相似文献   
Sex Differences in Self-awareness of Smiling During a Mock Job Interview   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study examined sex differences in awareness of smiling behavior during a job interview, along with intended outcomes of false smiling. Male and female participants were assigned to the interviewee role of a mock job interview and were videotaped. Results indicate that women were more self-aware of false, but not genuine, smiling. In addition, women reported using false smiles to mask negative emotion and to appear enthusiastic more than did men. Naïve judges rated women who smiled in an attempt to mask negative emotion more harshly than men who smiled for this reason. Implications of these findings for the understanding of sex differences in smiling are discussed.  相似文献   
西晋后期,诸王及诸胡的战争惨烈而频繁,终致两都毁弃,西晋灭亡。然而,这种局面并没有引起东晋统治者强烈的兴亡之思。遗落世务、旷放闲逸成了东晋世族文学创作的基本情趣和格调,社会上也盛行清谈之风。在这种特殊的社会背景下,东晋诗人郭璞在他的诗文中尤其是在他的赠答诗和游仙诗中反复表达了他对社会和人生的深深的忧患意识和超脱思想。  相似文献   
This paper discusses the applications of self-awareness to all levels of clinical practice, and the urgency for its development in social work students; self-reflectiveness builds clinical competence, can prevent boundary violations and burnout, and offers protection against client violence. It is a basic cornerstone for the development of the professional self, which is the foundation for evolving professional maturation. Students need guidance in becoming aware of how their own feelings, attitudes, and relationships with clients are major factors in the helping process in all service settings, and further, that helping others is in itself a process. Students are generally idealistic, and wish to ease suffering, without understanding the obstacles to be overcome, nor how they themselves would be involved in the process. Social work education, dominated by cognitive-behavioral theories and evidence-based treatments, reinforces students' own tendencies to offer advice and to provide the ‘right solution’ to clients' problems. Educational recommendations for developing self-reflectiveness include: reclaiming psychodynamic theories; emphasizing self-awareness academically and in the field; utilizing process recording; and providing special educational opportunities such as video labs and observational experiences.  相似文献   

Many clients relate in ways that elicit emotional responses in practitioners and may also feel pressure to intervene when appropriate action is not yet clear. Practitioners must develop sufficient self-awareness so their own reactions do not interfere with the work they do with clients. Educators exhort their students to be self-aware, but locating methods that foster the capacity can be difficult. Infant observation is an elegant training model that helps to develop self-awareness. The method described here makes use of regular observation, supportive small groups, and repeated detailed examination of what is seen in training both generalist and specialized practitioners. It has become a prototype for the observational study of several kinds of specific populations. Because it attends to people in their own environments and demonstrates a flexible, reflective, multi-modal manner of information-gathering, infant observation is particularly useful in the education of social work practitioners.  相似文献   
杨晓春 《回族研究》2011,(1):112-117
明末清初伊斯兰教学者马明龙的生平与著述,学界注意尚不多.本文介绍了马明龙现存的主要著作<认已醒语>;还依据<经学系传谱·马明龙先生传谱>、<天方正学·武昌真人墓志>、<马四爸爸传略>(<认已醒语>后附)及<马铨华表碑记>,叙述了他的生平;最后简略地总结了马明龙佚存作品的总体状况.  相似文献   
在世情、国情、党情不断发生深刻变化的新的历史时期,中国共产党面临的考验更加复杂、严峻,其中反腐是最大的考验和挑战。党不仅要有对反腐倡廉地位、责任和现状的高度自觉,更要有对中国特色反腐倡廉道路的自信。在高度的自觉和自信中扎实推进反腐倡廉建设,要紧紧围绕“三清”目标,牢固树立“四种意识”,努力强化“四种监督”,扎实反对“四风”,切实提高反腐倡廉建设的科学化水平。  相似文献   
Self-awareness has long been a fundamental concept in the social work profession; however, exactly what self-awareness means and how to teach and apply it in practice remain unclear. We explored social work educators’ teaching methods on self-awareness through the narrative approach of qualitative research. Convenience and snowball sampling were used to select the study sample. Thirty-five social work educators from various colleges and universities across the United States agreed to participate in this study. The results indicated that social work educators employ an emotional learning process, self-disclosure, and humor in the class environment to encourage students to practice self-awareness. Further research is needed to explore and elaborate on the factors that facilitate or obstruct the teaching of self-awareness.  相似文献   
张晓星 《社会工作》2009,(22):27-29
良好的自我觉察能力是社工能有效帮助案主的重要因素,而自我觉察就是要在个案工作中以及结案后时刻敏感觉察自己的价值观、个人需求、未完成事件、与案主的关系以及文化差异等。自我觉察能力可以通过反思学习、接受再培训、接受专业督导、巩固自己支持系统等方式来培养。  相似文献   
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