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Do Lets Work?     
This study aims to uncover some of the reasons for differences in attitudes towards family‐friendly and equal opportunities (EO) policies for women between senior and junior staff and between male and female staff. This in‐depth case study of a multi‐national corporation in Hong Kong that included a survey questionnaire, interviews and participant observation suggests four categories of female employees according to their approach to EO: advocators, supporters, outsiders and rejecters. The approach adopted was dependent on the woman's level of empathy towards the situation of working women and the extent of her career ambition. Four categories of male employees can also be classified depending on their level of empathy towards women's situation (similar to women's case) and their extent of career satisfaction (in contrast to women's career ambition), namely, antagonists, outsiders, fence‐sitters and sympathizers. Women at higher levels were less supportive of EO than women at lower levels. No such clear relationship between organizational level and attitudes towards EO was observed among men. In Hong Kong, female managers had little expectation that their organization would be family‐friendly and women workers who consciously chose to balance work and family accepted that it meant fewer promotional chances. No such self‐adjusted depressed ambition was observed among men.  相似文献   
Les auteurs analysent l'effet de la directive européenne relative à l'information et à la consultation des travailleurs sur les pratiques participatives en entreprise au Royaume‐Uni et en Irlande. Dans une analyse conceptuelle et empirique, qui fait appel à la théorie des jeux, ils formulent trois hypothèses explicatives, qu'ils cherchent à vérifier avec des données qualitatives recueillies auprès de seize entreprises. La démonstration permet de comprendre pourquoi la coopération, gage de gains mutuels, n'est pas la solution qui l'emporte dans les pays examinés, et elle nous en dit un peu plus sur l'effet des normes sur la gestion participative dans les économies de marché libérales.  相似文献   
L'auteure analyse sous un angle géographique la lutte collective des travailleurs de plateforme. Distinguant deux formes de travail de plateforme (l'offre de services locaux et le microtravail), elle examine leurs caractéristiques spatiales respectives et les stratégies d'organisation collective spécifiques à chacune. À partir de trois démarches de dialogue social (comités d'entreprise, négociation collective et accords multientreprises), elle cherche à comprendre pourquoi chaque catégorie de travailleurs de plateforme choisit telle stratégie plutôt que telle autre. Elle analyse les cadres réglementaires dans lesquels s'inscrivent les luttes collectives de ces travailleurs et les chances de voir cette mobilisation améliorer leurs conditions de travail.  相似文献   
Si les plateformes ont donné du travail à beaucoup d’Africains, les emplois créés sont de mauvaise qualité, comme la pandémie l'a bien montré. Dans ce contexte, les auteurs examinent la situation particulière des chauffeurs VTC en Afrique en s'appuyant sur des entretiens approfondis, réalisés au Kenya, et sur les méthodes de l'ethnographie virtuelle. Ils montrent que ces travailleurs ont recours à un «régime de débrouille», associant résilience, réajustement et résistance. Pour améliorer les conditions de travail et lutter contre la précarité dans le secteur, il faut à la fois que les pouvoirs publics instaurent des cadres réglementaires et que les travailleurs se mobilisent collectivement.  相似文献   
This general survey of the economics of attention presents the major theoretical models for exploring the mechanisms for “allocating” attention in an economy where it is a scarce resource. Writers have emphasized various means for attracting attention: the recognition, relevance, style and power of the emitter of information. The economics of attention subjects parties on the Internet and in the electronic media to two apparently opposite rationales. The first seeks to protect the attention of users from an information overload and improve its allocation. The second seeks to capture, for firms, the attention of customers or audiences in order to make money from it. Reconciling these two approaches is a challenge for innovation and an asset for competing in the digital economy.  相似文献   
The relation between urban informality and industrial modernity is analyzed by examining very small businesses specialized in selling prepared food to workers in the transnational manufacturing plants (maquiladoras) along Mexico’s northern border. In the urban setting along this border, the model of an export-driven industrialization is compatible with premodern aspects of the subsistence economy. In fact, it depends on subsistence activities for its very existence. As a consequence, informal services have emerged that help stabilize the work force needed by these plants. A survey of the owners of these microbusinesses has provided data for analyzing the organization and operation of this commerce and its relation with the family as a social unit. — Special issue: Latin America.  相似文献   
In the social sciences, the idea of an informal sector has been criticized more for the classification of economic activities in two separate sectors than for the labeling of them as “formal” or “informal”. In the Congo (formerly Zaire), the use of such labels is ambiguous. Labeling has to be understood in the context of corruption, i.e., in a transaction involving the personal networks and social identities of the parties to it. An analysis is made of how such transactions with civil servants shape the local market in the case of the import trade in Katanga. Compared with the formal/informal cleavage, this approach enables us both to see the labeling of economic activities as a social and political process and to draw attention to the plurality of such practices in relations with authorities.  相似文献   
Le chômage des jeunes ne se présente pas partout sous le même jour et dépend de différents facteurs agissant en synergie. Après une synthèse documentaire sur la question, l'auteur procède à une analyse en classification hiérarchique pour repérer les modes d'organisation de la protection sociale et du marché du travail pouvant influer en la matière dans l'UE27. Sur les cinq modèles mis en évidence, celui qui a l'effet le plus favorable sur le ratio de chômage des jeunes et le chômage de long terme dans la tranche d'âge associe prépondérance de l'apprentissage, politique sociale et familiale généreuse et politiques actives du marché du travail.  相似文献   
The extension of social protection to all has become a central policy objective, both nationally and internationally. A considerable number of middle‐ and low‐income countries have undertaken substantial efforts to extend social protection, while the international community reaffirmed its commitment to the extension of social protection through the adoption of the ILO Recommendation concerning National Floors of Social Protection, No. 202 (2012). This article reviews the legal provisions and the implementation of the Indian Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), legislated in 2005, and does so in the light of the more recent provisions of ILO Recommendation No. 202. Since its introduction ten years ago, MGNREGA has provided a source of income to rural workers, increased wage rates, achieved high female participation rates and created durable assets. India's local governance bodies, Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRI), have been empowered and involved in the processes of planning and monitoring. However, despite successes, there have been considerable shortcomings in implementation. This article highlights two central themes: first, the innovative policy framework of the Act, which brings together rights‐based entitlements, demand‐driven employment, and citizen‐centred monitoring. Second, it assesses the accessibility and adequacy of benefits in the implementation of MGNREGA. We conclude that MGNREGA offers potential for South‐South learning, both in terms of policy‐design and implementation.  相似文献   
The socio-demographic characteristics of couriers who work through digital platforms in Mexico reveal that more than 85 per cent of these workers have completed full-time secondary education and 83 per cent of these workers are young (aged 14 to 44). However, only 25 per cent are covered for health services and social security benefits. Against this backdrop, and guided by international experience, we set out a proposal to provide these workers with a tailored package of social security benefits. The proposal would require to categorize couriers who work through digital platforms as “digital workers”, introduce a special scheme for these workers based on voluntary affiliation, and offer a specific portfolio of benefits.  相似文献   
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