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汤显祖的思想相当驳杂,“道学”是最值得重视的因素。“道学”形而上的内在精神超越,赋予了汤氏独特的“思想者”气质,并进而影响他的文体选择。其古文理想和曲体价值观,均显示出重道德理性的传统“杂文学”观念在晚明时期的回潮。  相似文献   
文章利用一般自我效能感量表和简易应对方式量表,对某校大学生作抽样调查,结果显示:不同性别和专业的大学生在自我效能感和应对方式上无显著差异;大学生自我效能感的来源存在偏差,主导性的应对方式也有错位。这表明当代大学生的心态并非都是积极的。因此,高校思想政治工作者要高度关注和研究大学生的心态问题,要培养大学生基于能力的自我效能感,要形成以行动为主导的应对方式,要建立起积极心态培训机制。  相似文献   
本文从《血色黄昏》反映生活的真实性、作者塑造人物形象的典型性以及独特的表现风格三个方面,对小说作了评述。  相似文献   
以往,研究者习惯称六朝为个性解放的时代,并以此为前提来观照此期的婚恋小说,而忽视了礼法观念与婚姻制度等诸多社会思想文化的作用,有失偏颇。六朝的婚恋小说应该是多种因素共同作用的结果,只有综合起来研究才能合理解释它的产生及其诸多特点的形成原因。  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to explore the degree (and type) of burnout and trauma symptoms, personal histories and coping strategies retrospectively reported by those who work with maltreated children and their families. A self‐selected sample of workers (N = 44) completed a self‐report questionnaire assessing childhood maltreatment, family background characteristics, current adjustment, coping strategies and burnout. Workers reported high levels of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, and a low to moderate sense of personal accomplishment. Family background characteristics predicted the occurrence of maltreatment and current adjustment, and a personal history of maltreatment predicted current trauma symptoms, but not burnout. Workers most frequently used problem‐focused coping strategies and sought social support; however, coping strategies were not associated with the level of either trauma symptoms or burnout. Despite employing positive coping strategies, their efficacy may be affected by other interpersonal, intra‐individual and job resource issues. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
学风建设作为高校建设中一项非常重要的内容 ,需要常抓不懈。通过分析目前高校学风建设中存在的问题 ,提出学风建设需领导充分重视 ,纳入整体规划 ;抓教风促学风 ;深化教学改革 ,充分调动多数同学的学习积极性 ;以点带面 ,逐步推广等具体措施。  相似文献   
在当今的信息时代,地市级党报发展面临着机遇和挑战。对此,在分析国内外传媒业激烈竞争形势的基础上,揭示了新形势为地市级党报所带来的发展机遇,并根据地市级党报的特有优势提出了走差别化竞争路子,以张扬个性来拓展生存空间和采取增加信息量、增强可读性、提高服务性、加强深度报道、搞好舆论监督等措施来提高引力与张力的发展战略。  相似文献   
This study examines the relationships among personal coping resources, social support, external coping resources, job stressors and job strains in a sample of 110 American Telephone and Telegraph employees undergoing a major organizational restructuring. The study expanded on a model suggested by Ashford (1988) by defining another category of coping resources that employees may draw upon to deal with the stressors and strains which occur during major organizational changes. External coping resources were defined as those which provided employees with a sense of 'vicarious control' in stressful situations. Results indicated that personal coping resources, social support and external coping resources had a direct effect upon job stressor and strain levels. No 'buffering' effect of these coplng resources was found. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that external coping resources added to the prediction of job stressors and strains even when pertonal coping resources and social support were entered first into the prediction questions.  相似文献   
数字技术当前深度参与文化产业的内容生产,对创作群体、生产活动、传播形式和消费语境等多方面皆产生重大影响,形成了全新的数字文化产业生态。然而,有些数字文化产品过于强调技术而忽视文化的特殊性,导致出现内容生产粗糙随意、价值判断标准矮化、意识形态风险增加等问题,不能稳定地输出品位高、社会效益佳的文化产品,未来发展面临挑战。对此,数字文化产业的内容生产需要打破“注意力经济”的单一模式、改良人工智能算法的激励与推荐机制、探索文化生产评价标准的自我更新,从而推动新时代数字文化产业的高质量发展。  相似文献   
水库移民分享水电工程效益旨在促成显性工程效益和隐性发展机遇实现跨地域、跨组织、跨主体的公平配置。 作为水库移民的应然权利,利益分享既符合公正补偿的制度逻辑,更彰显共商共建共赢的发展理念,但目前补偿救济色彩较重、市场导向偏弱,并存在后靠移民发展权利及机遇隐性被动减损、外迁移民脱嵌于迁出地及受益地发展红利、非农移民缺乏系统保障等实践困境,其原因在于水电工程综合效益量化难度大、参与主体关系地位不对等、执行管理机构人员配置短缺。 因此应健全水电工程效益分享协同管理机制,鼓励水电企业履行社会责任,优先助力贫困水库移民脱贫,灵活渐进地实现水库移民分享工程效益实践机制的稳步定型和有序推广。  相似文献   
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