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罪刑法定原则是现代刑法三大基本原则之一。罪刑法定原则的意义在于限制国家的刑罚权,保障公民自由和人权,也就是国家司法机关行使刑罚权与公民自由之间给定了一个明确的界限。刑事法律的适用客观上存在一个解释问题,即解释的合法性问题。在合法性问题上,又存在经验主义与规范主义之争,马克斯.韦伯和哈贝马斯就是经验主义与规范主义的代表人物,他们分别论述了刑法适用解释的合法性诉求,并指出刑法适用解释的实际功能。  相似文献   
法社会学的百年历程   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
学科意义上的法社会学在中外走过了110余年的旅程,历经曲折而又异彩纷呈。它真实地记载了法律本位的变化,并日益呈现出历史主义与经验主义的双向视野融合。  相似文献   
国内学术界论述审美判断力与目的论判断力的内在关系以及自然的合目的性原理的形成问题时,常常从其哲学体系出发,把目的论判断力作为审美判断力的“衍生物”,把自然的合目的性原理看作由审美判断力提供的。这是一种未经历史分析的独断。通过康德美学先验转向的历史分析,可以说明康德是如何通过目的论的研究为审美判断力寻找到了先验的原理———目的性原理,从而澄清学术界对于康德美学中目的论的认识。  相似文献   
休谟哲学常常被诠释为一种具有心理主义倾向的经验论,但其作为一个历史学家的身份在其哲学研究和探讨中较受忽略,因此,休谟哲学中所隐藏的历史性和历史意识的向度并未受到充分重视。文章旨在通过对休谟文本的再度诠释,揭示和展现其哲学中的历史意识,这也是一种深化和准确理解休谟哲学的新维度。  相似文献   
博克的崇高论对康德有很大影响 ,但它们奠基于不同的哲学基础之上 ,因而其理论形态也是不一样的。博克的崇高理论流于经济主义的描述 ,康德对之作了先验哲学的提升 ,从而实现了对博克的超越  相似文献   
Our intention is to state the main characteristics of intervention sociology, from its origins, the beginnings of which can be situated in Frédéric Le Play's monographic work carried out 150 years ago, to its present forms. Rather seldom mentioned in sociological literature or if so in the course of a paragraph or in methodological appendixes, intervention sociology, although widely practised outside the academic field, today still lacks legibility and institutional recognition. By proposing a thorough reading of the main theories and conceptions developed during the past two centuries, our article aims at explaining, through the sociological prism, the fundamental concepts of intervention sociology.  相似文献   
近代英国经验论的演变从根本上讲是其实体观的演变.实体观的演变,无疑与经验论者逐渐将经验论原则坚持到底,愈来愈片面地强调经验的作用有关;但更为深刻的原因还在于实体范畴本身存在着一定的弊端及产生演变的契机.客观地评价英国经验论的演变这一历史现象,要深刻认识经验论者的认识错误,要充分肯定其对人类认识进一步发展的积极影响.  相似文献   
张东荪试图突破丁文江唯觉主义的局限 ,一方面用先验论补充经验论 ,一方面用经验论限制先验论 ,建立了多元认识论学说。这种学说虽然未能冲破实证论的藩篱 ,但上承丁文江下启金岳霖 ,仍在 2 0世纪中国哲学发展史上占有重要位置。  相似文献   
What was Durkheim doing—in the sense of an intended social action—in writing De la Division du travail social? At least a part of the answer is that Durkheim's project was linguistic—i.e., he was attempting to replace an outworn vocabulary of Cartesian metaphysics with a more Germanic lexicon—one in which simplicity gave way to complexity, the abstract to the concrete, the ideal to the real, deduction to induction, rationalism to empiricism, and so on. To some extent, this was motivated by the superiority—widely acknowledged among intellectuals of the Third Republic—of German science and Protestant scientific education. But an additional motivation was Durkheim's belief that only a real, concrete entity—society as a “thing” (chose)—could provide an object worthy of the veneration of the “new man” of the Republic. Durkheim's attempt to construct a science of social facts was therefore itself subsidiary to another, “higher” purpose—i.e., the construction of a moral authority (real, concrete, complex) adequate to the needs of the Third French Republic. Rather than an end in itself, Durkheim's sociology should thus be seen as a means to other ends—i.e., the “construction” of a particular kind of “fact”—within a specific social and historical context.  相似文献   
<无梦楼随笔>是张中晓于 1955年因胡风冤案的牵连,在极端困苦和孤独的最后十年所作的思想札记.他从经验主义出发,思考了经验和理性的关系,批判了当时学术界占主导地位的黑格尔"绝对理念"、"历史逻辑"的观念.他强调个体理性的价值和意义,对信仰、真理和传统文化作了深刻的反思,并且揭露了上世纪五、六十年代中国社会和政治的一些丑陋面目.透过这些用生命铸成的文字,可以看到一位正直的知识分子的灵魂.  相似文献   
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