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一般认为,文学翻译中对于文化差异的处理可分为两种:以源语文化为归宿和以目的语文化为归宿,前者即“异化”,后者即“归化”。异化论与归化论似乎不可调和,而实际上,翻译中没有绝对的异化,也不会有绝对的归化。文化的异质性和文化交流的必要性决定了翻译中文化杂合的必然,文化杂合具有抵抗强势文化的积极意义。异质文化在林语堂译《浮生六记》时的兼容与杂合为我们提供了具体的实例,说明了除异化与归化之外,文化杂合也是文学翻译中处理文化问题的一条成功之路。  相似文献   
The diaspora of peoples whose origins were in the Indian subcontinent (South Asia) and who are now living in Western countries (especially the U.S. and UK) provides an interesting example of processes of negotiation of new hybrid cultures and identities, using new technologies, such as the Internet, and older technologies like the video player, cable or satellite television, radio, and telephone. These developments may require a revision of the classic sociological picture of assimilation as a zero sum model of acculturation, in which the acculturation of immigrants and their children involves the gradual replacement of their ethnic culture by that of the culture of the host nation. The electronic media, in the context of policies of multiculturalism, may lead to an accentuation of religio-ethnic differences. Contrary to previous assumptions, middle-class immigrants may be more inclined to resist cultural assimilation than their lower-class counterparts.  相似文献   
We examine the challenges of governance facing organizations that pursue a social mission through the use of market mechanisms. These hybrid organizations, often referred to as social enterprises, combine aspects of both charity and business at their core. In this paper we distinguish between two ideal types of such hybrids, differentiated and integrated, and we conceptualize two key challenges of governance they face: accountability for dual performance objectives and accountability to multiple principal stakeholders. We revisit the potential and limitations of recently introduced legal forms to address these challenges. We then theorize about the importance of organizational governance and the role of governing boards in particular, in prioritizing and aligning potentially conflicting objectives and interests in order to avoid mission drift and to maintain organizational hybridity in social enterprises. Finally, we discuss future research directions and the implications of this work for rethinking traditional categories of organizations, namely business and charity.  相似文献   
通过明清以来的西学中译史,论证了西学中译的文化杂合及非文化殖民性,为防止后殖民翻译外延内涵无限扩大化提供了佐证。西学中译的主流不是后殖民翻译所能涵盖的,而是属于正常的文化交流和融合。中外文化和思想的交流从来都是双向的,不但来自西方的学说深刻地改变了中国人的思相和社会面貌.而且中国思想也在西方产生影响。  相似文献   

This paper draws on an in-depth case study of narrative identity work to explore heuristically the role of host country nationals in the reproduction of orientalist discourses in multinational corporations (MNCs). Based on this analysis, it presents an identity strategy termed the other Chinese. The other Chinese claims to be in-between the West, that is constructed as superior modern and rational, and China, that is constructed as backwards and chaotic. This in-betweenness allows the other Chinese to take the role of a mediator between locals and expatriates, and at the same time claim superiority towards normal Chinese. Thus, this identity construction is a creative act of hybridization and localization, but it is not subversive to existing power structures in the MNCs. However, as we show, the construction of the other Chinese is not inextricably bound to the field of the MNCs, but is based on a hybrid and creative entanglement of various sources such as class positions and public discourse in China, in which the MNCs only occupy an insignificant role. It is, therefore, to be understood as an aspect of identity construction in China relevant for MNC identity, rather than an aspect of the transnational field of the MNCs.  相似文献   
作为菲利普斯所有作品中最知名的一部,《渡河》不仅仅让他两次入选布莱克纪念奖,还对流散问题的探讨最为深刻,几乎囊括了菲利普斯所有流散思想的核心内容,分别是错位主题、混杂本质和超越期盼。错位是卡里尔·菲利普斯生存常态的真实写照,也是他的作品中常见的主题。从第一部小说《最后的通道》开始,菲利普斯就不断的关注流散视阈中的"错位"。而在"错位"主题的基础上,菲利普斯流散思想的本质是提倡一种独特的混杂流散观念,不计种族、民族和性别的差异,将处于流散中的所有群族考虑在内,这是一种开放的、流动的反本质主义的流散思想。而菲利普斯呼吁的是一种能够超越种族、民族和性别差异的流散观念。  相似文献   
帕慕克是一位文化杂合的作家。帕慕克笔下的爱情故事是一种媚俗的叙事。帕慕克小说的主人公是无足轻重的、边缘的。这些帕慕克研究中的定论与空白,为我们更深入地理解帕慕克提供了一条通道:帕慕克在追求故乡忧郁的灵魂时到底发现了什么?什么是“文明冲突与交织的新象征”?这是国内外学界至今仍未回答的一个问题。其实,答案就在我们对帕慕克之爱情叙事与主人公的误读和批评之中。  相似文献   
Through analysis of 178 texts posted online by university leaders during a severe budget shortfall, I explore the tensions that arise as managerialist practices are recontextualized within university governance. I identify 64 texts constitutive of a hybrid genre, which I call the ‘budget update’. The structure and linguistic features of this genre are described. Interdiscursive and intertextual analysis demonstrate hybridities that emerge when leaders enact, negotiate, and resist managerialism.  相似文献   
战后冲绳文化的混杂性并非是在本土文化之上对美日文化的简单叠加,而是在多重文化的矛盾冲突中走向文化重组,进而形成一种混杂的新型文化。而在这一过程中,冲绳民族在历史舞台上也经历了从“迷茫”到“发声”再到“觉醒”的成长蜕变。战后冲绳文化的混杂性于文学书写中再现的不仅是冲绳民族的成长与蜕变,也是冲绳作家在历史流变中对自我身份及民族身份的认同。  相似文献   

Northeast India, a ‘zipper region’ that gives impetus to Southeast Asian and Himalasian studies, is marked by complexities and ambiguities. The paper examines the multiple identity construction in contemporary Assam, the central state of this region and seeks to recover the other experiences that make ethnic life-world possible while challenging the ethnocentric discourses—in academia, politics, public and social movements. Acknowledging the presence of common or possibly universal processes behind the production of such discourses, it aims to interrogate the factors that cut across socio-cultural, political-economical or ecological dimensions. It further examines the multiple discourses and narratives that makes that social possible in the region. In doing so, it locates the strategic positioning of such discourses and how they deal with Indian nation-state and beyond. This paper in essence is interested in the question of possibility of various discourses—as a question of post-history.  相似文献   
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